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About Drakynval

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    Skyrim, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Morrowind, Arena
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  1. People in Skyrim seem to have a way of overreacting as well. You steal a spoon worth 2 gold from their house so they presumably pay some thugs hundreds of gold to go and kill you for stealing said spoon. They even say in the note 'teach them a lesson'. How are you going to learn a lesson when you're dead?
  2. I did one or two of these myself: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22595/? I would love to see a mod where you can actually get drunk, so the screen would go blurry, you stagger around, insult people, start fights, throw up, pass out etc. I mean for a game with so much mead there doesn't seem to be many drunks.
  3. Have you tried these? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37289//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18008//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13366//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31392//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36497//?
  4. Have you read the official tutorials? They usually help a lot and you can often find youtube videos to support them. Also I'm sure some nice person on here who mods spells can help out.
  5. Look at vanilla NPC's you would like to be similar to and check their values
  6. I've had this problem with individual files before but it usually sorted itself out quickly. Have you tried both manual and NMM download?
  7. Have you given the new file the same name as the old one? That sometimes helps as the game will be looking for the file in the same path. It could also be that as your new file isn't recognised as an official bethesda file, the game may not play it unless it is activated in a mod.
  8. I don't know a proper fix but you can do a workaround . If your explorer has crashed you can restart it by opening the run menu and typing explorer.exe into the box. It's not always possible to access the start bar so I think this website shows the shortcut. The usual way to access the "Run" command is via the Start Menu. However, there are ways to access Run more quickly. Shortcut 1: Keyboard Simply press the Windows Key + R to open Run from the keyboard.
  9. Try using the regular ini file to see if that's causing the problem.
  10. Check for missing textures or meshes. Also try deactivating recently installed mods so you can pinpoint which mod is causing the issue.
  11. You probably should have posted this under mod requests instead of technical support. It's possible that it can be done but you're more likely to find a modder capable of doing it on the request forum.
  12. You can look for a mod that will allow you to download it or a replacement. Or perhaps some nice person on here can send you a copy. I would but I don't have oblivion installed at the moment.
  13. Make sure you're using the right link to download the file. Also check the settings of your rar software. Other than that I'm not sure.
  14. You probably need to create a new .esp file so the game will recognise it as a mod
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