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Posts posted by Beerto

  1. This mod is a big first time for me: First time retexturing and first time making a quest, I've just made the first quest, Im testing it ingame now.

    (you got to steal an amulet from a person named thamriel, however, she keeps it locked up in a chest and she always carries the key with her, so you gotta pickpocket her an sneak into her bedroom and steal the amulet)


    EDIT: Yay, the quest works!

    Now I just gotta figure out how to continue with a chain of quests.

  2. Lol guys, read the ()'s, I said that I have not changed the bow or the dagger :P (as I don't see any reason to, they look nearly identical to the ones from Thief - I know the silver dagger isnt a complete replica of garrets dagger, but its close), and yeah, you can see Garretts arms in Deadly Shadows if thats what you refer to by "short sleeves"


    And well, the sword from that mod is definetly better than mine, but its not perfect, the shape is off and the texturing seems wrong - but again, its better than mine :P


    - but I think I'll ask him for permisson to use his sword in my mod (and then I'd probably do some retextuing for some of the parts) :P Though I doubt he'll let me.



    And I am not a modeller (it will definetly be the next thing I'll try to learn though), so I cannot add that little thing on the bow.

  3. Well as I did not make the scarf myself, it might be a problem, but I'll try texturing it in a invisible texture, maybe that'll make the cloak go away.

    But I added the cloak as Garret in Thief: Deadly Shadows has acloak

  4. Sure mate, its immsersive, but the blackwood gloves are atleast something you can wear, something you can actually see every day. The night mother is just a ghost chick in the end of the DB quest.


    and as far as I know, the night mother is not described as a sexy emo chick with a scythe anyways.

  5. I just finished retexturing some armor and a weapon for a thief mod. This is my first attempt at retexturing ever, so please give me constructive criticism.


    Here's a pic of the armor and weapons. (Constantine's Sword, Garrett's Bow, Garrett's Dagger, Garrett's equipment)


    Egal Wie, was this what you had in mind? I made it because of you after all :P


    open spoiler for image




    (Bow and dagger are un-edited)

    (Cloak resource by Ryu Doppler)




    And I am thinking of making a quest-line to attain this set of equipment, you will be taught by Garrett himself :0 (as he is retiring, and needs to pass his skills and equipment onto someone - in my story)

  6. But to be completely honest with you, the request makes no sence, as far as I know, you only get a fast peek at the night mother once in the game, and then never again.

    So whats the point in going through all of this trouble for that short glimpse that you get of her?

  7. I'm sure plenty have said the same thing as I do now:


    Come on people! Be artistic with your images. Downloading a female bodymod in order to make your character's breasts larger, then stripping it down to its underwear and Print Screening is not artistic (In my opinion atleast)


    Now sure, some people are placing their characters (Who look like they just had plastic-surgery) in some sort of background, but its all the same anyways.


    Use your imagination.. Plan an unique image and set it up in the CS, catch a beautiful sunset/rise, take artistic pictures of your character fighting a bunch of goblins, take screenshots of your character and its family/house/horse/etc.


    Now I know that at this point, taking original images in Oblivion is a hard task - but atleast challenge yourself a little.


    Lets see some interesting images!

  8. Hey, Ive been trying to find some texture-replacers (for every object if possible) to make my oblivion look better (Im already running oblivion at best possible graphics/resolutions etc, it just is not good enough) - I know theyre there, I just cant find them.


    Edit: Found it, qarls texture pack; looks like it'll fulfill my needs.

  9. Basiclly I'd like a more fierce Khaajit male, I've only seen one mod that (somewhat) does what I want - but I was not too pleased with it.


    I want a khajiit male that looks more like this guy (But ofc he would still walk on two legs, like any other khajiit)




    • The khajiit male would ofc have increasements in Weight, as he'd be more muscular
    • His face would have to look more Warrior-ish, rather than Thieve-ish.
    • And he'd have to have a real-looking mane. You could use the WoodElfSpiky hairstyle for this (Theres a problem with using nonKhajiit hairstyles for khajiits though, they tend to levitate off the head, I guess thats cool if you like flying wigs. so the WoodElfSpiky would have to be adjusted a little)



    The new Khajiit Male would have some new racial "abilities"



    PwRaceOrcBerserk (Berserk)

    PwRaceKhajiitDemoralize (Eye of Fear)


    Base Attributes:

    Strength 45

    Intelligence 30

    Willpower 45

    Agility 35

    Speed 45

    Endurance 50

    Luck 40

    Personality 30


    Skill Bonus:

    Light Armor 10

    Blunt 10

    Blade 10

    Athletics 10

    Hand to Hand 5


    The new Khajiit Male would be a Warrior that uses Light armor and a twohanded weapon, he would rush into his foes with animalistic speed and slash up anybody in his way - a true predator.


    Either you could make a new race, so we could still have the old sneaky khajiits - or you could edit the old one.

  10. a problem with this Dynamic lifestyle that you speak of is that it would most likely leave the cities empty at day - ofc that would boost the atmosphere, but sometimes it might be a little boring.
  11. Well, if you want this to happen in your game, you could go into CS and toggle the deadra race as playable, aswell as adding the option of using the deadra hair ( with horns) for every race.

    Then, when you feel like its time for a morph, you open up Console and write Showracemenu, then you could either make your hair blonde and your eyes blue - or use the deadra hair, or change your character to a deadra.


    (while changing race in racemenu, your game might crash - so save before you do it)


    This is ofc not as cool as an automatic mod, but it fulfills your needs.

  12. Would be nice if someone could clutter up the cities with christmas and halloween decorations, then make the christmas ones only show up in december, and the halloween ones only show up in october.

    Then you could have like, a large halloween party / gathering in the swamps east of leyawiin. Aswell as a large christmas party / gathering near bruma - those two would of course only show up in the right months aswell.


    Now I don't know if this is possible with maybe some hardcore scripting, or some easy scripting - but it sure as hell would be cool.

  13. Hi, I noticed someting odd while playng.


    I autosaved and then shot someone, but then when i loaded the arrows where still there. So I just threw the arrows away and loaded. They where still there. I picked them upp, now I had dubble the arrows. Then you kepp on going. :thumbsup:


    I do not know if anyone knew this... probubly. It could come handy.


    Yeah, or you could open up console, type in TGM and shoot your arrows, then toggle it off and pick them up.

  14. i don't remember how i did it or what version i did it on but one day i some how glitched oblivion to allow me to go past the limits on enchantment. i think the limit is like 105 or something. i had it going to like 300 and had i something 11 shots with a bow that had 100 dmg (of each type for the maximum time) in 100ft radius. like i said, i don't know how to replicate this and i would like too know if anyone else has seen this glitch or knows how to replicate it as i didn't see it in any of the forums i checked.


    I believe this can be done with TGM - although I have not tested it. I just know that with TGM on, you never run out of arrows (Hey, just got an idea - thats the perfect way to dupe arrows:P!) - so I thought it might work the same way with enchantments. However it does have the downside that you cannot die.


    Otherwise you should try to look for a mod.

  15. Don't know if youve checked this one out yet



    Features in current version:

    • It allows you to fight 24/7 (instead of only 9am-9pm)
    • It removes the 1 week wait restriction from Grand Champion matches
    • It removes all pre-match announcements so you start fighting almost immediately upon entering the arena.
    • It removes all armor restrictions so that you can wear whatever you want (You can choose to still wear the normal outfits if thats what you want to)
    • It enables corpse looting for all matches. (same as above, noones forcing you to loot corpses if you feel like it ruins the concept)

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