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Posts posted by Job4aCowboy

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppTXCJ0SZ88


    That's a great video for getting meshes in game.


    Ah yes, Already got this tutorial bookmarked, but thanks for the link anyways :)


    I'm thinking more of the mechanics behind how the weapon attachments work, do I model everything individually? Like scopes, barrels etc?



    What modeling software you are using?

    If youre using blender/maya or something else you can use the tutorial above to covert it to a .nif,

    3DS Max 2016 does have a .nif plugin that simplifies the process - https://github.com/figment/max_nif_plugin/releases


    I'm using blender :)


    I am happy to contribute gun sounds, textures, and data for you. I want to start work on getting an S&W M&P .40 into FO4. If you can model, I can texture and add the sound effects, We'd need someone else to get the gun in-game as I don't know how to add standalone weapons or items to FO4 without use of a Creation Kit/GECK.


    Thanks for the offer, perhaps in the future we can work on something together, at the moment I just want to get a gun in game, and be moddable. Texturing and sounds is also something I'm already confident with.


    Thanks for the help thus far, I'm looking for tutorials more specific to weapons though, for example, how to get the animation for shooting, reloading etc, and swap out models for others when modding, for example with silencers and scopes.






  2. Hey,


    I want to get into modding Fallout 4, specifically weapon mods etc, I have some limited experience with Nifskope, and know how to use FO4Edit from modding Skyrim. I know how to model etc, so it's just a case of getting my model into the game, setting it up for weapon mods, Animations etc.


    Any tutorials about on this process? My searches have come up empty, and trying to deconstruct other .nif files to see how its done is giving me a headache.







  3. Hey, I want to create new harvestable plants/objects using vanilla meshes/textures. I want them so that when they are harvested, certain parts of it dissappear.


    I know how to combine meshes in Nifskope.


    If anyone can help or even point me towards a tutorial that'd be great, been looking and haven't found any.








  4. create a perk that increases the spell cost to something obscenely high.


    and apply/remove the perk as the effect is cast and the cooldown wears off.


    Good idea! Thanks


    Hey, I have a couple of questions that I'm not sure on.


    If two mods change different things in one cell, will there be a conflict?

    For instance, if my mod only changed all the chairs in Breeze home, and another mod only changed all the tables.

    Yes, even though it's a not a 'true conflict', the cell edit of one mod will be 'overriden' by the mod loading after it. But a conflict like this can usually be resolve by merges via a compatibility patch.


    >Also, I were to add a faction to a Vanilla Crime Faction, without editing anything, and another mod does the same, will this cause problems?

    It won't cause a problem per se, but if two mods edits the same vanilla faction, changes by the mod loaded later will 'override' the changes by the mod loaded earlier.



    This is as I feared. Suppose it can't be helped though.


    Thanks for your help and speedy reply :biggrin:

  6. Hey, I have a couple of questions that I'm not sure on.


    If two mods change different things in one cell, will there be a conflict?

    For instance, if my mod only changed all the chairs in Breeze home, and another mod only changed all the tables.


    Also, I were to add a faction to a Vanilla Crime Faction, without editing anything, and another mod does the same, will this cause problems?


    Sorry, probably a noob question. Just need to know as I'm trying to make my mods compatible with as much as possible.







  7. Hey, I'm trying to add a Cooldown effect to one of my spells.


    My spell runs off a script, it bascially summons multiple NPC's. I need a cool down of a couple of minutes, I've tried adding to my script an IF statement, that checks the player for an active magic effect, this points to my dummy cool down spell.


    It isn't working as intended though, either the Cool down spell is applied before the main spell fires, meaning the spell can never be cast. Or it works fine, until the player casts again in the 2 minutes period, where the initial spell is dispelled.


    I basically need to prevent the player from casting at all if they have this cooldown effect active. anyone know how to do this?


    You help is appreciated...









