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About roiyaru

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  1. Errrr....I solved it. :D Thanks though. :psyduck:
  2. Whenever I go out into the arena to fight somebody my gate remains closed while my opponents gate opens. It'd be easy to beat the arena quests this way, just firing magic through the bars, but I want a more rewarding experience. Can someone please help me fix this? Here's my mod list, my load order is organised by BOSS OBSE Plugins- OBSE Version Version: Recognised Plugins- Oblivion.esmHorseCombatMaster.esm Unofficial Oblivion Patch.espUOPS Additional Changes.espUOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.espOblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp DLCShiveringIsles.esp Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.espUSIPS Additional Changes.esp PCSoundKensai.esp Crowded Roads Revisited.esp Streamline 3.1.espMaleBodyReplacerV5.esp Creature Diversity.esp VaultsofCyrodiil.esp Knights.esp ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts.espBag of Holding.esp Better Dungeons.espP1DkeyChain.esp RealisticForceMedium.esp MidasSpells.esp Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage.espDeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.espOblivion XP.esp Version 4.2.3 _Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.esp _Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp Unrecognised Plugins- Sparkling Enchanted Weapons by MiRage.esp
  3. So I turned into a vampire and my eyes are screwed up. Keep in mind im using the synx race eyes and race. I used two separate vampire fix mods to no avail. I then manually changed the races eyes in the CSS with no effect. What is wrong and how do I solve it?? http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/3457/eyesr.png As you can see one eye is dark, and the other is milk white.
  4. This tiny plugin solves all the problems with vampirism: eyes, ugly faces, etc. Requires OBSE though. I use that and it fixes my face but not my eyes, my eyes become all milky and weird when I become a vamp.
  5. Is there a mod that fixes your eyes after vampirism? Preferably makes it so they don't change.
  6. are staring me down. They're enormous, and it kind of scares me. Anyone wanna make a horse eye mod?
  7. I was looking around for a mod that gets rid of stolen items tagged as stolen. After all, how on earth would they know??? lol
  8. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/759307-1306683344.jpg :O where is this mount????
  9. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to have a mod that made it so horses didnt report you to the guards when you stole them and now i cant find it :( Pleeese help
  10. Kewl ^^ Than ill just some more, hopefully no one has snagged them already in this thread but this mod- Arrow Speed And Damage Realism Makes arrows decently faster and they do more damage. I always hated how in the oblivion world I had to pepper my enemies with 3-4 arrows each to take them down. When in reality 2 in the chest or even 1 on a good shot should do it. Also arrows were extremely dodge able before, now you have to be a bit more perceptive to get passed the greater speed of the arrows. If you've ever shot a longbow you would know that its a helluva lot faster than vanilla speed. This mod-Get Wet Update Actually lets your character get wet in the rain or after swimming and you can see the water droplets on you rolling down your body.
  11. Well this'll be a short suggestion and I dont know if its what your looking for but.. The mod deadlier creatures V2 is imo an overlooked mod that fixes a gamebreaking flaw in the oblivion world. Basically you can walk along at a merry pace and have some creatures not even hit you due to having to stop and wait for their slow attack animations (Watch the video in the mod). This makes it so that creatures and others can actually attack you while running, making them deadlier and more realistic. A real wolf wouldn't stop before he bites you and miss now would he?
  12. So, I did an fps test in a dungeon before using streamline. Results- 1st person- 105 3rd person- 79 inventory- 162 escape- 528 combat vs 4- lowest fps =26 After using streamline- 1st person- 85 3rd person- 52 inventory- 158 escape- 528 combat vs 4- lowest fps =12 The real kicker here is that after getting rid of streamline my fps is still the same as if I was using it. Maybe it changed my oblivion INI, though I swear I only saw it make changes to the Streamline INI. I ran streamline without streamsave and otherwise it was normal. My game is just base oblivion with UOP USIP and UMP along with obse latest version obmm boss and the CSet. I did several trials and it made no difference Before on my old oblivion Streamline actually increased my performance, now I can visibly see the decrease.
  13. Keep in mind, that making Deadly reflex and DMC stylish work together is hell since they dont do it naturally. I reccomend picking one or the other until your better at modding as its a bit more advanced. That is if you use them, however i 2000% reccomend picking at least one Deadly reflex basically makes combat a ton more immersive by adding the ability to shield bash, kick, dodge and making your enemies smarter at combat. You can decapitate, slit throats, cuts off hands, slice people in half and much much more with this mod. Overall it makes the combat system tougher but a lot more unique and fun. DMC adds amazing looking anime style attack animations and character stances in the third person. All the attacks look beautiful and definetly beat out the original attacks. However this overwrites the original attacks so make sure its something you like, the mod has videos of it in the videos tab.
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