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About TreborMarg

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    United States
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    with myself xD
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    Oblivion, Morrowind and Warcraft 2 the RTS

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  1. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=96787 the result of selfish behavior, the drama in image share has lost us one of the most supportive and kind posters I have ever had the pleasure to make the friendship of. A friend once said "it's called image share, not image competition" she was speaking of the endorsements. I would like to add, it's about sharing images, not a race for quality or place to demand people share everything they make :(
    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      Indeed, many people are respectful. It's those who aren't is what get's to me.
    3. zisifacetious


      It's a great shot! (i would rate it, but it won't let me...:( I wonder if something changed...I have rated other people on TES
    4. TreborMarg


      @Flint, I think this is quite useful for dealing with those few who are disrespectful...



      @whytrabbit, it really is a beautiful shot, :D

      You may want to try again, I just checked and the endorsements have not been turned off ;)

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