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About Ogramirad

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    Elder Scrolls/Fallout Series Games

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  1. This Is Rosemary "Hot Mama" Horton: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/Lazarus20005/2015-06-12_00001_zpsk51bf39a.jpg This is her story outline: Rosemary "Hot Mama" Horton Biography Name: Rosemary Malleus, aka Rosemary "Hot Mama" Horton. Father: John Malleus Mother: Rosemary Jean Malleus Born: 01 April 2032, Olney, Maryland The first born to a paternal twin sister, named Vera Jean Malleus, aka Vera Keyes, being born some 15 minutes later. It was a difficult birth that cost them the life of their Mother and the wife of John Malleus. She and Vera Jean were raised by their father in Olney Maryland, after the death of her mother. She sang locally with her sister Vera Jean, they were a big hit together locally, and were very favorably compared to the two girls found in this old Hollywood film from 1936: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boz3a9NlPHY In 2042 as a 10 year old child for school science project along with her fathers help, she developed a portable hand held Holographic Scanner. Which later became the basis of a prototype energy weapon developed by initially by the Z-38 lightwave dynamics research branch at the Big Mountain Research and Development Center, and then REPCONN Aerospace for what became the final assembly of the Q-36 Holographic Emitter Prototype. 2047 Graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with Doctorate degrees in theoretical Light Wave Principals, and Physical and Chemical Engineering 2057 Started touring the country with Johnny Uno and his Orchestra as Rosemary "Hot Mama" Horton. 2062 May: Construction of Vault 92 begins 2068 May: Construction of Vault 92 ends. Was there with her Father for Vault Completion Ceremonies. Stopped touring with Johnny Uno was a well-known Jazz singer who sang at casinos with his band, except for Special Appearances. 2070 The first of the Chryslus Motors fusion-driven cars are developed. Reassuringly big and American, the limited models carry a hefty price tag but are sold out within days. Many Chryslus plants have long since been converted into making military ordnance. Because of a commercial that she had done for Chryslus Motors, she got a job working for Vault Tec, doing commercials for the Vault Program. Most famous for the one with the bomb going off at the breakfast table, played the mother named Doris: Attended all of the Vault Tec Ground Breaking and Completion Ceremonies from May of 2068 with the end of Vault 92 Construction to June 2074, with the Construction of Vault 112 being completed. 2071 Planned Diversion Programming releases "Atomic Command". Was involved in the marking and promotional campaign for the game Atomic Command, which was developed as a Pip-Boy game tape, published by Planned Diversion Programming in 2071. 2072Continued to make Special Appearances with Johnny Uno, but only those in the west that allowed her to visit her sister Vera Jean. 2076 A special appearance of Johnny Uno and his Orchestra was requested by Robert House, in October of 2076, Rosemary was asked along with several other popular starlets of the day, to participate in a neuro-computational matrix scanning program, designed to demonstrate the ability to copy and store the data of the brain, so in case of catastrophic brain injury the essence and life data of the injured person maybe stored, in the hope that it may be able to be inserted into a cloned body or cybernetic robotic organism. Ultimately she was able to determine that the scanning program was not so much as to save people from catastrophic brain injury, but for purposes of Entertainment for Robert House alone. After confronting Robert House on this issue, he had her thrown out of the Lucky 38 casino, with the promise that she "would Never work in this town again". In December 2076, she headed back home to Olney to be with her father, as things in the world were "going to hell in a hand basket", a phrase her Father used more frequently over the years when she spoke to him from the road as she had toured. 2077 October 23rd 2077, Vault 92 was sealed, Overseer Richard Rubin and Professor Malleus began the Vault-Tec Confidential Plan WNMSCE (White Noise Mindo Suggestion Combat Experimentation) program. November 15th 2077, once people started dying, Professor Malleus, began research into what exactly was being broadcast in the vault. He soon discovered that the Overseer of Vault 92, had been brainwashing the musicians, to create "super soldiers", he then confronted Overseer Rubin, with his findings. Overseer Rubin, asked him to come and talk again later about the program, and to not be to hasty in trying to understand things beyond his control and clearance level. November 27th 2077, Overseer Richard Rubin summons Professor Malleus to his office, to "set things straight", he would eventually shoot and kill him there to hide discovery of militarization of the Vault-Tec Confidential Plan WNMSCE (White Noise Mindo Suggestion Combat Experimentation) program. Professor Malleus had suspected things were not as they seemed after his first visit with Overseer Richard Rubin, and after his return from that visit to his quarters, he gave a Vault Access and Control card, that he had secretly copied from Overseer Rubin's office terminal to Rosemary and told her to be ready if things went badly. Unknown to Overseer Richard Rubin, Professor Malleus had set his Pipboy to broadcast that meeting back to Rosemary just in case things went badly, Professor Malleus was correct, things went Very Badly during that meeting. When she heard Rubin shoot her father, Rosemary Malleus along with some others decided to make a sprint for the vault door, using the copied access card for sealed Vault Door. After fighting their way to the Vault door there was a very brief, but ferocious gun battle of which only Rosemary survived, allowing her to finally exit Vault 92. She made her way to her family home, which was just to the east to the Vault entrance, where she was able to scavenge enough supplies from there and the town of Olney to survive the next ten years, living in the area and expanding her search for anything that she could survive on. Over the coming days and months she began to notice changes