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Posts posted by ExodusRisen

  1. Well, after much trial and error it appears I have found a solution to this problem at long last! I downloaded and installed Windows Media Player Classic, which specializes in the handling of .ogg files, and I simply associated all of my sound-related (and video related) files with Media Player Classic instead of the default Windows Media Player. I just got through playing Fallout 3 for several hours, and experienced absolutely no voice cutting out at any point. It was a pretty flawless play-through this time, all except for the usual gltiches that are normal with Fallout 3's engine. So that takes care of that! It's a pretty cool game too, now that I'm finally getting to enjoy it. :D

  2. I have the strangest problem with Fallout 3. I’m playing the vanilla game (Game of the Year Edition with all DLC), but no mods or anything… and every once in a while, quite randomly, NPC will just have no voice when I am talking to them. The subtitles work, and their mouths and gestures work, but no voice. Then all of a sudden I’ll pick another conversation topic and they’ll start talking again. When I talked to Vance’s girlfriend in the Family’s base this bug one time affected all her speech except greetings and farewells. It was all totally random, however, and on my last play her speech worked but the old lady, Manya, in Megaton, her speech didn’t. I Googled this problem for like a week before considering posting about it here, and I tried every possible “fix” for voice issues that anybody could come up with. Here is a list of all that I did to try and solve this problem. I have pretty much exhausted all possibilities I could think of.


    1. Going under my computer’s control panel to check if my sound is set to just Stereo and nothing like Quad sound or Surround or anything. It’s just set to normal stereo desktop speakers, nothing fancy. Just for laughs I tried setting it to all the other settings and then to off. Nothing helped the voice bug in Fallout 3, however.


    2. Playing the radio with the radio volume down during conversations. This also did nothing to fix the voice bug. Just as well, since this was annoying to do every time I wanted to talk to someone in the game. It seemed dubious at best anyway, but I had to try it just in case it was a working fix. It wasn’t, however.


    3. Extracting all the voice files from the game’s bsa and putting them in their corresponding folder where the game is installed. This was simple using the Fallout Mod Manager (about the only thing I did use that program for, since I’m not using mods in my game). It did nothing to solve the voice bug either. And took a while to do.


    4. Setting the Audio Cache size in the Fallout.ini file to something higher, such as iAudioCacheSize=4096 … this too did nothing to solve the voice bug, though I have left the changed setting since it can only help rather than hinder my game’s audio regardless of the voice bug I have been experiencing.


    5. Somebody once suggested the “Skullaputra” fix, as I believe it is called. I tried it and it too did nothing to solve the voice bug. I honestly didn’t think it would work, and hated to try such an odd “fix” but by that point I figured it was worth a try just to see what would happen. It was a no-go however in the end.


    6. Installing the latest K-Lite Codec pack. I fully installed K-Lite Codec 1080 Mega and it as well did nothing to solve the voice bug. As with the Audio Cache setting, I decided to keep the new pack since it’s handy and will work well with programs other than Fallout 3. Can’t have too many helpful programs, I say!


    7. I also made totally certain that .ogg files are associated with Windows Media Player on my computer, which they totally are, so that's not the answer to the problem either it would seem.


    The sheer randomness at which this bug hits is annoying, to say the least! Yesterday it struck in Rivet City when I was talking to Doctor Zimmer, today it struck in Megaton as I mentioned before. One day, at the Family’s base and another time at Big Town when I was talking to Dusty. There is no rhyme or reason to the bug, it just happens after a certain amount of time playing, ranging from an hour and a half to two or more hours. One time though, it struck after only fifteen minutes of playing. I have no clue what the cause of this bug could be, and I have read about countless people all over the Internet complaining about it and each of them trying different fixes with different results. But for many, including myself, no fix (at least none I’ve tried or read about) seems to work. Is there any fix for this issue that I am not aware of or have not yet tried which is known to solve this, or is it one of those random Bethesda game bugs that players just have to live with? For the record, I do not have this problem in New Vegas, Oblivion, or Morrowind. Only in Fallout 3, which seems like it’s something in just this game’s coding perhaps.


    Here are my computer specs (more than enough to run the game without crashing and with no slowdowns or other issues):


    Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 2.00 GHZ (2CPUs)

    2046 MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c, ATI Radeon HD 3600 video card with 512 MB on it, and Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio for my sound.

    Lastly, I am running Windows XP.


    I am running the game in 800x600 resolution, no Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering at 8 Samples, Vsync on, and HDR on. Graphics-wise, I have no problems. Both my video card and sound card are updated with the latest drivers available for them, too.


    So, any idea what could be causing the voices to cut out randomly like this, and if there is an actual proven to work fix for it?

  3. I can't even get the coral to show up underwater in-game, and I set everything up as per the readme file for Vurt's Ground Cover, and read everything extensively on the Nexus site about how to do this. It just doesn't appear, though the grass everywhere else in the game certainly does. I've posted a new topic concerning this question, so I am wondering about it big time. Where is all the coral?

