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About portylad4

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  1. Hmm. After I tried that, I didn't see any noticeable improvements. Maybe I need to do a better comparison. Or is there some other command that is preventing it from pre-loading textures?
  2. Hi! So, In Oblivion, you could change the amount of RAM that you could allow the game to use, allowing it to pre-load textures or something like that, which enabled higher graphics settings without much of a strain on FPS. I checked in the Skyrimprefs.ini and I can't seem to find any settings in there that are the same as the ones in the Oblivion.ini. Anyone care to lend me a hand?
  3. Hi! So, In Oblivion, you could change the amount of RAM that you could allow the game to use, allowing it to pre-load textures or something like that, which enabled higher graphics settings without much of a strain on FPS. I checked in the Skyrimprefs.ini and I can't seem to find any settings in there that are the same as the ones in the Oblivion.ini. Anyone care to lend me a hand?
  4. I've fixed the armor! I found the mod that made these NPC's... Regional Soldiers. Turns out that the textures were somehow corrupted, re-downloaded the mod and now they all have pretty little soldier uniforms. Still no hair though >.> No idea how to fix that... but I think that save was made with a certain hair mod installed with a mod I no longer have installed, so a new save should solve all of that. I'll post if it does =D
  5. Hello chaps. Let's keep this quick and dirty, like the cold war. "West Weald Soldiers" have been appearing on my roads.... without a torso, and with no hair/helms. Here is an example picture: http://i.imgur.com/qnEZ9.jpg You can understand that this may be a little disconcerting. Thank you for any and all help. My mod list: P.s. Let's not be harsh about my mod choices. Helpful contributions only please! Thanks Micalov for the help with the spoiler tag xD
  6. Heya! Sooo, I just recently noticed that the Blades Armor, Brusef Amellions Ceremonial Armor, and the Ebony armor is displaying some parts of the set in jet black. (By the way, i'm using Slofs sexified armor mods) I tried the few things that I thought might fix it, I reinstalled the texture+mesh files from the files that I re-downloaded, and that didn't fix it. I reinstalled Roberts V5 (I was using Natural Males, which uses Roberts bodies but is more realistic and masculine, but the armor was fine after I installed it anyway...) And that didn't do anything to fix it either. I also tried disabling all of my mods that had ESP's/ESM's, to no avail. I searched these forums and apparently that can be caused by missing .dds files, or missing _g or _n files or something like that, but the blades armor, and the ebony/brusef amellions armor didn;t have them in the files I re-downloaded, but as far as i'm aware they worked anyway. I can give my mod list, and texture/mesh replacer list if that would be helpful. I'll put it if someone needs it, but it's quite long, so bear with me. Cheers, Hugh.
  7. Heya! Ok. Lets cut to the chase. I've tried pretty much every beard mod I can find, and none of them have stubble. I -did- find one mod that gave you an option for stubble, but the quality was absolutely terrible. (I won't name the mod to avoid offending the owner, but the mod boasts: "Ever wanted to give your character stubble, scars or even acne?") Yeah. Really bad quality. Sooooo. Yeah. If any of you know of, or are willing to create a mod that gives your character some -proper- stubble (Not that crappy face browning that came with the game ((Well, it's -ok- but whenever you make it too dark, it makes the rest of your body either a sickly green, or a very dark brown. It doesn't really look that good when my character's face is white and the rest of his body is brown (((No racism intended))) any mods that fix that would be nice as well :P )) There you go! Cheers, Hugh.
  8. Hehe, thanks Slof! Just what I was looking for. Oh, I would love a Sexified version of the base clothing as well, but as you said, that would take ages. Thanks for the help! P.S. I'm rather grateful that you replied, Slof, as I consider you something of an idol. Tee hee *Fanboy grin* EDIT: Just installed both of those, and ooh, my surprise when a whole load of "Hunter" type Imperials walked past. The leather pant textures look great now.. A whole load of muscled imperial types wandering around. *Drool*
  9. Heya! I had an account a while ago, but it i've lost access to that email address, the Username etc, so heres my new one! I've been using Slods "Sexified" Vanilla armors for a while now, but i've been looking for a mod to replace the Vanilla clothes in the game as well. I use plenty of clothing mods, but most of the NPC's in the world that still wear the base Clothing have these horrible textures, and any part of the body that the Clothing texture is part of looks horrible compared to the rest of the body that has been altered by Roberts V5, and it looks so unsightly that I just have to change it! I've tried extensive searches but nothing has come up. So basically I need a mod that retextures all of the vanilla clothing, whilst obviously being compatible with Roberts V5, therefore letting his body textures show in the clothing. Cheers! Hugh. (That's my name, I don't really care about y'all knowing it.)
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