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About CrzyFooL

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    United States
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  1. I've made some vids and articles re: the new features. They're a little rough at the moment but I think they really change the dynamic of the game and make horses a much bigger part of the experience (finally) http://www.ripten.com/2012/05/24/skyrim-killing-a-dragon-on-horseback-is-much-harder-than-it-looks/
  2. Hey guys, Your old friend Dave here. Thanks to the 1.6 beta update I've been messing around with mounted combat all afternoon. I made a short gameplay video earlier but then decided to take on a dragon battle on horseback to see how it really changed the game. It's a totally new experience that will completely change the way you fight the dovah. Hope ya like it ^__^ http://www.ripten.com/2012/05/24/skyrim-killing-a-dragon-on-horseback-is-much-harder-than-it-looks/
  3. If you're nice I can send them all to you as a .zip. I'll be taking more soon too. I've been out of town for the past few weeks.
  4. http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Arrow+to+the+Knee+Funny+the+first+time+but+getting_b48344_2962945.jpg
  5. I'll be selling my shares of RipTen LLC back to Chad is how :-p It's been fun writing and traveling all over the world, but I miss playing games. ^__^
  6. Thanks! And they are only spoilers if you know what yer lookin at! :-p
  7. BECAUSE YOUR MACHINE IS NOT MY MACHINE However, if you used Old Spice Body Wash your machine could SMELL like my machine My keyboard is now diamonds.
  8. Hey Guys, I know I haven't been around much lately since my last preview and our subsequent review, but I've obviously been busy... PLAYING SKYRIM. I've also been traveling around the country playing videogames as is my job, and I'm currently in Boston, but I wanted to share with you my latest gallery of screens from my first 75 hours in Skyrim: http://www.ripten.com/2011/12/05/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-150-ultra-quality-screens-to-die-for/ I'm also here to tell you that I'll be leaving RipTen come the end of the year to pursue other interests. It's been a lot of fun, but it's time to move on. One of those interests is obviously once again getting involved in the modding community. The creation kit will be available in January and I fully intend to not only build my own mods as I did with Oblivion and Fallout, but to also help the rest of the Nexus community build, create and share their mods through all my contacts in the gaming press and PR. I know full well that both Curse and Steam will take a lot of focus away from the Nexus modding community, but I aim to do my part to make sure that the Nexus will always be the GO TO place for all your modding needs. If you want to discuss any of this with me, I can always be found on twitter @DaveOshry or you can email me at [email protected] Looking forward to being around much more often in the coming year \m/_((><))<3 -Dave
  9. My buddy chad from DualShockers put these up just a moment ago. o_O!!! http://www.dualshockers.com/2011/11/10/check-out-my-custom-skyrim-screens-you-know-you-want-to/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+DSRSS+%28DualShockers%29
  10. Yep, Steph won't stop talking about it, I'm pre-loading it on Steam as we speak ^__^
  11. Behold!! http://www.ripten.com/2011/11/10/ripten-review-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-xbox-360/ The embargo is up, enjoy your day by reading every Skyrim review on the web, starting with ours :-p
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