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About lowkey1979

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  1. Yep, I noticed that mod - about 5 minutes after I somehow solved the issue. Cheers though. I'll probably still add it for my playthrough. No idea what the problem was TBH. I decided to recreate the replacement actor from scratch and now it works fine. There's still more work to be done on his AI packages & scripting (I want lot's of automated banter & world interaction stuff)- not to mention changing out the doggie growls and woofs for actual dialog, maybe change the associated perks a bit. Works well though, I've set him up to be cautious and timid - then trigger a frenzy state in combat. It fit's Morty's personality well I think.
  2. Hey everyone, Just for fun I decided to replace Dogmeat with Morty of "Rick & Morty" fame for a personal playthrough (and possibly a more extensive overhaul mod). So I left the formid etc the same, changed his name to "Morty", removed the unneeded idles and such. So far so good, he shows up in game, still more or less runs around like Dogmeat & is affected by the right perks (although stuff like hold enemy isn't functional). I'll swap his voices out for clips of Morty talking instead, combined with replacing the PC dialog with Rick's it could be a fun overhaul. The issue I'm having is getting the combat AI to actually work though. He runs & hides regardless of what I set the AI to. While I don't mind Morty panicking a little (I'm intending to specifically set him to be much more cautious & stealthy than dogmeat), he should still at least fight when cornered! Is it because HumanRaceChild is just hardcoded to do that? I tried creating a specific MortyRace & unsetting the "child" flag & keyword, but that's caused a bunch of other issues (I can't figure out why, but I can't get the HumanRaceChild mesh to work with it despite being a 1:1 copy. Changes since Skyrim eh?). The body vanishes without clothes, and even with a t-shirt on the hands are gone. I guess I could just add the hands mesh in nifscope to the t-shirt I'm using but that seems like overkill. So yeah - fixing combat AI. I've tried assigning different AI package overrides etc, no joy. I've armed him with a baseball bat & he's set to aggressive, foolhardy & assist allies/friends. Still just runs away from molerats. Any ideas? I don't want to use a rescaled adult - it looks bad IMO.
  3. Just do a search for the Elysium Community Uncapped. It's a SKSE plugin that does everything you want and a whole lot more
  4. Hi all, I'm currently working on a mod to give magic skill xp when using staves. Is there any way of checking a players currently active skill use multipliers, for calculating skill xp to give when the appropriate skill's used? Obviously I can check if Well Rested or Skill stones are active and add in appropriate modifiers, but I'd kinda like to have my script still work if someone's using the Uncapper to increase leveling speed (I often do when checking out a new perk mod, as an example) or some other mod that increases/decreases the skill multiplier rates. I can't find a way of retrieving it as an Actor Value, or from checking the MagicEffect itself. Any ideas? Or too hard with papyrus? Cheers
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