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Posts posted by Lear19

  1. Well, that's... weird. I've been wondering how you know which version you're using, especially if they have all of the same naming conventions and whatnot.


    If you back out your changes, does the original fireball work?


    Okay, it works now! I think I switched the columns in my abi_base.gda by accident, because the value of 7.5 AOE parameter was set to 0 for both of my spells.


    Thank you two for help. I could never make it work without you!

  2. Okay, so I was dumb; the script works but for some reason incorrectly. Both my new Fireball spell and the old one act like a single-target spells for some reason. When you click it, you still get that big indicator circle typical for AOE spells, but unless you click it specifically on an enemy, it has no effect. And it works only on that enemy (or on me if I click on myself). But the explosion ignores everyone else in the circle.


    Sorry for wasting your time, when testing I kept clicking on the floor, not on myself. Do you have any idea what could go wrong to change it from AOE to single target?



    I'm assuming you have checked out the source code in the Toolset; there should be a green check mark next to it in the Palette Window to the right


    I have a check mark like that. It showed up after I saved a local copy.





    After making your changes to spell_aoe_instant.nss in the toolset, you just save it - right-click the spell_aoe_instant.nss tab in the main window, select "Save" - this will compile the script and if that is successful the source code will be saved. After that, you should have a file called spell_aoe_instant.NCS (along with the NSS which is a text file you can view with any text editor) in a folder called toolsetexport in your Override folder (this is the modified script that the Toolset has just exported). This should be enough for the changes to apply.


    So I did it that way, I checked the .nss and the changes are there, so I copied the .ncs file into my Override folder, alongside my abi_base.gda which looks like this:




    But unfortunately it still has no in-game effect...


    I checked also in a new game, becuse I wasn't sure if it would apply to the saved one. Oh, and I also threw away all other mods from the Override folder as I wasn't sure if one of the files weren't using the same script (Dain's fixes used the file named spell_aoe_instant.NCS, for example) but that didn't help either...

  4. They are linked via the header script 2da_constants_h. This is a header file (meaning that it's not actually executed by the game and you don't compile it) that contains all the ability IDs in the game, and the declarations where these IDs are given representative names. This file is "imported" into spell_aoe_instant via the "#include" commands at the top of the script. spell_aoe_instant includes abi_templates, which in turns includes 2da_constants_h. By this link the game knows that when you type "ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL", it's supposed to read that as "10003".


    If you rightclick ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL in spell_aoe_instant, and select "Go to definition", it'll take you to where that name is declared.


    You can simply use the IDs directly, such as 10003 for Fireball, and so on. The custom names are just so we can more easily understand the source code.


    So when making a custom spell, once you've made a custom spell entry in the abi table and given it a unique ID, you can use that ID directly in the ability scripts. If you want to give it a representative name, such as ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL_2, you have to declare this somewhere - either in 2da_constants_h (in which case you may want to save the file), or right in the file spell_aoe_constants.nss, by writing it like this


    const int ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL_2 = 250000;


    and put that line at the top of the script. spell_aoe_instant already has a similar declaration "const int MAX_AOE_TARGETS = 30;", so you can put your declaration next to it. For one simple custom spell I think it's fine to do this. But for a larger scale mod you may want to be more structured and put all custom name declarations somewhere else, such as 2da_constants_h.


    Hmm... so I choose the simpler way and just placed the ID in the duplicated codes. It actually worked, as now the spell has the name and description of a Fireball in-game (it was blank before) but weirdly enough, it still doesn't do damage and has no knockback or burning effect...


    The code looks like this:

