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Nexus Mods Profile

About nordnemesis

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  1. Has anyone thought about this? Adding smilodon, Minotaur, Ogres ect to the trophy base options? I havnt found anything in google or in nexus search, so I was just asking..
  2. I cant even access mod author catalogs of mods, they wont load
  3. I'll give that a try, thanks for the suggestion.. Its strange that I can change the names and remove skills in any mod, but hair color remains unchangeable.
  4. So I was tinkering with sseedit and loaded up the donyakiin childrens overhaul to see if I could change the hair color of a few of the girls, because I wanted all of the girls I adopted to hve matching hair color.. It loaded up skyrim, hearthfire, and USSEP patch before the mod opened, but I was able to see the hair color of each child from all masters. I changed each of the ones to platinum blonde to match Runa's color, closed it out, it saved, I deployed mods to get the newest file to load. But in game the hair color seems to be hard coded, no matter what I try, Sofie's hair is always black, and Dorthe's hair stays black, even tho I wanted her hair to match her moms in game.. Anyone have an inkling of a suggestion that might be able to help me solve this? Thanks in advance..
  5. Oh man, this doesnt sound great at all.. I thought EA was bad, now Beth and Steam cant stand when people are happy....lol
  6. So essentially we have to wait for the SKSE update? or every mod author to update their mods? or both? Im not familiar with how the mechanics under the hood work, so excuse my ignorance.. I mean, having updates turned off should count for something, but somehow what I want doesnt matter to Bethesda and Steam anymore... insanity.
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