in her body, she knew had to come from the radiation that was prevalent in Olney, and every where else. Slowly but surely she began to change, and no amount of Radaway would flush out her system long enough to halt that progress, that process eventually led to her Ghoulification. She thought of just ending it many times early on, but something inside of her stopped that destructive behavior, understanding that no matter what her body had become she was still the same person on the inside where it really matters, and that thought process and others eventually lead to her deciding to help as many others as she could to survive, as she had learned how to do. So for the next 150 years she wandered what used to be called New England, and up and down the eastern seaboard as well, sometimes on foot and other times on old steam ships that others had managed to get up and running again. Eventually she settled in with the founding members of a Ghoul city named Underworld in 2228 at the old Museum of History in Washington D.C., as a Primary Procurement Specialist for the group along with a very good friend she had made along the way named Willow. Sometime during the mid 2270's Rosemary started hearing rumors of someone she thought long since dead, that person being Robert House. She decided to head west to what she remembered as Las Vegas, she had played there so may years ago at that last special appearance with Johnny Uno, so she could see for herself if the rumors were true that Robert House had survived and returned. She would head west using the same skills she had developed in Underworld, and other skills as a courier, up and down the eastern seaboard always taking jobs that she could deliver westward, moving her toward her destination of what she remember and used to be Las Vegas, Nevada. As she made that journey west, walking the same rails she had ridden in luxury all of those many years before, she remembered her life as a child, and the toy she had made with her fathers help for that science fair so long ago came to mind. Her father had told her that he had taken her work further, and sent the data out west to the Big Mountain Research and Development Center, and then REPCONN Aerospace for some sort of prototype based upon her design. These two things would be good enough to drive her westward for now, and that was enough, it was a goal, and having one had helped her to survive all of those many years. She also knew her sister Vera had stayed out west to further her acting and singing career, she had no hope that she would ever find her again but a slim one, based upon that she had some how made it, maybe Lady Luck would have would have a spin with Vera as well. She had little contact with her sister, once she had started seeing Dean Domino. She knew Dean from her time on the entertainment circuit that he was not the kind of man to be trusted, she had sensed something wrong about that man, and told Vera so. Vera rejected such nonsense, and eventually stopped all contact with Rosemary and her father after a particularly heated argument, and Dean's insistence, when Vera had told her about some big plan that she and Dean had for the Grand Opening of the Serria Madre casino. Dean Domino Always had Big Plans, and he had strung many a girl along with them, Rosemary was sure he was doing that again this time as well, but with her sister. No matter what Rosemary tried Vera wouldn't listen, she would listen to no one, not even her father. Vera Jean had taken another path, as she did not have the aptitude for the sciences that her father, mother and sister had, her preferred area was always in the Arts, acting, singing and dancing, and so it was that she kept to that path with Dean Domino. One morning with the last song Vera had recorded in her mind as she hummed the melody of Begin Again, she set her feet walking in a westward direction to find answers to questions, that she her self was not quite sure really mattered after all of this time, and to Begin Again. SPECIAL Strength 6 Perception 7 Endurance 7 Charisma 1 Intelligence 6 Agility 7 Luck 6 Traits: Trigger Discipline Wild Wasteland Tag: Energy Weapons Repair Science Perks Gunslinger Prefers Energy Weapons One handed Good with Any one handed side arm, guns or energy. Prefers Ranged weapons Primary weapons: Heavily modified Recharger Pistol and Rifle Secondary: Sawed Off 12ga Double Barrel Combat Knife Prefers Light armor Lucky Old Aviator Cap Old Bomber Helmet, she found at the Smithsonian, over the top of the cap. Armored Vault 92 Vault Suit for travel Other light Clothing in some situations Friends: Plans for Raul, and Interesting conversations with Mr. House, Beatrix, and any other character that she can relate with of her age. Or older folks that knew people that could that were alive before the bombs that remembered her. Main Quest: Benny Took an Eye in Goodsprings, He Has To Pay. Side Quests: Retrieve the Q-36, follow that lead to Big Mountain, and from there to the Sierra Madre and Dean Domino, and Vera. Find A Poster Of Her In Game, I Do Not Think There Is One. lol Which Also means there is not one of Johnny Uno either, maybe House had him killed? There is a skeleton on the floor of the Lucky 38 near the Golden Gloves bar, maybe its him? Anyway, as you can tell I have lived with Rosemary for some time in my head, and I am sorry for all of the reading.. lol I hope that is ok, I am just trying to convey who she is to you and the kind if detail that could be done on these characters. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :psyduck:
  2. If the character's weapon is Their Own, you could edit that specific weapon in the Construction Set to be Very Inaccurate. You may be able to do that as well using some of the Old World Blues clothing that reduces Perception, which affects Weapon Accuracy. You could possiblly stack several of those types of things and that character would not be able to hit the broad side of a barn, with Another Barn. lol :wink: :smile: :thumbsup:
  3. Still having issues downloading, changed server preferences and was eventually able to get the Kent Server to work only by itself, the Content Delivery server worked as well on some files, the ones that it did not I got a file of 108k that would not open, giving an error that the file is corrupted, that happened on several files, from the Fallout 3 and New Vegas sites, the other servers gave me a redirect.