  4. I've set up Vurt's Corals the way the readme for Vurt's Ground Cover indicated, using only the Morrowind Graphics Extender and setting it up under the Distant Land generation section (and not ticking the listing for it in the mod manager)... and oddly enough though the ground cover for all of the overland of Morrowind shows up just fine I don't see any coral at all when I explore underwater. Is there some specific locations where the coral appears, or is it supposed to cover all underwater outdoor locations? I'm kind of new to using the MGE, so I just want to make sure it's not the way I have this set up.

  5. I figured it out. It was the name used by the mod's folders for the two sets of included voices. First, I changed them to AbyssalDemon M and AbyssalDemon F and then I opened up the CS and changed the listed race names for the creature so that the Editor IDs read AbyssalDemon and AbyssalDemonF. The in-game names were changed to be Abyssal Demon M and Abyssal Demon F. That made it so the voice folders matched with the creatures, instead of being mismatched as they were i the mod initially. ;D


    Finally, the male and female Abyssal Demons have their proper voices! :devil:

  6. I've been toying around with the mod "Abyss Demon - Beta" by Selene310187 aka darklady310187 and I have one tiny problem...


    It contains two folders that contain voice files, which are supposed to go in this folder: sound\Voice\Oblivion.esm so that's where I placed them. I installed the whole mod, started a new game, and picked the new demon race for my player character. The whole thing works brilliantly except that my character no longer makes any sounds when he attacks. I checked the sound files and everything is there for attacks and power attacks, etc. etc. but strangely it doesn't work. :ermm:


    To fix this, I switched the Abyssal Demon's voice to Nord using the CS. But I keep thinking how odd it was that the new voice that came with the mod didn't work. What is the proper procedure for installing a new voice for a custom race anyway? And does anyone have any ideas as to why the mod's new voice didn't work?

  7. Success! Thanks for mentioning that CorESPreader, LFact. It works flawlessly for my purposes. I did a test by deleting the former HNAM and ENAM for the Breton child race and replacing it with copies of the adult Bryon HNAM and ENAM. The result is that now the Breton child has the exact same range of hair and eye choices as the parent race does. Which is exactly what I needed. Thanks a million for this gem of a utility! :biggrin:
  8. Firstly, thanks for all the suggestions. :biggrin: Some have proven useful but I'm still having a problem that seems to be pretty much the same one I started out with. I'll explain...


    The basics of my expeiment have been to merge the CSC (Comprehensive Style Collection V1.5) mod with a mod that adds child races. I used TES4 Gecko to merge the two mods together smoothly, and then using the Construction Set I managed to fix the eyes of the child races so they aren't crooked. But now I need to add the hairs and eyes of each child race's "parent" race. Breton hairstyles and eyes for the Breton children, etc. etc. for each of the four basic human races of Oblivion. (Breton, Imperial, Redguard, and Nord.) That is where I've hit something of a wall, so to speak. :wallbash:


    You see, in the CSC mod, each race gets dozens and dozens of new eyes and hairs. The Contruction Set only allows you to place one at a time and this makes for a very time consuming process. I tried TES4 Edit and it seems to be more complicated than the Construction Set in that department. Now, I have been using TES4 Gecko, largely to merge mods. Now I am trying to see if it can copy the whole contents of a race's ENAM or HNAM from one race to be pasted on another. Here is how far I've gotten:


    I start up TES4 Gecko and press the button for Display/Copy. I open up my merged mod's .esp file. Now a screen with two separate windows opens up. On the right side is the clipboard and on the left side is my .esp file. I click on Group: Races and I can see the ENAM and HNAM subrecords when I click on each race. But I can't seem to do anything with them. I can display their contents, but not copy or paste to or from them. That is the wall I've hit. :wallbash: If the TES4 Gecko can be used for editing a mod (.esp) file, how does one go bout the copy / paste routine for the subrecords? That is, assuming such a procedure is possible with this (or any) program. :rolleyes:


    Quick Edit: I just noticed LFact's post and am in the process of trying out the program suggested in it. I'll let everybody know how things turn out. :thumbsup:

  9. I was reading the readme file for Comprehensive Style Collection V1.5 and it says the following: "If you want faster edit, you can add any wanted eyes/hairs to just one race, save the plugin, then open it with any other esp editor that can copy/paste/delete subrecords. For each race, the eye list is stored in a subrecord 'ENAM', hair list is in 'HNAM'. You can copy&paste them from one race to other race, make adding eyes/hairs faster." :ermm:


    I've never heard of any Esp editors outside of the game's Construction Set, but that doesn't let you copy and paste whole groups of eyes and hairs from the ENAM and HNAM. So, what Esp editor is the author talking about in this readme? At the moment, I am attempting to merge two mods, one of which has a lot of eyes and hairs so if such a timesaver exists I'd very much like to know about it. Thanks in advance for any assistance. :thumbsup:

  10. This is really bugging me. I have been playing the Underpall Cave quest and I got the Sword of the Crusader so I decided to explore the rest of the place.


    In one particular hallway, I am getting massive slowdown! o_O

    It's the hallway that leads to the South Wing. It starts slowing down as you get near the section near the end of the hall where there is a kind of lower floor with stairs on both ends of it and a brazier on the other side. Exactly before the door to the South Wing. (I cannot figure out what it is about this area that causes the slowdown. It is just a simple dungeon hallway like any other... and yet, it's the laggiest place I know of.)


