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About MrGoldenAge

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  1. Wait, in the Dreemsleve a soul can view whatever they want, whether it be Sovengarde or maybe even if given the chances Soul Cairn. Are they all part of the dreamsleeve? If the dreamsleeve is all part of a dream then why do we see Alduin in Sovengarde?
  2. No... The 4GB RAM limit has nothing to do with mods that have content. Dawnguard adds new areas to the game, and basically your computer responds to the environment. For example if you are in a small cell with minimal textures and entities you would probably have no lag. Put 100 bodies in there and you have massive lag. Leave the cell and you have no lag. You catch my drift?
  3. Woah, that is pretty interesting. If Akatosh is merely a "plane" taken into planet-shape, that would mean that Aetherius was created by something greater? Perhaps a multiverse exists, where there are Gods of their own universe? What I don't understand is why Akatosh cares so much about Nirn. Perhaps the Thalmor would evolve into an advanced civilization in which they would eventually overthrow all Aedra and Daedra? Sorry if i'm veering off. :psyduck: Wouldn't that mean that they would go to oblivion by that logic?
  4. But I thought Shor was neither Aedra nor Daedra? That means that in the end of time there will be only two known places, the Void and Sovengarde?
  5. So I was wondering, where would you go if you are say a Nord/Werewolf/Nightingale? Would you go to Sovengarde, or serve Hircine in the hunting grounds, or protect the Nightingale hall(?)? What makes the decision? Is there a special place for the Dovahkiin?
  6. To tell you the truth, all of the points are valid but so far there are no RPG's that actually have all these features. The actions and reactions are so complex that you would have to be human to replicate the experience. Beth only has so many people to create enough quests that will last for more than 100 in-game days, which would equate to many hours of gaming. The other problem is that Beth targeted more casuals to buy their game, so they simplified it.
  7. I have had Skyrim on the PC since release, and I have found that I spend waaaaaaaaaaay more time looking for mods than playing the actual game. I'm not too interested in all those anime - skimpy armor mods, or those ENB effects that make the game look crazy - i'm just interested in content. If it can keep me playing without distractions such as " oh look at that texture, doesn't seem too good...hmmm...Maybe i'll go install another mod." I think I have spent much more time looking for mods than actually playing the game.
  8. The problem is that I do not want a cookie-cutter type class, I would prefer a character that has depth.
  9. So guys what is it this time warrior or archer? It seems warriors are more fun to play late-game, and also "technically" does not break the lore of the dragonborn... I am going to make this character in anticipation of dawnguard, so what do you think? The build I will be using as a warrior archetype: http://theskyrimblog.ning.com/group/character-building/forum/topics/character-build-tyrial-the-fallen The build I will be using as an archer archetype: http://theskyrimblog.ning.com/group/character-building/forum/topics/character-build-the-demonhunter Both of them have really interesting backstories, but which do you think will fit into Dawnguard?
  10. You're on the wrong forum, go to this website and QQ there. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/?- :thumbsup:
  11. aw dam that sucks any other mods like it noticing your link it seems like that would be cool any one could give me cliffs or there experience from that mod (: also what would you have ocnsidered better wars in skyrim or this warzone one? Both are very good in their own way, but I prefer warzones :tongue:
  12. The point is that all I see are skimpy mods ON THE FRONT PAGE EVERY DAY.
  13. I bought Skyrim in hopes of the mod creators not creating skimpy clothing everyday. Unfortunately, my hopes are lost. Quote: "Skyrim is just a centre of preverted deviances and lifeless dwellers. I use some myself, but the amount of them is ridiculous! It's like spend more time fapping to the game more than they do play it!." Every week I check the nexus hot files to see if there are any useful mods. Nope. All I get is CBBE, UNP, skimpy clothing, animated prostitution, and more. EVERY WEEK. Please do not fall into the abyss of oblivion. If you check the Oblivion Nexus all you will see is hentai skimpy asian mods. I foresee this in the future of Skyrim.
  14. The mod was abandoned about a month ago, and the mod creator deleted the mod. Try this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9494
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