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About MadMike710

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  1. Ok, so the RAM finally came (waiting about 2 weeks for a delivery from Amazon, it's the longest I've ever had to wait for them). I popped the RAM in my good laptop (the one with the video card). I wanted to combine it with my 1GB to make 3GB but it wouldn't power on so I had to stick with just the new 2GB. It made a quite noticable difference on Minecraft so there is almost no lag. I have yet to try Oblivion, which I'm looking forward to. :) Quite happy with the result. Just letting you guys know.
  2. Nice, I'll keep what bben46 and kevkiev said in mind, I may need to buy one from one of those places for Skyrim. :D Thanks for the feedback guys.
  3. That website looks like a lot of overpriced rubbish... No offence.
  4. While I'm in the mood. :) I need a better computer so I was wondering, is there a place or website I can buy a cheap basic computer which can be upgraded easily? It needs to be built already. My problem is that money is tight so I thought it would be better to buy parts and add them to the basic computer gradually.
  5. Ok, never knew that. I was thinking about Minecraft specifically, anyone think the performance would improve? My opinion: I have 2 laptops. One laptop runs Minecraft ok with 1GB RAM and 256Mb video card. My other laptop runs Minecraft very slow with 1GB Ram and no video card. So I think it is the video card that makes a difference, not so much RAM. Am I correct?
  6. If I add more RAM would my gaming performance increase even if I don't have a graphics card?
  7. Well I'm using Google Chrome 9.0.597.98 and my resolution is 1280 x 800, no panes open. Just like normal. I'm seeing this when I inspect in Chrome: http://i56.tinypic.com/2im49om.png I put a red box around the important part on the left " by" whereas it should be " by ", right? Edit/update: When I press Ctrl+F5 it's fixed. Strange. Why that little error though? Why not something else?
  8. Ok, I know I'm being pedantic but I'm just saying: http://i52.tinypic.com/2wovsck.png There should be a space in between 'by' and '(name)' shouldn't there? It's been niggling at me for a while.. :)
  9. No it's not that. It's on my end. :P Sometimes I forget that NotScripts is running, it blocks spoilers... Ignore me.
  10. Spoiler!!! What is the spoiler??!! At '46:02' An Interesting read though...
  11. Well I was quite disappointed about the no spellmaking but I hope you're right... Also disappointed about Steam. I personally have no problems with it but it's just a little hassle for me, being that I never have nor would like to use it. Apart from that, all sounds good. :) Particularly excited about destructible environments (if the translation was correct).
  12. Oh how I hate those creatures. They go invisible, creep up on you then damage your attributes! But yeah, I would like to see more variation in the creatures. There was quite a lot in Oblivion but they got old after not too long and the combat was just... boring... So better creature combat too. I'm not meaning to criticize Bethesda, I know they did the best with what they had at the time, just sayin'. :P
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