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Everything posted by Murielkai

  1. I am testing out Oblivion Reloaded again and noticed that it seems to cause an error in my game where Streamline keeps giving a message that its "Streamsaving" nearly continuously even though I have that option disabled. In the past I stuck with OBGE v3 for Godrays and had Streamline, OSR, Purge Cell Buffers - Loading, and MoreHeap set up really well. I ran QTP3 Redimized and RAEVWD and hardly ever crashed, maybe once every 4-5 hours of play. I also use Clean-Up, Fast Exit, and EngineBugFixes. Right now I have Oblivion Reloaded running with OSR Optimized, MoreHeap, and ENBoost. I feel kinda naked without Streamline and my game did crash once or twice from equiping armor in my inventory... something I haven't had happen in years. I am just curious what the "standard" is these days for optimal memory and stutter management. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  2. +O k, I have installed and uninstalled OR about three or four times now over the last couple of years. I keep telling myself I need to let go of OBGE v3 but each time I install OR it just doesn't appeal to me. Even after I turn off all the extra junk I don't want (which is pretty much everything) the odd changes to rendering large objects seems to make RAEVWD partially obsolete. I really just want Godrays and OBGE seems to do a better job on that shader. I know stuff like this is, for the most part, personal preference but what do other people think? I'm just curious.
  3. Huh, I'm checking it out now, for the most part it looks great but some of the architecture textures in the video look bad. I will check it out though.
  4. Do I need to install the FULL QTP3 before using the Redimized version? Or is the QTP3 Redimized a full version in itself?
  5. If I wanted to try this for the Cute Elf race should I try changing the animation for the whole race or just the player like you say here? Gonna give it a shot and see what happens. Edit: Nope does the same thing that the Woman's Move optional esp does, which is nothing. I guess Blockhead just isn't gonna cut me any slack. What's funny is, I added the same animations to the Cute Elf compansions for CM partners and it works just fine.
  6. The Womans Move comes with an optional .esp that does this (I assume) and it doesn't work. It loads the animation for a second but Blockhead cuts it off. I am using the gog version installed outside of program files. Womans move comes packaged in the folder structure "Meshes\Characters\_male\specialanims" thats why I was hoping it might work but I definately got the name right and it doesn't. It's no big deal, was just hoping for a more feminine run like the ones in Skyrim.
  7. I would like to try the special anims folder. So I need to make a folder in this file path: Meshes / character / male / specialanims @_@ My brain is just not making sense of this. Can you maybe give me an example? The name of the animation I am using is walkfastforward.kf and I want it to affect the Cute Elf race. I noticed the mod file is packaged in the same file structure so i think its meant to work with Blockhead maybe... I tried this "walkfastforward_BLKD_PERRACE_Dark Elf_F.kf" but it doesn't seem to work. Do I need to do anything in game to activate specialanims?
  8. Does anyone have the console code to give XP or force a level up in Oblivion XP Update?
  9. This is what it says on the Blockhead page and it seems it makes it clear that it can break animations. I cannot make any sense out of what this guy is trying to say, more or less, it appears there is some way to override Bloackheads animation overrides you just have to bust their trace buster trying to bust your trace... Or maybe swallow a f'n spider to catch a fly. No clue what CCC is but I have everything installed correctly. I guess Blockhead is just not compatible with some animation mods. I tried working with the INI but that seemed to do nothing in particular.
  10. Blockhead, which is used for Oblivion Character Overhaul 2, is breaking a couple of animation replacers I am trying to use. I tested this on a clean game with just the two animation replacers and Blockhead installed. These are the walking/running animations I am using: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38375?tab=posts&BH=1 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/33998?tab=posts&BH=1 I'm not sure if this is a known issue or not but any advice would be great.
  11. I am using MO2 and have the archive invalidation setting set in the MO2 profile but my animation replacers aren't working and I'm not sure whats going on. Should I try to set up the old Archiveinvalidation file thats on Nexus? If so, how would I do that with MO2 since I think the changes to take place in my MO2 Oblivion INI, right?