  8. Where did I learn to script? Self taught. My first mod was http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21132


    I wasn't planing on getting into Skyrim modding, having just left Baldur's Gate modding behind. I didn't want to be there with the whole Enhanced Edition thing coming out. Anyway, I was looking at different mods to use and saw some people complaining about a wood chopping mod that allowed you to chop *forever* (like for over 15000 wood). I, too, was tired of only getting 6 pieces of wood. Yes, that's about a typical arm-load but without the animation of me carrying it somewhere, well I could carry more.


    I asked in the forums if anyone knew how to adjust it without just changing the default value. Didn't get much help if at all. So I started reading up on the Creation Kit wiki and trying things out. Next thing you know, I've got a functioning script mod.


    Didn't take much to jump over to ore veins and work on those. Then with all the firewood and ore, I needed something to carry it all. After all I'm too lazy to head back to a house or shop every 5 minutes. Thus I got further into scripting by using and modifying the Automatic Item Storage resources with a bag of holding.


    Now I just pay attention to what stock or modded scripts do when I'm interested in something. I'd say that 90% of my mods revolve around scripting and what I can do with scripting.


    Nice, so If I keep going as I am, it'll get easier. I've come far in these few weeks I think. Haven't even created a mod before Skyrim, and I released my first one (a house mod) a few days ago.


    It's so addictive, especially the scripting. Frustrating when it doesn't work but when it does its awesome!

  9. I'll keep both version for reference, the next step is to script in the "crime" part lol.


    Were/How did you learn to script?


    I'm getting there slowly, this is the first time I've done anything like this, didn't even know what a script was a couple of weeks ago. But there seems to be a lack of tutorials on the subject that go into some depth but maintain an easy to understand format.


    Thanks again, I know I've said that a few times but you don't know how much of a headache that was giving me lol.

    And btw, your tutorial on esp master files help me a lot too, so thanks for that aswell.

  10. I'd still be curious to know if the other script would work with that one little change.


    But hey glad you got something going.


    Yes, I shall try it out and let you know.


    ​Also, this is off topic, but I'll ask anyway. Do you know how to make it so an action that the player does is considered a crime? Basically if they are caught activating this "chest" successfully, they'll get a bounty equal to assault.

  11. Got it working!!!!!!!!


    Re-did the script from scratch, used a lot of code from the wood chopping script. changed things around a bit;


    checked for required items with > 0 instead of 1 <

    allowed the activation before denying activation,


    Thanks so much for your help, time and patience. I'll be sure to credit you (all of you) in anything I used this script for.

    And thanks Ishara, without your help I would have never had the idea to cannibalize the wood chopping script.


    Edit. just noticed you replied during my reply, but yeh, thanks!

  12. Taking some tips from the wood block script... but I've no clue why it is looping for you. doesn't make sense.




    Scriptname J4ACGraveRobbersScript2 extends ObjectReference
    {Script attached to GraveActivator, checks to see if player has required items...}
    formlist property SEEFORMLISTGravetools auto
    {Player must have at least one item from this formlist to interact}
    Message Property SEEMESSAGEGraverobfailure Auto
    {Message to say why you cannot use this without RequiredWeapon}
    Event OnLoad()
    Event onActivate(objectReference akActivator)
      Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
      if (akActivator as Actor) == Player
        bool allowActivation = true
        If SEEFORMLISTGravetools      
          if akActivator.GetItemCount(SEEFORMLISTGravetools) == 0
            allowActivation = false
        If allowActivation


    Try it... what have you got to loose at this point?


    What object is the script on btw? Is it on the container reference or on the container base?


    on the container reference, if by that you mean the one I placed in the render window, not in the edit tab.


    Will try it in a second

  13. No biggie sometimes it doesn't like it in the empty state. Just move it down inside the functions. Like so...



    Scriptname J4ACGraveRobbersScript2 extends ObjectReference
    {Script attached to GraveActivator, checks to see if player has required items...}
    formlist property SEEFORMLISTGravetools auto
    {Player must have at least one item from this formlist to interact}
    Message Property SEEMESSAGEGraverobfailure Auto  
    {Message to say why you cannot use this without RequiredWeapon}
    Event OnLoad()
    Event onActivate(objectReference akActivator)
                    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
    		if (akActivator as Actor) == Player
    			if akActivator.GetItemCount(SEEFORMLISTGravetools) < 1
    STATE access
    	Event OnBeginState()
                    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
                    Utility.Wait(1.0) ;lets just wait a second before moving on




    ok this compiles, and kind of works.


