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Posts posted by Beerto

  1. My reason for going into dungeon used to be:

    Exploring everything :P I've got every possible map marker on my Cyrodiil map, and Ive been through all the dungeons.

    (lol I sound like a dork, but some of the dungeons have got some pretty cool features - after finding the Giant mudcrab, I just had to find more cool stuff)

  2. If any of the npcs have special dialogue options or they are questgives it might cause some troubles


    one thing you could do, without any risks, is spawning elve apprentices around the arcane university - just for atmosphere, they'd have no real purpose.

  3. really noone ??? :ermm:


    Well, I could try - but at this time, I can't even get the DDS plugin for my GIMP to work - so I'll make my friend help me with that.

    Then I'll try - but it wont be anything special - I could make the color a little darker / brighter

  4. Well alonso, sure go ahead use it for your elven pack but give me some credits for the idea! :) Great job at the sword anyways (its identical to my photo but there are still some things I'd like you to try out with the weapon (I know I should probably have added that in the photo - I drew a little more onto the sword, maybe it can inspire you. scanning it now)


    EDIT: here it is



    The thing on the Crossguard is kinda the inscription-thingy I had in mind. And the lines on the blade is where I want the Sharp edges and the Fuller to be.

    Lordfrostcraig, if youre texturing, you could also add some inscriptions on the blade - if it looks good. Have fun:)

    (after scanning the drawing twice, its even worse quality :P)

  5. My scanner messed it up pretty bad, so there are some weird fog-like shapes on the image, anyways - I was sitting, doing nothing, so I just started drawing swords - I don't know why.


    This one's shape turned out pretty cool ( atleast in my opinion, im not the greatest artist - I know)


    It would be a twohanded sword (so the blade would be massive) - or a one hander, if you'd rather do that.



    Blade: Steel texture - maybe some sort of inscription on it if youre up for that.

    Cross Guard: Steel texture with an inscription centering around the circle-like shape (Circle-like shape could be a hole, a part of the inscription - use your imagination).

    Grip: Would have leather wrapped around it

    Pommel: Steel texture

    (see the spoiler if you don't know the terms I used)






    please don't dismiss it because the drawing is ugly - im confident that a modeller could conjure up a rather neat weapon from the shape of my drawing.

  6. I never played WAR, but I had nothing to do - so I thought I might aswell look through Dan Scott's artworks.


    Here are the weapons I found, those that I thought were cool.

    Sword one.





    Sword two.





    Sword three.




  7. one of many defense tactiques for the Imperial City.

    Green, the attackers, would attack through one of the gates. Because if the enemies were to attack through all gates at the same time, they would have to have an extremely huge army.

    The imperial city would seal off the palace gate, as the enemy would obviously try to go through there, then the Imperial city would have mages and archers stationed on the walls, aswell as ground forces rushing through the other two gates, in order to keep the enemy trapped inside the quarter.



  8. well.. Tamriel is a place of magic.. I guess anything is possible?


    Anyways, Ill check it out in my game, but Im pretty sure that youve got a bugg.


    EDIT: Yep, sorry youve got a bugg.

    and eh, I guess, you could try reinstalling your game - otherwise I don't know what you could do.


  9. Hmm, I guess youre right, but still one of all the mods that show up (three pages) when you search "Hunger", must be decent.

    same goes for hte other two


    try theese out


    Hunger: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13565

    Thirst: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14214

    Sleep: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3816

    Sleep extended with portable bedrolls (only use one of the two Sleep mods): http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24649


    those are all (comment-wise) good.

  10. Kvatch is good, but still nothing special.

    It lies in such a bad position, if enemies surrounded it with catapults it could easily be shattered to pieces, before Kvatch could send enough forces down to destroy the catapults.

    Then the Siege attack could be followed with a ground attack through the entrance, also portable ladders could be used to infiltrate the city, from the cliffs, where Kvatch is probably not defended.


    And I doubt that youer right about the "Catapults dont have the range"

    - Catapults can shoot really far, the further, the harder it hits the target.


    But my vote would probably go for Imperial city, the Walls are the strongest, it is larger, it has a larger amount of soldiers, it is surrounded by water.


    And since it is the Capital, after no time, help would be sent from all the other cities of cyrodiil - it would take days, maybe weeks, to take over the Imperial city, if the attackers were even to succeed.


    - About the sewer system, it takes a lot of time to send a whole army through the sewers and into the city - They would probably make a lot of noise, and since there are guards stationed 24/7, the imperial city would be alerted in time to block off the sewers and take out intruders.


    Also the imperial city has a ton of mages aswell as trained gladiators who could help out in the battle.


    If someone were to attack the imperial city, they'd have to sneak through thre forests, to make sure theyre not seen by the cities of cyrodiil, who would definetly report to the imperial city if a large foreign army was marching through the woods, and imperial huntsmen are roaming around the roads of cyrodiil so if anything was planned against the imperial city, it would be discovered.

  11. Well I doubt that it'll be anything major, I just did what you were requesting at first - now I could change the steel and iron arrows, but I just felt that'd be lame, getting arrows that are as good as deadric arrows at the beginning of the game.
  12. actually the last post before darkraw was crossfire who posted 2 hours earlier then dark. so wasnt that old from the last post when dark spoke up.

    Nonetheless, then the person who posted 2 hours befire dark did the necromancy - I just wanted to inform people, that this mod probably is dead.

  13. You should do this yourself mate, its really easy - as long as you dont want any custom textures.

    You need two tools:

    BSAunpacker & NifSkope


    1. Once you have both of them, Unpack your Meshes.bsa and Textures.bsa files (They lie in your Oblivion/Data folder), with the BSA unpacker (there should be a more advanced tutorial/readme in the download)

    2. Then browse through your new, unpacked, meshes folder and find the meshes you need.

    3. Open them with NifSkope

    4. On the left side of your screen, you'll have a box with a dropdown bar (click on the triangle(or +) to the left of the name of the mesh)

    5. Continue with "opening the folders" by clicking on the triangles/+'es untill you find a textbox with a purple flower icon to the left of it.

    6. Right click the texbox with the purple flower icon, and choose in the dropdown menu : Textures -> Choose

    7. Then find the folder where you unpacked your Textures, and find the textures for the Chorrol houses

    8. Play around with this untill you feel like you have a mesh with decent textures.


    please tell me if this was too hard to understand, I could upload a image-tutorial, but please try it out before you dismiss my tutorial - it might make more sence after you've completed the first three steps


    also, I love the work youve done so far, and I'd love to join your team - but Im currently very busy, both in real life, and I'm working on a mod with a friend of mine aswell, so the best of luck to you and your team-members!

  14. Darkraw, as much as I like the whole plot of this, it seems like the mod kinda died out o.O, after all it is.. 9 months since the last post was made, I think your posts violate two rules - triple post and threat necromancy.

    But well, who cares, everybody makes mistakes - I'm just guessing that you didnt realise the age of this thread.

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