  4. Same issue for me here, with All Files that I try and download from the Fallout New Vegas Nexus, I get the same redirect as well.
  5. Looking for a mod that used to be on both the Fallout Nexus sites. It added transparent face masks to all Radiation and Scientist suits, but it does not seem to be around any more, or maybe I missed it?
  6. Bummer Deal, :( HD Crash. Down for repairs. :(
  7. In response to post #17127824. Yes buying one does stop that. I got a Life Time Premium back in 2006, and I have Never Regretted that choice. You don't have to get the one I got though, there are several Very Good options to choose from. I hope that Helps You. :) :thumbsup:
  8. Have you selected the Premium server for your area? When they made the switch to the new system, I missed that part that says to select a premium sever. I just saw USA in the box and went with that, not noticing that there is a pull down menu, that will allow you to select the Premium Server for your area. You can select that here in Your Preferences Area. When I missed that selection, and just saw the USA and left it that way, it defaulted to a Non- Premium server. I had the Exact Same Things Happening To Me, as you have said and that was the cause of it for me, and Not Selecting a Premium Server was the culprit, which was fixed completely once I saw my error. I hope that helps you. :smile:
  9. In response to post #15832705. #15836190 is also a reply to the same post. No Offense Taken. :) At the point of that post I had not come across that specifically, which I did shortly after that post, by reading that another member, SpyderArachnid, had posted and said about that. With this being the thing that I had missed that was causing my issues, becasue I had failed to do that and missed your update saying to do so, due to My Own Fault. "If you haven't specified your preferred location then the first time you go to download a file you'll be asked to pick one." That is Huge, in fixing my issues and I think maybe many other members as well, based on the posts I have been reading. I could be wrong about that though, because I do not see all that you see. lol I would post that entire paragraph repeatedly, lol Thank you for your response, I can only imagine the work behind on keeping this site up and running. I can think of no other place that I would want to get the many Wonderful Things for the games that I enjoy playing, than from here at the Nexus, I came to that realization a long time ago and have stayed here since. So Thank You again for your response and for all the work being put in to keep the Nexus up and running, by you and your staff. Thanks. :) ;) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  10. Yeah not enjoying this myself either. Every time I try to download anything, it redirects me to a server that isn't even working. So it just sits there at connecting, but never connects. Thought paying a premium, I'd be allowed to use premium servers. But instead I'm being redirected to regular servers that don't work. It is extremely frustrating to say the least. Though I appreciate the new endorsement system, a lot of mods that I didn't realize I never endorsed. But the downloading from regular servers that don't work, as a premium member, is the frustrating part. EDIT: Nevermind. Forgot to change my preferences to a premium server. All good now, sorry, ignore my rant. :tongue: That is Not A Rant. That is a complaint of legitimate issues you are Many Others I am sure are dealing with. I paid for Premium Life Time membership, which means that I should have access to a Premium Server. It used to be selectable, I can see that option could cause problems and would drive the new methods being used. Now I may have missed notification on my server preferences being set to non-premium servers, I don't know if there eve Was such a notification. But the resetting of server selection for Premium members should be made more noticeable I would think for sure. I have been Screwing With This For Days, talking to my ISP provider to see if there was a reduction of service in my area, resetting my browsers, trying New Browsers, Anything I could think of to fix an Issue that I Never Had Before that was caused by the resetting of the servers for Premium Members to Non-Premium Servers Seeing Your Post, Is The First Mention that I had seen that the resetting of the servers for Premium Members to Non-Premium Servers Would Even Be An Issue that I had to manage. So if there was notification of this and I think that there would have been because since I have been here the past 8 years as a member, Dark One has been very Good at letting people know what is going on. So maybe I missed that notification that in the end has led me for the past several days to bang my head against a Brick Wall, :wallbash: that was Not of My Making but could have easily been fixed by me if the first thing some one is told to do to fix this issue is to check reset the default Non-Premium Servers to Premium Servers for those