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About TreborMarg

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    with myself xD
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Morrowind and Warcraft 2 the RTS

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  1. To all my dear friends: To my utter dismay, I just now saw that I'm all the way back on page 101 of images share today :( *haz a sad* I know you will all say 'don't worry', but I so enjoy seeing all your beautiful images and the great stories, poems and descriptions you all post, so I'm gonna tear through there now, I only ask your forgiveness if leave some short comments :P
    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. BlueDanube


      puppy eyes then ◕.◕ ?
    3. TreborMarg


      *still not buying it* <,<
    4. BlueDanube


      mmmm....... mmmm.........>.> ......<.<......*sit in the corner thingking*
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