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  1. Well I fixed the problem after a new fresh instal, but now I broke everything else >.< Just going to keep plugging at it until I work out the problems.
  2. So recently I did a clean install of Skyrim and reinstalled everything I was previously running and everything was going great. I start up a new game and attempt to use the Ashen race but as soon as I started trying to change the hair slider nothing changed. The slider has quite the large range from 0 to about 4billion options. I am using Enhanced Character Edit, even though it says it is not compatible since before it never gave me any problems with the Ashen. Is there anyone that might be able to help me with this?
  3. This is the Papyrus log and it seems to be that the check is complete it crashes. It only just started doing this after I used the Reproccer to update with Amiridian born wolf armor/sky forge steel weapons. If I have to go back to not using the retex that is going to be sad but I don't really see what else I can do, if anyone could help me that would be great. ^.^;
  4. So I've been using the Tera Armors for a while and with some of the heavier armors I didn't notice it but now that I'm going back on a lighter/stealthy play through I notice a serious gap in the armor that I don't see in other people's screen shots. I currently am using the Ashen race and i went so far as to change the specific models to the unp ones like the armor requires but I still have this gap. Am I doing something wrong? >.<
  5. So I'm trying to use the dagger on back skeleton, it shows for all the npcs but not my character. I was wondering what I might be able to do to fix this? It still displays the dagger draw animation but the weapon is not on the back of my character's hip. Is it possible the player exclusive animation path could be causing this?
  6. So I assume it is from SkyRe but I have read over all of the author's information and all I can do is assume it is from this mod. I've been using the same weapon for a bit and after a while it seems to degrade in damage. For example I started with an orcish broadsword, it had 56 damage and now it is down to 16. If this is in fact from SkyRe that's great but it was rather confusing and lead to a bit of frustration when I had no idea I needed to switch weapons, finding out the hard way by getting my teeth kicked in and not being able to hurt anything. Thanks for any help anyone can give.
  7. OK so the crash is coming from SkyRe Races.esp, I've narrowed it down to that. It is the only one causing these crashes. If I am forced to go without that part of the mod then I will live but I am still worried about these duplicate formid errors from the ReProccer. If I should start another thread about that problem I will but it seems that I have solved the CTD while transitioning cells. I'll keep testing just to make sure.
  8. The reason it is so short is because I was capable of starting a new game and within a minute or so reproduce the same results. I am currently in the progress of checking the plugins. So it seems that Skyre is what is causing the problem. I disabled all of the skyre and skyre dependent plugins and it solved the issue. Though that is the the -one- mod I don't want to go without >.<
  9. That is the entire papyrus log that I have for my most recent issue with cell transitions. I went ahead and did as suggested, cleaning up the plugins suggested by BOSS. I have also disabled the mods that were unrecognized but to no avail. Thank you all for your help and I'll keep trying anything I can.
  10. So I recently picked Skyrim back up after a year and some change of letting it sit around. I did a fresh install and went through making sure my mods are all up to date. After a bit of work I got it to run but now when I attempt to enter a building or move to another area the game CTDs. I disabled saving on wait/travel all of that. I have a papyrus log but I have no understanding of what it is saying. Any help would be much appreciated.
  11. So I installed Pretty_Combat_idles by Dualsun and whenever I am in game all of my standard non-weapon drawn idles and movements are there. But when I draw my weapon my character instantly loses their idles and movement animations. I'm not exactly the most mod savvy so any help would be appreciated. Nvm, just not going to use it anymore. Found a different anim mod.
  12. Ok, so at one point I remember there being a mod that added a store to Freeside. It was inside of an unused building, it had two merchants. One sold a bunch of mod kits and the other sold weapons, I seem to remember it being a compilation mod of someone's released mods. A number of new guns and lots of them were in it. I've been trying so hard to find it because I loved a couple of the weapons used in the mod and just can't seem to find it now. Thank you for any help anyone can be. Upon looking up, I realized that the same question I had was answered in the one above me. Might help to look before asking.
  13. Thanks for the fast responses, how might I verify my cache though?
  14. So I decided to start a new character and when I walked into the sleeping giant inn for the first time I suddenly had a hole in the floor. I am wondering if anyone knows what might cause this or anyway to fix it, I have jumped around on a couple of my characters and now they all suddenly have this... I also found out that falling into it you just appear at the front door, though npcs seem to disappear forever... Any help would be very appreciated. http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu134/Nocturnstalker/2011-11-28_00001.jpg the picture is to big for me to upload so I just posted a link to it.
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