members. So A Huge Thank You to You, SpyderArachnid for taking the time to come back and say what resolved this issue for you. Because if you had not I would have Never Ever Thought of even looking for what was the root of the problem, which was the reset to default, to Non-Premium Servers of Premium Servers for those members. So Kudos to you, SpyderArachnid. :wink: :smile: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  11. Not sure if this is the correct area for this, but I am getting an error this morning uploading images. Searching the forums for Image Shares did not show me the answers I am looking for. Got this error: Upload an image to the databaseMANAGE IMAGESErrorThe site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... You can only upload 5 images every 24 hours to the site (Premium members can upload 10). This is to stop people from spamming the image share section and not giving others a chance to show off their pictures. Thanks for your understanding. I am familiar with this rule, I have uploaded 2 images since I woke up today, and not 10 I say 10 and not 5, because Premium Membership allows 10 per day. My question is, what time zone is the site using to determine weather or not I have exceeded my limit? Maybe that is why it is showing that I have exceed my limit because my PST time zone does not jive well with the one the server uses, is that the issue? Also at various times the system Does Not recognize me as a Premium Member, could that be the issue as well? Not sure what is going on with this, any feedback would be greatly appreciated so that I may amend and keep better track of the times that I post images. So that I can the take into account that the turn over time for the clock does not leave me with any ability to post images during the day time that I am awake. Thanks. :smile: EDIT: I figured out the time for me it is 12 noon PST that it resets the limits. EDIT: I have also been getting this error when trying to download a file quite a bit as well: Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to fs-13.nexusmods.com Did you mean: nexusmods.­com
  12. I am new to interacting with Dragons in this game, I like having them in my game and am not keen on killing them unless I have to do so as part of a quest or something. Is there a mod that allows the skeletons to remain in the game the way that closed Oblivion gates were persistent? I have been reading the various dragon bone mods and None Of Them, actually come out and say that dragon bones remain persistent, that I have found in my reading. Maybe I missed that I don't know, which is why I post this question here. I have seen that there are problems with dragon skeletons in the game showing up far away from the various places they were killed at and showing up in places such as the gate at Whiterun. I have not seen that n my game though, I have all of the Unofficial patches installed maybe that is why, I don't know, not being familiar with the history of fixes the community has made for this game. So is there a mod that does what I am asking about? Thanks. :smile:
  13. Is there a mod that allows the importing of TESIV:Oblivion face files, with the .off file extension? I would like to import a face I used in TESIV:Oblivion, to be used as a starting point to edit it, to fit the racial appearances for the TESV:Skyrim game. I don't think a straight across import would look right most likely, but I think it could be used as a starting point for sure, I think. Thanks. :smile:
  14. Was not trying to make them look human at all, just asking if a mod could be made like the one in my links, that provides a Lore based ear that is different from the default. Peoples ears are not the same in actual life, it only makes sense, to me anyway, that it would be that way in the game to some degree within the limitations of the game of course. :smile:
  15. There used to be mod for TESIV:Oblivion that somebody had re-textured some Dunmer ears for use with Bosmers, if I remember correctly, it has been many years ago now, but if I remember correctly they looked pretty darn good. Found it: Smaller Elf ears by Tosimies http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/7942/? There does not appear to have been such a mod made for Skyrim. :sad: But maybe it could be made. :smile: If it could be done, I think that would make a Great Alternative that would not look out of place really at all, if they were textured to match Bosmer skin tones, using the Dunmer Mesh. I hope that gives ideas to somebody with the skills to make the mod, I would make it, but alas that is beyond the scope of my abilities. :sad: I hope that Helps. :smile: If you look at the difference of the two ears, I think it would make a Very Good Alternative mod. http://images.uesp.net/8/89/SR-race-Dunmer.jpg http://images.uesp.net/1/1f/SR-race-Bosmer.jpg Open those side by side in new tabs and click back and forth and I think you can see what I see maybe.. lol :D
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