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Posts posted by crazycoconut247

  1. There needs to be a change in the rules. Mods that are heavily outdated or need to be ported to a newer version of the game should be allowed so as long the original creator/modder is credited. Many great mods are left behind or disappear cuz the mod creator themselves disappear or they don't have time (life happens).

    You can find some of them on third party sites even some of them ported for Special Edition in the creators stead. The red tape for this is ridiculous sometimes.

  2. He pulled it because he was upset about the trash talk about SJW, Feminists, Blacklives matter, etc. He is liberal and was hoping for a Hillary Clinton victory. In his self assuredness of a Clinton Victory and anger at Trump supporters he pulled all his mods until the election was over. I believe he aimed to make them available once Clinton won but since Trump was the winner he still hasn't put them back up (as a form of protest). Maybe he is out there with all the protesters which is why the mods aren't available yet...

  3. Can someone please make a mod that makes it either impossible or much harder to miss specific quests. I rode up on the death by fire quest and assumed I could come back later if I didn't activate the cut scene/conversation. Wrong. I came back later once I leveled up more and the house was burnt down. There are several easily missable side quests in the game. I am a stickler for draining every thing I can out of my purchase and I really want to do a 100% completion. Unfortunately I don't have any saves old enough to go back to that point and it would cost me days of play time to start again. Would it be possible for someone to make a mod akin to the other sidequests/main story to force them to stay in your quest menu for an allotted time (they can expire if certain story missions pass like the main game or stay there till completed). I really hope someone out there reads this and is either intrigued or takes it as a challenge cuz I don't have any Idea how I'd do this.

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