Hi, I was just playing Skyrim and it was dark in the forest, and right there i remembered that moment in the movie Troll Hunter where the dude comes and screams TROLL ! and they start running, sooo it came right to my mind, trolls should be scary, granted, not all of them, but some should be fearsome! with only two kinds of trolls already in the game, which are in fact the same but different color, where's the fun? we need bigger trolls, uglier trolls, trolls with big noses, trolls with tails, fur, trolls who throw rocks like giants do, dirty trolls, we need more trolls ! a good inspiration would be the European traditional folklore trolls, one good example would be the trolls in the movie troll hunter, here's a pic of what a troll ought to look like (without the arm missing, variations with some trolls missing limbs ain't so bad tho) : http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130806094301/trollhunter/images/8/81/991_TROLLHUNTER.jpg I know i'm asking a lot, it's a great deal of work, creating the trolls (how they look), the AI for them to act like trolls do (living under bridges..etc) but hell yeah if i could i'd make it myself, we need trolls and if you can give them to us you'll be the best of the best ! thanks for reading Edit1: I just remembered that in Troll Hunter, trolls turn to stone when hit by sunlight, the creator of the mod could make dangerous trolls that doesn't come out during the day and appear at night, making it realistically dangerous to travel by night, thus giving inns a use. and i thought of small trolls that are much like foxes, rabbits and such, they are kind of harmless and run when you get near them, but if you happen to enter a cave where they made their nest, they'll attack you, but that is only if they have the number advantage. Edit2: The player could use troll fat to make some kind of mixture or potion that makes him/her kind of 'invisible' to big night trolls (but if you get too close they'll notice you, and oh boy if they do, run for your life !), thus making it possible to travel at night, but the potion should be kind of hard to make and optionally activated in MCM. Edit3: I just thought of a unique friendly old troll somewhere who sells special stuff, equipment, that can only be found in his inventory, but you have to finish his quest for him to accept to sell you anything, like kill a younger and stronger troll that he has a grudge against (maybe kicked him from under his bridge?)