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About Grizzly256

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    Fallout new vegas
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  1. Ok so dont know if this will be responded to, but i'll try none the less. I am using the very latest version of the FNV4gb mod. I have a shortcut copied to my desktop and have modified the target tag line to include " -SteamAppID 22380". Even with this new entry every time i launch the game using the 4gb mod shortcut it takes me straight to the launcher page instead. My understanding of this mod is that it is not supposed to do that. I am suing the steam version and have updated everything, can someone please tell me how i make this work? i am not using a laptop and i checked the renderinfo.ini and it is detecting my 2 video cards (2x GTX760 OC 4gb). Please help!!
  2. Hi I was curious as to whether or not i could get a mod that allows the character and NPCs to hang there helmet or hat off their belt. Also was looking for a mod that allows you to call in a airstrike from the boomers B29 Super Fortress. that would be pretty awesome. Any advice would be appreciated thanks
  3. While there are turrets in FO3 and FNV, they are all A.I., automatic turrets. What i suggest is turrets that NPCs and the PC can use, such as gatling turrets, light machine gun turrets, grenade machine gun turrets and so on. It occurs to me that with a proper military of the NCR Army, they have no turrets or emplacements for defending key positions instead relying soley on infantry small arms. This just doesn't seem right. Any mod that introduces turrets would be pretty expansive, it would require new animations and scripting, not to mention new models and textures for weapon mounts. I am not sure if there is already a mod that dose this, but i have been unable to find one, so i am assuming there isn't one. So if anyone is interested, or just wishes to show support for the mod, drop a line here on this thread. Thanks
  4. Well i bought the game brand new, not one week ago, and to get it too work i have had to reinstall my entire OS, just to get it to work. With this in mind, is it too much to ask of the developers that they ensure that there game will work when people buy it, and to the publishers, please gives the devs enough time to thouroughly check games before they go to sale, i mean christ, we pay $90au for these and they dont work, we have to wait weeks, or months for a patch to come out so we can play the game, and even then, the patch might not solve your particular issue. If anyone from bethesda or obsidian is reading this, take heed, people are not happy about the amount of bugs in this game I'm at the point where you have to talk to the ranger in charge of the NCRs security for the presidents visit, however just as he tells me to get some rest for the mission, the screen fades to black, then crashes. This has happened both playing AS Mr House and the NCR, and to make matters worse, 2 days ago i reinstalled my ENTIRE OS from scratch, all the updates are done, all the drivers are the latest, and new vegas is the only game i have installed. what the f*** IS WRONG WITH IT!!!???!?!?!. When i buy a game, i expect it to work. I have discovered that bug afftects me everytime i sleep, wait or the quest dose it for me. What re your thoughts on this issue specs i7 2.66ghz 4gb RAM 1x 150gig velociraptor 1x 1terabyte HDD 1x GTX280 Gigabyte X58 extreme motherboard XP home Office 2007 Enterprise
  5. On a intresting note, excactly the same thing happens when try to have a brain installed for rex, and the doctor tells me to wait, it faids to black, then crashes.
  6. ah yes i have tried it without mods actually, same result, i only have 7 mods running, and there just weapon a location mods, nothing with scripting in them, so i dont undersatnd whats wrong
  7. I'm at the point where you have to talk to the ranger in charge of the NCRs security for the presidents visit, however just as he tells me to get some rest for the mission, the screen fades to black, then crashes. This has happened both playing AS Mr House and the NCR, and to make matters worse, 2 days ago i rienstalled my ENTIRE OS from scratch, all the updates are done, all the drivers are the latest, and new vegas is the only game i have installed. what the f*** IS WRONG WITH IT!!!???!?!?!. When i buy a game, i expect it to work.\\ specs i7 2.66ghz 4gb RAM 1x 150gig velociraptor 1x 1terabyte HDD 1x GTX280 Gigabyte X58 extreme motherboard XP home Office 2007 Enterprise
  8. My game crashes on startup, its a clean fresh install yet it dose not wont to start. I think it may be related to the same cause as to the failure of my office 2007 program to start, any ideas on what is causing it and how to fix it. Please help pc setup: Core i7 2.66ghz 4Gb ram 1x 10,000rpm 150 gig velociraptor 1x 1terabyte 7200rpm 1x GTX280 GPU Windows XP Home
  9. As i talk to the NCR ranger in charge of the security for the presidents visit to the hoover damn, the screen fades to black, as you 'rest' then my game crashes, the only mods i am using is the M14 and the M82, what could be causing this and how do i fix it?
  10. Hi I was thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if you could incorporate all of your favourite mods, with there associated textures, meshes and sounds into the core fallout 3 files and/or executable. This would (i hope) take away a lot of the problems with incompatability that are faced by many of us with mods in fallout 3. Unfourtunetly, while this may be a good idea, i have no idea how to do. Does anyone here know how to do that or even if it would be possible.
  11. HI I wish to know what is the best load order for the mods: FOOK 2 1.0, Weapon Mod Kits, CALIBR, CALIBR Munitions shop, Survival of the fittest. I have a unpatched version of GOTY edition, with the latest version of FOSE and FOMM.
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