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Nexus Mods Profile

About Trueform

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3 & Fallout: NV
  1. Ah yeah, a duplicate might do the job. I'm not quite as familiar with the CK as I'd like to be, so it's nice to have a second opinion. Thanks for the prompt reply too, it's appreciated :)
  2. Hello, I used to mod Fallout 3 and New Vegas, so I've been out of the modding loop for quite a while. I was just curious, with the creation kit is there any way to change the appearance of a weapon or piece of armour in-game without changing its properties? For example, if I wanted to make a silver sword look like a steel sword with an in-game activator or something but keep the silver sword's stats changing nothing but the sword's model, would that be possible? Thanks in advance for any help recieved.
  3. That must be my problem, I bet I just have the stack in the wrong order. Thank you very much once again :D
  4. Ok, I took some pictures, maybe this will help :) http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/Prob01.png This is my textured model. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/Prob02.png This is the message I get when I try to move the model. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/Prob03.png This is the result when I continue past that message, and when I move the models, the textures stay in the same co-ordinates while the models move. Sorry if this is a really simple or obvious problem, but I guess anything is only simple if you know how to do it. Anyhoo, like I said, I want to start animating the model, but obviously I can't animate it if the textures are staying in the same place while the model moves around o_O anyone know where I'm going wrong? Thank you in advance :)
  5. Hmm I'm not quite sure if a pic will help, due to the fact it will only show a blank or warped texture. I have unwrapped the UVWs and used pelt mapping, made the texture and added it via the material editor onto the model. When I move the model, however, the UVW co-ordinates stay in the same place while the model moves, causing the texture to warp and change. I am still a beginner to be honest, but I know there should be a way to stick the texture onto the model somehow, so when the model moves, the texture will move with the model. I just don't know how! If I'm still not explaining myself properly, I will try to get a few pics to show what I mean if possible, just let me know if it's needed :)
  6. Hi guys, I have a texture all set up and applied to my model, but I don't know how to 'glue' it onto the model (sorry, I don't know the technical term :( ). Basically, I know that if I want to animate a model, the texture will need to be somehow attached to the model, but at the moment whenever I move the model, the texture stays in the same place due to the uvw co-ordinates. Can anyone please help me with this problem?
  7. Thank you very much for the link and for your advice, I really appreciate it :) I love your 3D work, btw :)
  8. Thank you very much for the advice, I have given kudos to show my appreciation :) if you could spare the time, I would love to know how you think my model's looking :) http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/CharTempSample2.png Would you please be able to tell me if this looks a bit better? I followed your advice and made some more seams, split the body a bit better (hopefully)
  9. I have started teaching myself 3D modelling through Youtube tutorial vids and basically just looking online. Starting small is, as mentioned, a good idea but you also need to start with something that keeps your interest; for example, I started getting LOADS of weapons pictures online for reference and then just practised modelling them. If you don't work with something you hold no interest in, if you're anything like me, you will get bored easily no matter how determined you are. http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Modeling-a-detailed-dagger-in-3DsMax/73456 This tutorial really helped me, plus the modeller's accent is easy to listen to; I always find it easy to watch videos when the person's voice is interesting enough :) A good tutorial for helping set up references, http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/autodesk-3d-studio-max/3d_cg_tutorial_pelt_mapping_3dsmax_uving_unwrapping_quick_tip_walkthrough/ I am currently struggling with pelt mapping for my own case-specific model (if anyone can help, please look on my help request in this forum!) but this is a good tut for the basics. Some touched-upon modelling advice, mostly a texturing tut. Look at other people's models online, you can get a lot of pictures of meshes for 3D models which show how the polygons shape together well. Don't get too down-hearted if the first models you do don't look great, because it's all about learning new things. I aim to learn at least one new thing a day which is a good aim if you have the time to spare. When you start making models for practise, as long as you don't intend to use them for anything official, don't worry about using pictures of other people's art, etc - if it's only for personal use and you don't intend to post it anywhere, etc I doubt anyone will mind (I know I wouldn't, as long as it helps people). If you do want to use them for anything, obviously you will need permission from the person who designed/made/drew the original (it goes without saying, but I said it anyway to cover everyone's back). I started with basic knives and swords, now I have moved on to simple creature modelling - I'm no expert, still a beginner really, but I am making progress :) Some good creature designs to look into are the basic pokemon, they have good rounded shapes, reference is easy to find and the first generation pokemon designs are simple