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Nexus Mods Profile

About Beerto

  1. Thank you guys, youve been a great help. The mod works now. Im not releasing it yet though :0
  2. It should be spelled correctly, if I change onMagicEffectHit to onActivate it lets me save it. Atm its object
  3. I'm currently trying to make a water bottling mod (A mod that lets you bottle water from watersources), to train my scripting - as I am very new to it. So, after going through the script commands I found "begin onMagicEffectHit", though it doesnt seem to work ( I can't save the script as long as that line is in it) Anyways, heres my script, please tell me why I'm having theese problems. Again, I am a newbie to scripting, so any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. scriptname BGESSFillPurified Begin onMagicEffectHit WaterHeal1Purified if Player.GetItemCount BGESSEmptyBottle >= 1 Player.AddItem BGESSBottlePurified 1 Player.RemoveItem BGESSEmptyBottle 1 ShowMessage BGESSBottleFill endif End I found the onMagicEffectHit on the G.E.C.K commands website, so it should work (however it does not). The main Idea was that the script would run once the character is "hit" by the healing spell that the character would get from activating any kind of water source.
  4. Alrighty, made a post in Troubleshooting instead.
  5. Well, I found the onMagicEffectHit on the G.E.C.K commands website, so it should work (however it does not). The main Idea was that the script would run once the character is "hit" by the healing spell that the character would get from activating any kind of water source.
  6. I'm currently trying to make a water bottling mod (A mod that lets you bottle water from watersources), to train my scripting - as I am very new to it. So, after going through the script commands I found "begin onMagicEffectHit", though it doesnt seem to work ( I can't save the script as long as that line is in it) Anyways, heres my script, please tell me why I'm having theese problems. Again, I am a newbie to scripting, so any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. scriptname BGESSFillPurified Begin onMagicEffectHit WaterHeal1Purified if Player.GetItemCount BGESSEmptyBottle >= 1 Player.AddItem BGESSBottlePurified 1 Player.RemoveItem BGESSEmptyBottle 1 ShowMessage BGESSBottleFill endif End
  7. I'd rather have this as like.. a demonic metamorphis spell, if thats even possible :P Like, a spell that when you have the effect on, it'll hide your gear and change your character's look to the one of a balrog. (and boost your damage and maybe make stuf burn when you hit it) And then maybe work it together with those disguise mods where you can have different crimegold levels in each type of disguise ( so that the law wouldnt harass you when youre not a balrog) Because then, whenever you felt like it you could go on some kind of rampage
  8. definetly doable, but I think making it wear armor is going to be a problem
  9. a pig isnt a race. its a creature (in the CS)
  10. true dunmer, thats why I didnt go too far with the decayed'ness ( is that even a word?)
  11. now a second question. Would anyone be interested in getting a house or questmod with a house like this, with a huge catacomb'ish basement (I mean, the bloody basement door has to lead to somewhere scary, right?)
  12. Well I didnt intend for it to be entirely decayed, more along the lines of it being like.. abandoned 20 years ago (hence why I said "Decaying" - in the progress of becoming decayed) But I do agree with you, there are some areas that could use tweaking. the fireplaces for examplpe. and maybe the wooden poles inside the house, though Im really happy with the exterior of the house, it looks creepy but tbh I think If I added some wooden boards across some of the windows, some messy clutter and such, it would look rather scary Ty for the response :)
  13. This is my first real attempt at retexturing, so I'd like some feedback. Its supposed to be like.. an old scary decaying house :P I know it doesnt look all that scary in the bright background, but Im confident that it'll look rather "haunted" in a dark and cluttered environment. images in spoiler
  14. That would actually be really awesome, only silver arrows and only silver hand weapons.. Would make the game more immersive, and you would always have a bundle of silver arrows or a silver sword with you when going into caves. wether this is possible or not, I cannot answer. But Im guessing it could be done through scripting
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