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  1. wait..what? :D what do i have to do when im in tes5 ? quick guide maybe? as i said, im not THAT new to skyrim or modding i just dont needed to make esps to esms ever. it hurts pretty bad , since i really want to play these 2 mega-expansion mods but when i install them i use to have random ctds and lag in the skill menu. as you can see it is fixed for most users when they make them esm sooo... pls someone can make a quick step by step explanation to me? i would really appreciate that :)
  2. see here : http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3fw00g/skilllevel_up_menu_opens_extremely_slow_any_idea/?st=ipzjcgp7&sh=b9a1eb12 http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3pugvx/helpperk_menu_lag/?st=ipzjfv9p&sh=36d5dc77 ok, so if im doing this via wyrebash, do i have to install the mod first via NMM or just download - pack them into one folder and do it via wyrebash? btw, thx for the answer :)
  3. Hey guys, im not "new" to skyrim and modding but most of the time i just install mods , read the description sections very carefully and do an "install-and-go" run to see if its stable. Now i figured out that some bigger mods like summerset isle and Vigilant cause many user to have the "skill menue lag/freeze bug". unfortunately it happens for me too... but i really like to play summerset isle and vigilant. :( i read that for almost all users "esmifying" fixed that problem and i was wondering how to do that? i looked up on google and the forums but found nothing "noob friendly" or something with a step-by-step tutorial. could anyone be so kind to explain it to me (as simple as possible) pls? greetings and thx in advance :smile:
  4. i think action combat and deadly combat dont like each other. from all what ive heard and read u can only pick one module like deadly combat, Duel combat etc (MAIN), and then combat evolved. revenge of the enemies (AI modules) etc and at least make sure dodge mod is below all the other combat overhauls in your load order.
  5. Hey folks, Topic title says it all... im getting a bit confused since i'm not a native speaker and the tutorials ive found had something like : Dual Redux + Immersive Animations but not a single one ive found for using IA + FNIS+ Dual Redux + XPMS ( by the way, should i go with XPMS or the extended version with this setup ??) + other animations... i really dont wanna mess things up, since my skyrim is like "stable" with over 200+ Mods and the only thing left are the animations ( glad i made a backup this time :D) thx
  6. just anything thats related to bloodborne. some unique, nice, dark, inquisitor-like clothes. also anything steampunk related. there are barely no decent steampunk mods out there.
  7. ok, so there are various mods like violens,DoD,Adavanced Kill cams, etc but none of them has the option to have killcam chance 100% but ONLY when enemys heath is low. example : would it be possible to add a script or smth like that to have every enemy a "dead HP zone" where killcams are always triggered when HP are below a certain point? if thats the case that would be awesome! imagine playing with Duel Combat or deadly combat, revenge of the enemies etc - having an intense fight but finishing every person/creature off like in a 300 spartan movie. what do u guys think about that? is it possible? would you like to have that mod installed?
  8. to make it quick : i need it too :D if anyone could be so kind to PM me, that would be great since i havent played skyrim for like 4 years and i never got the pleasure to play any version of wyrmstooth but i saw that on social media sites like youtube,reddit etc its considered as the second best, if not THE best quest/new land mod and i would like to experience this awesome adventure too, so plzzzz could anyone help me?
  9. that is it what makes me confused..i disabled all mods i have.. except Si and KOTN an the topic doesnt showed up.. when i set the rank to 9 im instantly archmgae but i would like to play alexis magesguild,rungs better magesguild and mannimarco ress...shouldnt hannibal traven die?? and when i set this to rank 9 hes still alive..i mean i can kill him but hes immortal^^
  10. hi guys,im german so sry fpr my bad english :-) i need a savegame as archmage prefer a vanilla version or something without race mod requirement.. everytime i try to lvl up in the mages guild the topic for my new rank doesnt show up..so i need a savegame as archmage,showracemenu and everything is allright^^ i look across the web but couldnt find any savegame as archmage..pls help :wallbash:
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