Well i bought the game brand new, not one week ago, and to get it too work i have had to reinstall my entire OS, just to get it to work. With this in mind, is it too much to ask of the developers that they ensure that there game will work when people buy it, and to the publishers, please gives the devs enough time to thouroughly check games before they go to sale, i mean christ, we pay $90au for these and they dont work, we have to wait weeks, or months for a patch to come out so we can play the game, and even then, the patch might not solve your particular issue. If anyone from bethesda or obsidian is reading this, take heed, people are not happy about the amount of bugs in this game I'm at the point where you have to talk to the ranger in charge of the NCRs security for the presidents visit, however just as he tells me to get some rest for the mission, the screen fades to black, then crashes. This has happened both playing AS Mr House and the NCR, and to make matters worse, 2 days ago i reinstalled my ENTIRE OS from scratch, all the updates are done, all the drivers are the latest, and new vegas is the only game i have installed. what the f*** IS WRONG WITH IT!!!???!?!?!. When i buy a game, i expect it to work. I have discovered that bug afftects me everytime i sleep, wait or the quest dose it for me. What re your thoughts on this issue specs i7 2.66ghz 4gb RAM 1x 150gig velociraptor 1x 1terabyte HDD 1x GTX280 Gigabyte X58 extreme motherboard XP home Office 2007 Enterprise