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Posts posted by Tomishin

  1. You, sir, have just made my day! I think a bounty hunter mod as I requested would definitely be a great addition to the bounty mods, but this surely will suffice for ME. I envisioned it as a bounty mod, but I really just wanted this kind of gameplay, always having to watch over your shoulder, always being hunted.


    Thank you so much for telling me about The Sinister Seven! I will check that out as soon as I can. Thanks man!

  2. I want a bounty mod that increases:

    The frequency of which bounty hunters are sent after you.

    The amount of bounty hunters sent after you.

    And the difficulty of them.

    And all 3 of those aspects would increase, the higher your bounty is.


    I think this would really encourage players, (especially me) to actually pay my bounty. I see a lot of bounty mods but none like this. I think this would be a great addition to the bounty mods out there.

  3. there is a mod called Oblivion XP, it can modified bonus attribute point at level up & change whole game system for leveling up

    in the Oblivion XP ini file there is paramater



    you can change any number for that to suits your need

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Somehow I've never even heard of this mod, so thank you for that :)

  4. Pretty sure all it does is change the ILevelUp01Mult to ILevelUp10Mult game settings to 5. Very easily doable in the construction set (Gameplay -> Settings).

    I should clarify: I want every single attribute to get bonus points at every level. In vanilla, only 3 attributes get bonus points at level up, sometimes not even 3, but just 1... I want to make it so that all 8 attributes get bonus points at every level no matter what.

    I'm sorry for not being clearer in my first post, I should've written that better.

  5. I've ran across a couple mods that alter the leveling system i.e. "All 5+ Attribute Modifiers" here's the link to that mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2691

    This isn't doing exactly what I want it to, and I can't find a mod that does, so I was gonna try and make one myself. But I don't know how these modders alter these kinds of things, like leveling. I'm not new to the Creation Kit/Set for Oblivion but I've scoured the CS and the internet trying to find out how to edit such deep settings for Oblivion like the leveling system. No luck at all, so I'm asking you guys for help finding out how to mod what the author of that mod up there is modding -- specifically the attribute bonus points, and how to apply those points to all attributes for every level, (I'm a fast-paced kinda player.)


    Any help would be appreciated.

  6. I'm having trouble with followers being very unresponsive to being attacked, especially from behind it's like they don't know they're being attacked. I was wondering if anyone knows of a mod that makes FOLLOWER A.I. more responsive. None of the mods like UFO or AFT have helped with responsiveness, in fact I think it messed up the enemy A.I. too xD Might just be my setup :(

  7. So I can't pinpoint when this started happening but I've noticed that my scripts are either overloading or something's messing them up that I don't know about.


    For example 1, in Whiterun some shops were open all night. I was in The Drunken Huntsman until 3:30 A.M. (game time obviously), I walked out and saw Adrianne at the smithy sharpening weapons at 4 A.M, I could also buy from her... Warmaiden's was locked up but she was still out there working O.o


    2. Sometimes in combat my followers won't respond to being brutally attacked, other times it's the enemy who won't respond.


    3. Sometimes quest-givers don't give quests... at all. Like the Imperial/Stormcloak soldiers who walk by and suggest you join their army, normally it would give you that misc. quest to join them but I don't receive those.


    3. Bandits in Riften who are drinking with sword and drink in the same hand, rapidly moving with no running animation who are being verbally aggressive, "I'm gonna kill you!" and the whole city is in utter shock. Including the guards. Guards wouldn't attack them, they ran with civilians.


    4. I feel bad for Durak, the recruiter for Dawnguard. Any time I see him in places like Whiterun, Riverwood and Riften he is just so confused about what he's doing that he's literally skipping back and forth in a 5 foot radius and it's hard to get his attention.


    5. Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases misbehave. For Frostfall, sometimes my exposure rating just doesn't change for a long time, other times it's extremely fast, and this is in the same area so it's not like I'm in colder/warmer places and that's why my rating's changing.

    For RN&D, one option "force satiation first" as I understand it when you untick that option it makes it so you only need to eat 1 food item and then you're fine. I untick it and it works but the next time I start the game up it never works again.

    I know you're thinking "dude, post this s*** on these mods' respective bug report forums!" But I don't think these are bugs, I have a feeling my scripts are messed up but I'm still new to modding, I need opinions, information, help on whether or not these are script issues.


    Sorry for this being so long. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Sorry if you don't like me. And I'm just sorry in general. Thanks in advance for anything you might say besides insults...


    I'll go learn how to post my load order while hopefully someone reads this

  8. I've looked for a mod that allows me to disable deletion of a savegame and I can't find one anywhere so I assume there isn't one.


    I share my game with friends and there's a lot of savegames to go through when we go to load or save a game. I've accidentally saved over a friend's savegame and I felt pretty bad. I think it'd be very useful to have some kind of savegame utility for Skyrim that allows me to "lock" a selected savegame or "disable" deletion on selected savegames.


    It could also be useful for people who have the same character saved at certain points of the game they might like to replay or whatever their reason is, who accidentally save over it because it's the same character name and it caused confusion.


    Maybe something as simple as Jaxonz Named Save, where you hit a hotkey and it pops up a window where you type your savegame name. This mod I request could be very similar in functionality where you just click a hotkey to lock the savegame you're using, it pops up a window and asks "Lock this save? Yes, No."

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