  12. I am using Better Cities and when I zone into the Chapel of Stendarr in Chorrol my FPS drops drastically, the reason apparently is because there are pieces of the old vanilla chapel superimposed over the new one. I recall having this issue a few years back but I don't think it ever got resolved. Has anyone else ever heard anything about this? I only have a basic knowledge of TESEdit but I am sure there is a way to check for mod conflict and see what other mods might be altering this cell, any tips or advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated. I am using MO2 so tomorrow I'll do a dry run with nothing but Better Cities installed and see if the issue is still there.
  13. MO2 is giving me this message when I install MemuQue v16b: Is this something I should just ignore? I used this same version of MenuQue a long time back when installing Oblivion XP but I never read the OBSE logs so if the error was there I never seemed to notice it.
  14. Oblivion Reloaded changed the original Main Menu along with the video and music that plays and I would like to use the Whisperer v2 mod for the intro. I think the changes are made in the INI for Oblivion but im not sure what they are, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Edit: Ok, seems the INI wasn't changed concerning the intro video and music so I guess OR is changing it some other way.
  15. @_@ Honestly the whole re-dating BSA's kinda confuses me. The override folder is kinda like an "overflow" folder most of the time, it catches .ini files and similar generated assets from various mods. You usually (or at least I do) create a mod out of those files to keep the override folder empty, or it can quickly become confusing. Files in the override folder are ALWAYS considered to be at the very bottom of the mod install order so they override everything else. How do you enable "Archive Invalidation and asset replacements" again?
  16. Hey, I looked into using MO a few years back for modding Oblivion and it seemed like a bit of a mess but with MO2 a lot of the headache has been cleared up. I just have a couple of questions really... Mainly, doesn't OBMM re-date BSA's to tell the Oblivion engine how to load them? If this is so then how does MO2 handle this when adjusting mod and load order? I am currently running OBMM as a tool through MO2 to unpack OMOD files into the overwrite folder, I'm assuming that OBMM is dating the BSA's at the time I unpack them, I'm just curious what happens when I adjust the mod install order (left side in MO2).
  17. Ah, that sounds like it would add any race the player chooses to that faction. I need to only add certain races.
  18. How would I go about adding a custom race to a certain faction, say undead or skeletons, etc? I take it that its not as easy as just adding the faction onto the races presets, is it? Because I tried that once and it didn't seem to work.
  19. I noticed there is a very slight offset in this headmesh that causes the sides of the hairs near the skin to disappear, right in front of the ears. There wouldn't be anyway to correct this in Nifscope would there?
  20. How would I go about changing a races unarmed attack animation from a fisted punch to a beast race claw animation?
  21. I found this script on Reddit for adding a perk at the start of a game: ScriptName MyPlayerAlias Extends ReferenceAlias Actor Player Event OnInit() Player = Game.GetPlayer() ; anyone other than player would get the alias actor reference SetupPerks(true) EndEvent Function SetupPerks(bool abActivate) If(abActivate && GetState() != "ACTIVESTATE") GoToState("ACTIVESTATE") Else GoToState("") EndIf EndFunction State ACTIVESTATE Event OnBeginState() ; add perks to player EndEvent Event OnEndState() ; remove perks from player EndEvent EndState Is there any way to only have a perk added if you play a certain race? I know s*** about scripting so if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. Here is another script someone linked that can add a perk: Event OnInit() ; This event will run once, when the script is initialized Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(YourPerk) ; Adds your perk. Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(YourSecondPerk) ; Adds a second perk. Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(AndSoOn) ; And so on. Add more lines as needed. Debug.Notification("Perks successfully added to player.") ; Just so you can be sure it's kicked in when you load the game, you'll get a message at the top left. EndEvent
  22. This is what I have so far: I add the perk to the "Actor" form on the race presets. I am trying to give the equivalent of the werewolf weakness to silver but I'm not sure if its not adding the perk or if the perk doesn't work because I have it set up wrong. Do I need to add perks through a quest or something?
  23. I am trying to incorporate Expressive Female Facial Animation into a custom race but I cannot seem to find what form or .nif uses the femaleheadmaskleftside.tri and femaleheadmaskrightside.tri files. Any tips pointing me in the right direction would be nice, thanks.
  24. Great, thanks. I was under the impression that setting it to .50 might half the damage rather than increase it.
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