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Nexus Mods Profile

About Kreyba

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  1. Well i just solved my own problem thanks to FO4Edit. It seems that my creation was depending on some mod and, as that mod is .esp and not .esm, it wouldn't work. Now just a question. If i change that mod to .esm instead, it would accept my modifications? EDIT: Also i want to add a debuff that start running when the buff runs out, like fatigue and others, is it possible? EDIT2: Aaalso... i would like to know if its posible to make that only one kind of this buffs can be active at same time. I meant if that you use a second buff (different than the first but uses almost same materials) it replaces the first one you took. Sorry for so many questions. And sorry for my english i know its bad.
  2. Well i have been messing with the Creation Kit trying to make new buffs. So far i made some good buffs with jet and buffout, different effects and some debuffs meanwhile. The problem is that when i try to craft them, they are in blank in a new section. I saw on a tutorial that i have to use the filter, but if i do i cant pick the one i created because the list is limited. Have been testing arround for like an hour now and still can't find a solution. Any help would be much appreciated. I'm really sorry for my english i know it sks.
  3. Well i have been looking for and it seems no one have created one yet. I remember playing fallout 3 and there was a stealth add on directly on the pipboy, you could configure the AP drain, if it activated itself or you had to activate it, buying it was pretty expensive but was well worth it because you could use it with any armor. I don't know how to create it, since i have no experience as modder but if any1 has the time would love to see it on fallout 4.
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