    The slowdown is worse here than anywhere else I've been to in the game, and it seems like turning down the video options do not solve it, although turning down Specular and Indoor Shadows does alleviate the slowdown slightly. Which begs the question...


    Is that part of Underpall Cave just made like this, and is what I've tried the best and / or only way of dealing with it? (Even mods like Streamline, and that other one for stopping stutter, did nothing in regards to that hallway! Very strange indeed.)

  11. Hmmm... it seems the crash was more tricky to solve than I thought. It came back!!!

    But I solved it, and here is how:


    (First, I decided to test my saved games. I determined that the crash was occuring on all of them, so I reasoned that they could not all be corrupt saved games.)


    The first time the crash took place, it was on leaving the room where you slay the wraith in Underpall Cave. This was on Saved Game 1. :wallbash:


    The second time the crash took place, it was on leaving Underpall Cave's exit but without fighting the wraith.. This was on Saved Game 2. :blink:


    The third time, I used Saved Game 3, hiked from the Priory of the Nine all the way back to Underpall Cave and it crashed once more on leaving the cave's exit. :devil:


    I decided to test what part, if any, MMM played in things.


    Disabling MMM or any part of it caused crashes rather than fixed them, so I re-enabled MMM and decided to try again. That's when the cause of the crash finally hit me!


    All of my saved games were saying that message about using content that is no longer available, which came about when I re-installed all my mods but didn't start the game over. That is why the game was crashing! To solve this, I saved over them and quit.


    When I reloaded the game and tested each save, the game did not crash once. :woot:


    Thinking the good luck might be a fluke, I quit and tried one last time, with no crashes.


    So, it was actually both a save-related and mod-related crash!

  12. I think I found the solution! It's a three-step process. :)


    Firstly, I performed the suggested, necessary test...

    I loaded up my saved game, which was before the hallway where the door in question is located. I went back up it and was able to pass without a crash. This made me suspect it was more an oblivion-related crash than a mod-related one, so I did the following as precautions: (This is where the three-step process comes into play!)


    1. I downloaded and installed Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System for OBSE, since I do have OBSE in use and it is supposed to cut down immensely on non-mod related crashes. Since this isn't a mod, it won't interfere with any existing mods.


    2. I downloaded and installed both MMM patches for UL. The two they had were for the Heath and for Rolling Hills. Since the dungeon where I crashed isn't all that far away from the Heath, I figured this was a case of "better to be safe, than sorry".


    3. I rearranged my load order for all my modules according to the following system that was recommended for preventing crashes: (This order seems to work for people.)


    Mod Load Order (For use with Oblivion Mod Manager):



    Unofficial Patches

    Weather, Environment, and Sound mods

    Minor mods, New Items, Weapons, Houses,and completed DLC mods

    Major Overhaul mods (MMM, OOO)

    Mods which need to take precedence over the overhaul mods

    DLCs (not completed)

    Quest mods

    Gameplay Chagning mods

    Unique Landscapes mods


    Since doing these three steps, I haven't crashed anywhere in the game again. I am also using FastExit which prevents the notorious Oblivion exit crash. (Seems to be the only program that really does fix that, in fact!) So, keeping my fingers crossed but all these things seem to have fixed the problem I was having. :thumbsup:

  13. Ok, I've been playing Oblivion for a long time now and until I downloaded Mart's Monster Mod 37b3 it never crashed. Tonight, I was playing through the Knights of the Nine quests and right after I killed the wraith who guards the Crusader Sword I tried to go through a door and the game suddenly crashed to desktop. This never happened before. :wallbash:


    I need to know... which .esp files from MMM are known to be responsible for crashes, so I can remove them?


    Here is a list of the ones I have installed, and the exact order I have them installed in using Oblivion Mod Manager:


    (I have Oblivion with Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles, all with the latest patches. I also have installed the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch, and the Unofficial Mods Patch!)


    Mat's Monster Mod.esm is located at the top of the list, right beneath Oblivion.esm.

    The unofficial patches and DLC are all underneath them, and Mat's Monster Mod is at the very bottom of the list.


    Mat's Monster Mod is set up in the list as follows:


    1. Mat's Monster Mod.esp

    2. Mat's Monster Mod - Knights.esp

    3. Mat's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp

    4. Mat's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp

    5. Mat's Monster Mod - Durability and Damage.esp

    6. Mat's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp

    7. Mat's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp

    8. Mat's Monster Mod - Looting NPC & Creatures.esp

    9. Mat's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp

    10. Mat's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp

    11. Mat's Monster Mod - City Defenses.esp

    12. Mat's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp

    13. Mat's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp

    14. Mat's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp

    15. Mat's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp


    So, which of these will I have to remove to stop the crashing? :thumbsup:


    Also, does MMM have any problem with Natural Environments or Unique Landscapes?


    I was thinking of installing MMM along with those for the ultimate Oblivion experience but I thought it prudent to ask about compatibility first.

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