Keep in mind, that making Deadly reflex and DMC stylish work together is hell since they dont do it naturally. I reccomend picking one or the other until your better at modding as its a bit more advanced. That is if you use them, however i 2000% reccomend picking at least one Deadly reflex basically makes combat a ton more immersive by adding the ability to shield bash, kick, dodge and making your enemies smarter at combat. You can decapitate, slit throats, cuts off hands, slice people in half and much much more with this mod. Overall it makes the combat system tougher but a lot more unique and fun. DMC adds amazing looking anime style attack animations and character stances in the third person. All the attacks look beautiful and definetly beat out the original attacks. However this overwrites the original attacks so make sure its something you like, the mod has videos of it in the videos tab.