enough to play with. People will be next for me! Forgetting things initially is very common. The more you do things, the easier it will be to remember them and they will become a routine. Try to remember simple shortcuts. If you struggle to remember them, write down things in a notebook to keep at the side of your computer and look them up, but only if you get really stuck; there's no rush if you're just practising for yourself and don't have deadlines. At first, don't worry about learning polygon counts, that can be remedied easily enough when you get used to it. If you have any problems with disappearing tools, etc google the problem as precisely as you can for advice, most people will have encountered the same ones at some point or another and sought out help. Here's some useful starting shortcuts and some common problems I encountered and their solutions: Alt & X - Transparant mode, makes your objects see-through for easier reference modelling. Alt & W - Expands your currently selected window, or shrinks it back to multi-window options. F4 - Line mode, good for cutting objects for new lines/vertices and easily seeing how shapes are formed. 7 - Shows your polycount, for use when you need to be more precise. Ctrl & X - Expert mode, will reduce the menu, so if your sidebar disappears, this may be why. X - Toggles the tools gizmo to show and hide; if your gizmo disappears, this may be why. Space bar - Locks your selection. If vertices disappear, or can't be selected, etc this may be why. S - snaps to grid. This can be a useful tool and a problem, depending on the situation. If you have trouble being exact with your selection, check to see if this is your problem. I know this is basic beginning advice, but it helped me, so hopefully other people will find it useful to :)
  10. Hi there, I have started teaching myself 3D modelling with Max. I'm no expert, but I've managed to get a simple model of a Charmander pokemon together http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/CharTempModSample.png I have got to the pelt mapping stage, but I'm a bit stumped. Having looked online and not finding any useful video tutorials that could help me with my particular problem, I was wondering if anyone on here would be able to help? This is what I have so far: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/CharTempSample.png Does this look right for the pelt mapping body? I try to relax it and change the pelt to be a bit more stretched out, but it doesn't really do much, I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad sign! Any help will be greatly appreciated :)
  11. Hi, I haven't used NVSE much, but I was wondering - does the program allow you to use the COC or COE console commands as in-game scripting commands? Any useful advice will be rewarded with kudos :) Thanking you in anticipation :)
  12. Hi all, I have been modding New Vegas and Fallout 3 for a while now, and I would like to take on a very large and ambitious project, but I need some help to get it off the ground. I would like to remake FO3 within New Vegas. Q: This has been done before! A: I know this has been done before in one way or another and there is no disrespect meant to the modders who have worked on those projects, which have been excellent. Q: Why not use one of those mods? A: The main reason for me wanting to do this is that it would be a lot less complicated (in the long run, at least) to have all the databasing of Fallout 3 within the NV Geck, which would make editing and compatability with other mods simple when the end result is reached. It's something I would like to say I have done and been a part of. Q: Isn't importing FO3 resources into NV illegal? A: For personal use, no. For distribution use and in terms of abiding to the Nexus guidelines, I do not plan on including any files found outside of New Vegas within the mod. That will all be imported by the player when the mod is finished, so players will still have to own both games. All that will be included is the databasing, so no illegality there. Ok, well now my brief stint of Q&A madness has receded, here's my thoughts. I have experience in mapping, navmeshing and general databasing, as well as some scripting experience. I have a lot of time on my hands, and I will be working hard on this myself (I have already mapped out a few areas in the most basic way possible). I would love to have some help with this and I am requesting the aid of any modder who would like to contribute; no matter how small the contribution, it will be appreciated. Ideally, I would like the help of a scripter, mapper, navmesher, databaser and especially a worldspace..umm..er because, as you can imagine, it seems almost impossible to add that much stuff myself before I turn old and grey. Anyhoo, thank you for your time and if you are interested, please PM me rather than leaving a note on the forums, simply because I'm going to be beavering away at the project and won't have much time to trawl through them! Nonetheless, I will try and check the forums as often as possible, but time is of the essence! I'm getting older as we speak! o_O I hope to hear from you soon!
  13. I went the alternate route and decided to make them into statics rather than activators and add an activator plaque nearby. Took all day, but it worked out better. Thank you anyway for yout time guys and thanks for the info :)
  14. Ah, sorry, I don't think I explained myself too well when you asked what I was using as an activator :sweat: I have extracted the files and made a new activator with a weapons graphic, but it can still be knocked off the wall if it's nudged. I didn't know if there was a script or a way of making it non-havok so that it would just stay there, while still having the 'activate' label on it :)
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