Hello there, I see you have stumbled upon this thread. Well if you actually read the topic Title and Description you can see this is obviously about Fallout New Vegas Machinima. I have pondered this idea since Fallout: NV came out, NCR Stories. In a nutshell NCR Stories is pretty much a compilation of random stories from NCR troopers and Rangers. Example: One episode about an Legion ambush of NCR troopers on patrol. This is just one example of what you would be seeing in an episode. The episodes are NOT going to be linked in anyway. There may be in some instances a two or three part episode with in depth characters. Now onto the point of this Thread. I have the proper computer,software, AND skills to complete a project like this but the major problem of this is.... IDEAS. What I havent been able to do is think of a legitimate idea that is executeable. I would personally like to ask you to come up with an idea or two for an episode. Idea Guidelines: - Go in depth on your idea - If you think your idea is dumb, tell it anyway (within reason), it may very well be a good idea. - Provide how long you think the Episode should be (mm:ss) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you havent viewed my work check out my YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/Directinator303?feature=mhee If you have Facebook Like us! : http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Directinator-Studios/144614832233552 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for putting in your ideas, credidation will be provided in credits.