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About Heartcloud

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  1. We have multiple marriage mod, and we have multiple adoption mod. However these two mods are not compatible with each other. It's kind of surprising that Hearthfire's out for years and it's still not possible to do something as basic as marry multiple people AND adopt more than 2 kids (the limit I find kind of ridiculous, even in RL rich people have no problem adopting like 4-5). So is anyone interested in making a mod that removes the marriage and adoption limits?
  2. When I click certain outfit parts from mods, I will hear the "equip" sound effect, but my character won't equip it, and there's no error pop-up. This happens with a pair of wings from ALSC armor, as well as the stockings from the "angelic armor and weapons". Does anyone have an idea what's causing this? I'm using XP32 skeleton.
  3. Is there a texture mod that makes all NPCs in Skyrim look somewhat prettier and free of wrinkles? I'm getting tired of 75% of all NPCs in Skyrim, even those who are supposed to be YOUNG, looking like they're at least 90 years old with face full of wrinkles or a complexion that makes them look like they haven't slept in a month. I've already tried Pretty Faces (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7887/?) but it doesn't seem to affect NPCs at all. Which texture files do NPCs use? I'm fine with the way my player character looks, I only want to edit NPCs.
  4. This does not work since SKSE came out. - Changed "d3d9.dll" to "d3fx.dll" in skse_loader.exe -> crash on main menu - Left it as "d3d9.dll" -> crash on main menu
  5. Hi, I'm having trouble getting ENB to work properly with Elder Scrolls Skyrim. Here's what I've tried already: Wrapper version: - Download and install wrapper version of latest ENB (http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html), at the moment of writing, it's v0.254 - Extract files into root directory of Skyrim where the .exe's are - Download and install some ENB mod (which mainly just change enbbloom.fx, enbeffect.fx, enbeffectprepass.fx, enbpalette.bmp and enbseries.ini) - The ENB will activate and I see the effects in-game (I see text about ENB at upper left corner in main menu), however since I'm using laptop with Optimus (Intel HD 4600 + Nvidia GeForce GT750M), Skyrim fails to detect discrete graphics card and forces computer to use Intel integrated graphics, which ruins performance. I've already tried to set all Skyrim-related .exe's to use Nvidia card in Nvidia control panel, doesn't work Injector version: - Next I tried to delete all d3d9.dll and related files, then install injector version (overwriting any files), set proper settings in SkyrimPrefs.ini, set the proper dll and .exe's in enbinjector.ini - Launch enbinjector.exe, then launch Skyrim, now it does not detect any ENB at all (no text on upper left corner, no GUI in-game). This happens with both TESV.exe and skse_loader.exe My graphics driver is up to date, and using Windows 8.1 64bit. Thanks for your help.
  6. For some reason I'm not hearing any combat (the "aaah" when I swing weapon) sounds on player character. I've installed a mod that replaces those sounds, but they seem to be disabled or something. All the .fuz files are in "femaleeventoned" folder. How do I re-enable these sounds? I've tried removing all sound mods which reverts to vanilla sounds, and that doesn't work either. Interestingly, NPCs (friendly or enemy) do have combat grunts, it's just the player not having any.
  7. For some reason I'm not hearing any combat (the "aaah" when I swing weapon) sounds on player character. I've installed a mod that replaces those sounds, but they seem to be disabled or something. All the .fuz files are in "femaleeventoned" folder. How do I re-enable these sounds?
  8. Is there a plugin that allows me to adjust the following in the in-game race menu? - Hip width - Butt size - Leg thickness I'm using latest RaceMenu and it doesn't have these sliders. I also think that Extended Character Editor is not compatible with RaceMenu, and I don't think ECE has those 3 sliders anyways.
  9. What is the curvy and muscular body used in this video, as well as the bikini?
  10. For some reason NPCs from mods have Argonian hands and feet in my game (for example, YuiH's Sha follower). I'm not sure if this only happens to custom races (though, as vanilla NPCs don't have this problem). Does anyone know what might be causing this? I have the latest RaceCompatibility patch installed.
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