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About semibutcher

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    United States

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  1. I think a lot of these spells are in, just under different name.
  2. Eddrd Stark (pronounced like edgar but minus the g and a d on the end :P) Nord male favoring anything heavy or sharp that can be used to brutally murder his enemies.
  3. All characters regardless of gender or heritage should be named semibutcher. Obviously the best name around.
  4. Bahahahaha that was hilarious, giving you kudos for that.
  5. An avid botanist who put the same 2 shrubs all across oblivion? lol
  6. Wow all of it is in game? Maybe that means the shots flying above the forest means you can levitate or use druidic magic to turn into a bird? I hope so :)
  7. I don't have a problem with kids being unkillable as long as the dev's don't make them INSANELY ANNOYING like in little lamplight. I mean there wasn't a single kid in that place that i didn't want to super sledge.
  8. You never know, GTA 3 was banned cause you could kill old women. But i want kids to be killable more because then they can kill you than you actually killing them. Nothing more interesting than a kid goin crazy and killing the whole town lol.
  9. It was also nothing but solid mountain range once you got past Bruma, so that may have had more to do with altitude than geography. Maybe it flattens out or goes into lower valleys in Skyrim past the Jerall Mountains. Or perhaps the sheer amount of nordic manliness has scared the snow away?
  10. wow that assassin picture looks like he's performing a finishing move or newly animated sneak attack, this makes me so excited to be a stealthy character :].
  11. I just hope for more realistic horses, ones that differentiate in height, length, and width. However most importantly i want mounted combat, it would bring so much more to the game to be ab;e to charge through a small village slaughtering people from atop your horse :P. Still i think the devs could find a way to train/use a spell to make mammoths, sabertooth cats, and other wildlife mountable.
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