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About Murielkai

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  1. I am trying to make a patch for Winterhold Restored and when I open it up in the creation kit it appears that the old buildings are superimposed over the new ones added by the mod. I'm not sure what is happening exactly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  2. Is there a way to lower 1st person camera height in the Ck without lowering the height of the race? I know it can be done using the RaceMenu Camera adjustment. The problem I am having is... I want the height of the race to be .90 but when you lower the height of a race in the Ck to .90 there are a couple of odd bugs that pop up: 1. The player character cannot move when overloaded. 2. If at any point in game your character gets their height changed, they have to use the console to change it back. So I did was just alter the skeleton of the race and leave their height in the CK at 1.0. The only issue with that is when you pop back and forth from 1st to 3rd person it is noticeable. So is there a way to alter 1st person camera height without altering the overall height of a race?
  3. I made a permanent spell absorb racial ability for a custom race based off from the Breton 60 second racial ability and everything works fine normally but I recently installed some mystery mod (still trying to figure out which one) that seems to have added or changed the spells FX graphic in game. Normally the racial ability simply gives the player or follower NPC a 15% spell aborb boost similar to how items work, with no visual effect in game. Something however (some mod) is adding an absorb effect that keeps repeating over and over again but ONLY on NPC's and not the player. I am trying to understand the LINK between a spell (spell form) and the spells visual FX in game and the only thing I can see that might link the two is the "Assoc Item" or Actor Value found on the spell form in the CK: What I want to do is figure out how to remove a spells visual FX and keep the spell effect (stat adjustment). I have been trying to figure this out all day, any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  4. I am running Skyrim on max settings, enb installed, ELFX with Enhancer, all the 4K textures I can find, etc. My normal FPS is about 45 but when I am near or facing too many candles, like on the enchanting table, my FPS gets decimated, it drops sharply down to about 15. What could be causing this? I have tried disabling Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soulgems and Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB but neither of those mods seem to have any effect on FPS.
  5. The main mods I am generating LOD's for are Skyrim Flora Overhaul and Immersive College of Winterhold. Skyrim Flora Overhaul says to generate LOD's (for trees) by using the Generate LOD option in SSEdit: Immersive College of Winterhold says to use SSELODGen but people in the comments say its outdated and recommend using xLODGen. So is there any particular LOD generation method that is advised or has the best compatibility?
  6. Hey, it's been a long time since I put together a Skyrim SE build and I am looking through my mod list that I had archived and found a series of 4K texture mods that I can't seem to identify. Maybe someone might recognize what these look like... Lol, I know its along shot but this is what they look like in my folder: 4K - Bridges 4K - Farmhouse 4K - High Hrothgar 4K - Landscapes 4K - Markarth 4K - Mines 4K - Mountains 4K - Riften 4K - Roads 4K - Solitude 4K - Whiterun 4K - Windhelm It used to be in the top 100 I know... but maybe the name got changed or it got removed? Just out of curiosity, what is the best looking 4K overhaul currently?
  7. Hi there, I put together a custom race mod for SE last year and am currently trying to create a plugin that will allow SOS to function with it. I am following the addon creation tutorial pdf that is linked for the LE version of the SOS mod and using the Xivilai Race as a guide since its the only race I have found that accomplished what I am trying to do. Everything is going good so far but I have come across an issue, when trying to add my custom race to the "additional races" section of the ArmorAddon form it won't seem to save properly. Each time I click OK and close out the ArmorAddon form it removes the selected custom race from the additional races area. Is there some unknown variable that controls what races can be selected or added to the additional races section of the ArmorAddon form? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  8. Bethesda Archive Extractor is not extracting all textures. It hangs with a few files left. Any reason for this?
  9. So Mator Smash started crashing when I hit the 255 limit and before I began merging plugins I came across the Github with the known issues for Fallout 4. Seems Fallout 4 isn't fully support, or rather its considered "experimental" which means use at your own risk. So I went to check out Wrye Bash as an alternative and downloaded the new beta 4 version but when I loaded it in Mod Organizer 2 it only has leveled lists showing and its only showing the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch leveled list. I'm not sure if this is because I am using Mod Organizer 2 or what, the Wrye Bash page says MO2 and Vortex aren't supported but Nexus Mod Manager isn't being supported anymore either and I'm not sure it can even be downloaded so if Wrye Bash doesn't support MO2 or Vortex then its more or less useless. Is there anything I can do to get Wrye working or should I try to stick with Mator Smash even though it seems to be causing CTD's a lot?
  10. This obviously means that you are not allowed to add assets from someones mod into your own then upload them to Nexus but does it also include patches that do NOT include assets from the mod? For instance, a patch that allows your mod to work well with someone elses.
  11. I am using Full Dialogue Interface and getting LOOKUP FAILED! all the time on loading screens and some things in game. There is a patch for it but people are complaining that the patch causes you to miss lines of dialogue. When I went looking for alternatives I found NewDialog but the bug reports are saying it suffers from the same issues as FDI. Seems like all the updates are slowly ruining the best mods, if this keeps up I may have to go with an older version of Fallout 4. Any suggestions?
  12. I'm trying to figure out how I should save textures in PS.
  13. I just copy the contents of my Fallout 4 directory to a Fallout 4b folder then when I go to my workshop/CK build I change the name of my main game to Fallout 4a and my alternate game to Fallout 4. I have slow internet so re-downloading 30-50 gigs is painful.
  14. Title says it all. I use Wrye Bash to esm'ify some esp's and the CK doesn't recognize them as master files. I have the load multiple masters ini tweak set up. Not sure what to do unless Fallout 4 CK is different somehow from Skyrim. Edit: I found this: Assuming this is correct, how do I edit the plugin to look for the esp and not the esm? Or is there anywhere I can get an older version of the CK?
  15. I would like to change the Pip-Boy replacement textures from JFAO and SF Combat Armor to an in game material swap like the paint jobs from the CC. I opened up the CC paint job ESL and BSA's and they have files that I have no idea what to do with or even what purpose they serve. I recall there being a custom pipboy framework mod a while back that allowed you to change pipboy colors in game so what I am wondering is... what would be the best method for me to try to mimic or use? Is it possible to create a mod that utilizes the already existing pipboy paint swap framework in the base game?
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