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Posts posted by JadeGreenKitty

  1. **quietly places the new sign on her desk** "I R Newbee, hear me Roar!!!" :)


    I just happened to peek into the forum and saw a spot for newbie hellos... so here I am !! :) I figured after meeting some very nice people in chat, I would fill in the blanks for myself lol. I think it has been approx a year or so since I joined, longer as a non named person lol. I started to play Oblivion first, then stumbled on Morrowind and have been addicted since :) I cant remember how long I played till I found out there were these things called mods, it was downhill from then on !! lol. I fell in love with the game and started to try different little mods (outfits, houses etc) and slowly progressed to the big ones (thank God I have a big hard drive lol)


    Have to give you all a lot of credit, I tried to make a mod or two.... and well some of us can ride a bike and some of us can build them lmao. I am a rider only :) Lets just say the kitty creating mod days are long gone. It amazes me when I peek through the mods, old and new, and see the dedication and talent. I was and AM very impressed. One thing I would like to point out after reading some of the comments on some of the mods. To me, it is kind of like beauty in the eyes of the beholder. What some people are not impressed with others are very much so. So to all you guys out there that might not have gotten the best ratings.... If you do the best you can and are satisfied, then we (the mod users) can't ask anything more :)))) I would also like to comment on some of the wonderful suggestions and offers of assistance that some people offer others. Warms the kitty's heart to be honest. Way I see it, we are all gamers and have that in common. :)))) Anyway , I am now straying from my introductions and afraid people will think I am way too weird lol :)))


    Just wanted to say hi to all and to thank everyone for the fantastic work they do, either creating the mods or helping people, like myself, with running them. :)) Please keep up the fantastic work and thank you all in chat who have helped me to feel welcome :) **sets out some catnip for Ian** ;) Take care all and thank you again !!! :)


    Kitty aka Sue :)

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