I'm having trouble getting ENB to work properly with Elder Scrolls Skyrim. Here's what I've tried already:
Wrapper version:
- Download and install wrapper version of latest ENB (http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html), at the moment of writing, it's v0.254
- Extract files into root directory of Skyrim where the .exe's are
- Download and install some ENB mod (which mainly just change enbbloom.fx, enbeffect.fx, enbeffectprepass.fx, enbpalette.bmp and enbseries.ini)
- The ENB will activate and I see the effects in-game (I see text about ENB at upper left corner in main menu), however since I'm using laptop with Optimus (Intel HD 4600 + Nvidia GeForce GT750M), Skyrim fails to detect discrete graphics card and forces computer to use Intel integrated graphics, which ruins performance. I've already tried to set all Skyrim-related .exe's to use Nvidia card in Nvidia control panel, doesn't work
Injector version:
- Next I tried to delete all d3d9.dll and related files, then install injector version (overwriting any files), set proper settings in SkyrimPrefs.ini, set the proper dll and .exe's in enbinjector.ini
- Launch enbinjector.exe, then launch Skyrim, now it does not detect any ENB at all (no text on upper left corner, no GUI in-game). This happens with both TESV.exe and skse_loader.exe
My graphics driver is up to date, and using Windows 8.1 64bit.
Thanks for your help.