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  1. So I'm one of the people who helped the Railroad take down the Prydwen and then betrayed them to the Institute. Unfortunately this bugged the game, and I never got the post-game changes to the world, such as Institute banners or gen 1 Synths in Diamond City. I also see no way to fix this with the console command, as Airship Down is "stopped". Is there anyway to make a mod that can fix this and enable the post-game changes somehow?
  2. I'd love a savegame editor, especially if it can add aliens to your squad.
  3. A savegame editor would probably make you able to add such a soldier to your squad.
  4. This needs an update for the latest patch btw.
  5. Unlike source games which requires the tilde, which isn't here on European keyboard, the console works fine with the "½" button too.
  6. Anything that may help in taking control of an alien or editing a soldier to be an alien?
  7. Few of the commands work, as the console appears to lack the ability to print information. I ended up just randomly trying commands, killsquad ended up proving the console DOES work.
  8. It seems to mostly work, but without classnames and actors I can't do much. Any idea how this could be used to recruit an alien or change a soldier into an alien, or to add an alien recruit in the barracks or something.
  9. This is pretty cool, I'll try it and report if it works.
  10. Yes...I think the Thin Man would be the best candidates. They know human language, and the interrogation suggests they were cooperative.
  11. Let's hope they do. The potential for editing the save is big.
  12. No one is making one?...There isn't one anywhere? If no, is there any way to get make an alien part of your squad permanently in SP?
  13. Is there any save editor or tool to directly edit a savegame, including a squad? If not, how hard would it be to make one? It would be cool to simply be able to edit the needed values of your squad through the save itself.
  14. But I could marry them and then remove the plugin?
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