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Everything posted by ludvig08

  1. i wanted to make a settings holotape for my mod too, but i dont know where to start. i already have a menu injector quest script. but want to use a holotape insted.. are there any vids/guids on this subject?
  2. So by many requests i should have done this earlier but, is this a good way to do it?This mod will also be uploaded for XB1/Ps4 Im not sure if this is best solution or not. Any other ideas? Have a master then esp's and so on. NortlandDiggers.esm(vanilla) NodContent_DLCRobot.esp NodContent_DLCCoast.esp NodContent_DLCNukaWorld.esp
  3. Im currently making Fiddlers green into a settlement. I do have 50% Happy Settlers joins when the recruit beacon is online. assigning settlers works. move issue. when im at sanctuary i want to send piper to fiddles green. the location name does show in the "Move List" after given the command. piper/settler just stands there doing nothing. at fiddlers green. i have dogmeat and use "moveto player" on piper so she pops up. i then ask her to tag along, sending dogmeat to "fiddlers green" where we are. pop count dosent go +1. but dogmeat starts to wonder off to god knows where, road due south it seems.. is there something i missed in the CK? do i need to ad something extra to quests or whatnot? i used Stuyk Guide on this: http://stuyk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32 This is the only issue i have with it before its ready for release. ty
  4. nvm i found it out myself :) Select the object, and then press Ctrl+E to enable navmesh editing. At the top of the window, click Navmesh, then click Link Precuts for Selection
  5. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/images/8/81/Creation_Kit_-_Navmesh_-_Scrappable_Objects_002_-_Linked_Precuts.png how do i link it to the navmesh beneth to make it pink if object is scraped the navmesh is converted to normal red
  6. Hi fellow modders. with my mod, i've had it injected to the crafting menu when you start/load a game. but i wanted to have an object the player needs to use for example tooltable, a window will pop up letting the player to inject/remove my costom category. kinda like the snap and build, build youre own pool.. is there a tutorial somwhere?
  7. In response to post #34068410. #34072035, #34078570, #34079200, #34080150, #34080220, #34080510 are all replies on the same post. uninstall every mods. think i got all the loose addons too.. i do have sweetFX could that be the one?
  8. In response to post #34068410. #34072035 is also a reply to the same post. same here nothing
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