                float fDamage = (100.0f + GetCreatureSpellPower(stEvent.oCaster)) * FIREBALL_DAMAGE_FACTOR;
                // damage over time
                ApplyEffectDamageOverTime(oTarget, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility, fDamage, FIREBALL_DURATION, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE);
                // impact damage
                eEffect = EffectDamage(fDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE);
                ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eEffect, oTarget, 0.0f, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);
                // physical resistance
                if (ResistanceCheck(stEvent.oCaster, oTarget, PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_SPELLPOWER, RESISTANCE_PHYSICAL) == FALSE)
                    // knockdown
                    eEffect = EffectKnockdown(oTarget, 0, stEvent.nAbility);
                    eEffect = SetEffectEngineInteger(eEffect, EFFECT_INTEGER_USE_INTERPOLATION_ANGLE, 2);
                    eEffect = SetEffectEngineVector(eEffect, EFFECT_VECTOR_ORIGIN, GetPositionFromLocation(stEvent.lTarget));
                    ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eEffect, oTarget, RandomFloat(), stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);
    case 250000:
                float fDamage = (100.0f + GetCreatureSpellPower(stEvent.oCaster)) * FIREBALL_DAMAGE_FACTOR;
                // damage over time
                ApplyEffectDamageOverTime(oTarget, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility, fDamage, FIREBALL_DURATION, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE);
                // impact damage
                eEffect = EffectDamage(fDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE);
                ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eEffect, oTarget, 0.0f, stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);
                // physical resistance
                if (ResistanceCheck(stEvent.oCaster, oTarget, PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_SPELLPOWER, RESISTANCE_PHYSICAL) == FALSE)
                    // knockdown
                    eEffect = EffectKnockdown(oTarget, 0, stEvent.nAbility);
                    eEffect = SetEffectEngineInteger(eEffect, EFFECT_INTEGER_USE_INTERPOLATION_ANGLE, 2);
                    eEffect = SetEffectEngineVector(eEffect, EFFECT_VECTOR_ORIGIN, GetPositionFromLocation(stEvent.lTarget));
                    ApplyEffectOnObject(EFFECT_DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eEffect, oTarget, RandomFloat(), stEvent.oCaster, stEvent.nAbility);
            // spell-specific special events
            switch (stEvent.nAbility)
                case ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL:
                    // ignite
                    SendComboEventAoE(COMBO_EVENT_IGNITE, SHAPE_SPHERE, stEvent.lTarget, stEvent.oCaster, fRadius);
                case 250000:
                    // ignite
                    SendComboEventAoE(COMBO_EVENT_IGNITE, SHAPE_SPHERE, stEvent.lTarget, stEvent.oCaster, fRadius);

    Am I missing something?


    My guess would be that I'm messing something with exporting? I used the option Tools / Export / Export with dependent resources...

  5. From what you've said, I'm guessing what you've done is making a duplicate of the Fireball entry in the abi table, then giving the new entry a different ID? If so, then your new spell won't do anything because its designated script is still spell_aoe_instant.ncs as per the abi table, but this script has no implementation for your custom spell.


    Inside each ability script, there are codes dedicated to individual abilities that dictate what the abilities do. If you make custom abilities, you need to create the corresponding code (optionally custom scripts as well) for your spells.


    So let's say you're trying to duplicate Fireball. After creating a new entry in the abi table, you'd want to duplicate the code for Fireball (which can be found in spell_aoe_instant.nss, then change the ID of this new code from ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL (as it appears in the source code) to your custom ID. You can put your new code in the existing script, taking advatange of the existing code structure, or you can make your own script.

    So, for the first time in my life, I managed to get Toolset to work without errors, but I have a question about what I'm supposed to do.


    I found the spell_aoe_instant.nss and the Fireball spell, I copied its code and changed "ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL" to "ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL_2" but how do I edit it in my abi_base.gda to link that new code to it? In spell_aoe_instant.nss I did not find the ID typical for Fireball spell "10003" and in abi_base.gda I didn't find "ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL". How does the game know that these two are linked?

  6. From what you've said, I'm guessing what you've done is making a duplicate of the Fireball entry in the abi table, then giving the new entry a different ID? If so, then your new spell won't do anything because its designated script is still spell_aoe_instant.ncs as per the abi table, but this script has no implementation for your custom spell.


    Inside each ability script, there are codes dedicated to individual abilities that dictate what the abilities do. If you make custom abilities, you need to create the corresponding code (optionally custom scripts as well) for your spells.


    So let's say you're trying to duplicate Fireball. After creating a new entry in the abi table, you'd want to duplicate the code for Fireball (which can be found in spell_aoe_instant.nss, then change the ID of this new code from ABILITY_SPELL_FIREBALL (as it appears in the source code) to your custom ID. You can put your new code in the existing script, taking advatange of the existing code structure, or you can make your own script.

    Ah, so it requires the Toolset, because I don't think there's any other way to edit nss files. That's a bummer, but thank you for answer.

  7. So I was trying to copy-paste Fireball spell, so that I can change its cost and cooldown without changing it for everyone else in game and then use it with 'shapeshifting into an Arcane Horror' mod, but it has no effect, it deals no damage, it basically just has an animation of blowing up, but that's it, no damage, no knockback, etc. I modifiedonly the ID, so it's different from the 10003 and I don't know what to do now. Any help?

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