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  1. Well first you need to know how to write code in C# using Visual Studio, because all Portia mods (also all mods for Unity based games) are written in C# in .NET 3.5 or .NET 4.0 Then you should check the Unity Mod Manager wiki for instructions how to set up your C# project and how to start coding: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Category:Unity_Mod_Manager You'll also need some tool to analyze DLL files, like dnSpy, to see what functions etc. are provided with a game.
  2. This is already in the base game: Open your handbook and look at the left side. There you can choose 3 different topics - one of them is "Items" Here in green on the left side: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mytimeatportia/images/f/f7/Handbook.jpg
  3. This would break things, because this area is used for the spouses and their hobbies.
  4. And why is there a download button for NMM on top of the site? "Install NMM 0.65.2" Shouldn't it link to Vortex instead?
  5. The issue you described is a "bug" in xnbcli i guess. I tried xnbnode instead for extracting. Here you get a .tbin and a .yaml file. And for opening the maps with tIDE, you don't need to delete the .png file extension.
  6. +1 Yes would be great to have this feature. I also don't want to have specific categories on the main page.
  7. You don't need this official HiRes DLC from LE, because they are already included in SE - or at least SE uses its own Hires textures. Maybe you have configured your monitor to have a warm color temperature? Then the screen will be more yellowish. You could test to reset your monitor to default settings or maybe just play around with the color temperature.
  8. Which graphics settings do you have set in your launcher? FXAA is a bit more blurry than TXAA. Do you use ENB? Maybe its settings are messed up? Try it again without ENB. Also don't install Oldrim mods/textures/meshes in SSE, try to find their SSE version on SE Nexus.
  9. I see you're using SkyUI, so I guess you're using skse64? Have you updated skse64 to 2.0.7 since Skyrim got updated to 1.5.39? Have you also updated all skse64 related mods/plugins? Especially the dll files in SKSE folder?
  10. I have installed many thousands of meshes and texture overrides, so your statement isn't correct. It seems you have some meshes and/or textures that are for Oldrim. Be sure your meshes and textures are converted to SSE compatible formats. Check the mod pages for new releases and/or check the comments for issues. For more info: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4633-skyrim-se-things-to-know-when-converting-standard-mods-to-sse/ TL;DR: Use NifScan (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75916) to check for incompatible .NIF and .DDS
  11. You can just install the Oldrim version - works fine in SE. I use it since SE came out.
  12. The shiny rocks are caused by landscape or mountain textures that haven't been converted to SkyrimSE. And according to the comments for "All-in-One HD Textures - Sky Rework (1K. 2K. 4K)" there is an issue with the 1K and 2K version.
  13. I clean (nearly) every mod with SSEEdit when it hasn't been done by the author already. But I keep a backup of the original file, just in case it caused issues. I also re-save it to form version 44 in CK64 if it is still form version 43. I test the mod afterwards as far as possible, before cleaning/editing the next mod. But often CTDs are not caused by dirty esp files or dirty edits, but by faulty meshes or textures. Or like my last case: I got a CTD everytime I tried to enter the new CC Tundra homestead. This was caused by a faulty install of a texture mod with NMM. NMM creates symlinks to the files it installs and one symlink was 0 bytes in size. After copying the correct file, I could enter Tundra homestead.
  14. Is it a rar file? I got this errors in NMM with some rar files. But I could open them with 7zip. Maybe try a newer version of 7zip, I use v18.01 But there seems to be a problem with newer rar files.
  15. So which of your SKSE plugins aren't compatible? I have several SKSE plugins and they all got updated or are still compatible. If a plugin isn't compatible, you also can rename, delete or move the file until it gets updated. You also should ask for an update on the mod page (comments).
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