    It checks for the tools, and only allows activation if the player has the tools. but when they do and they activate it, the chest activates itself over and over again. This is the problem I had before, beginning to think this script is impossible...

  14. I'm taking your last script and am going to tweak it. Then try it and see how it works.



    Scriptname J4ACGraveRobbersScript2 extends ObjectReference
    {Script attached to GraveActivator, checks to see if player has required items...}
    formlist property SEEFORMLISTGravetools auto
    {Player must have at least one item from this formlist to interact}
    Message Property SEEMESSAGEGraverobfailure Auto  
    {Message to say why you cannot use this without RequiredWeapon}
    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
    ;assign the player to the variable Player so that it can be used throughout the script
    Event OnLoad()
    Event onActivate(objectReference akActivator)
    		if (akActivator as Actor) == Player
    			if akActivator.GetItemCount(SEEFORMLISTGravetools) < 1
    STATE access
    	Event OnBeginState()
                    Utility.Wait(1.0) ;lets just wait a second before moving on



    I removed a couple states. Saw no need to keep passing between them. I defined a variable specifically for the player so that it could be used throughout the entire script.


    Edit -- removed the apostrophe from one of them comment strings... it annoys me when the highlighting colors get thrown off :P


    Thanks, although it doesn't seem to be compiling for me, here are the errors I get


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>"D:\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Papyrus Compi
    ler\PapyrusCompiler.exe" "J4ACGraveRobberScript.psc" -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg"
     -i="D:\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source" -o="D:\Steam\SteamApp
    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
    Compiling "J4ACGraveRobberScript"...
    0,15): no viable alternative at input 'Game'
    0,19): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.'
    0,6): Unknown user flag Game
    No output generated for J4ACGraveRobberScript.psc, compilation failed.
    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Failed on J4ACGraveRobberScript.psc
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>Pause
    Press any key to continue . . .



    All point to " Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()"

  15. Just tried it, it won't compile, these are the errors i get...

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>"D:\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Papyrus Compi
    ler\PapyrusCompiler.exe" "J4ACGraveRobbersScript2.psc" -f="TESV_Papyrus_Flags.fl
    g" -i="D:\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source" -o="D:\Steam\SteamA
    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
    Compiling "J4ACGraveRobbersScript2"...
    (41,22): no viable alternative at input 'ObjectReference'
    (41,49): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')'
    No output generated for J4ACGraveRobbersScript2.psc, compilation failed.
    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Failed on J4ACGraveRobbersScript2.psc
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++>Pause
    Press any key to continue . . .


    Both errors point to this line:

    self.activate(ObjectReference akActivator)

    According to the CK website, these are what the errors mean, still makes no sense to me though...

    "No viable alternative at input 'X'
    The compiler didn't expect X, and so cannot compile the element. Usually the result of a malformed line or missing parts.
    "Required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'X'"
    The compiler expected a list of things, but got confused when it encountered X. You may be missing a comma somewhere, misspelled something, or have excess text at the end of a line.

  16. Thanks for your help, I'll test it tonight when I finish work.


    Spent most of the night researching states, events and functions. Didn't make any breakthroughs.


    When I think of it logically I need my first state and "event on activate" this sends it to state 2 where it checks the player inventory. Then sends it to state 3 if they do, which activates the chest.

    If they don't it sends it back to the first state.

    Does this sound right to you?

  17. I'm going to be using this script on more than one container, so it needs to run on the container object.


    I've got a working script that sits on a trigger that the player can activate, Checks for said tools and this activates the chest.


    Hope this makes sense. I'm finding this scripting stuff incredibly hard. It would help if I knew what I were doing wrong, but I don't understand half the errors the compiler spits back out at me.

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