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Posts posted by Fecler

  1. Let's see if I can't put it a little more clearly.


    You need "Archive Invalidation" for FNV (and really all Bethesda games) for the same reasons as in Skyrim: to cause the game to use the "loose" mesh and textures (and other) files added by mods instead of the files with the same names that are stored in the game BSA files, which is it's default behavior.


    As for how:

    • Mod Organizer (MO): Select your "Profile". Turn on "Automatic Archive Invalidation" in the "Configure Profiles" dialog. Close the mod manager.

    Suggest you also take a look at the wiki article "FNV General Mod Use Advice" to learn about other differences between Skyrim and FNV you may not be aware of.




    This. this has helped me. For that, I give you my thanks.

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