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  1. LJunker

    Delete Account

    Yeah, I agree, it'll require (small) technical adjustments, which should be done by the communities developing the forums software, not by you. Technically it'll be very easy, but I guess I won't start here a debate about the most proper implementation. Thanks for the moderating'n'stuff :)
  2. LJunker

    Delete Account

    Noticed that the accounts requested to be deleted are banned instead. Which makes sense on the technical point of view. But on an interesting note, you'll probably have to find some other system in the not-so-distant future, considering the law proposal that is being discussed in the European Community at the moment and which is deemed likely to be passed (http://www.statewatch.org/news/2010/oct/eu-com-draft-communication-data-protection.pdf). It'll make it a legal right to have accounts and information deleted (instead of banned). I guess the recent hacking and stealing of information from Sony (and Bethesda too for that matter - twice, which really sucks) isn't helping their cause. The fines and other legal liabilities are expected to be heavy (but I guess it's the only good way to implement it).
  3. Depending on the hour (I guess higher or lower activity), it's been sometimes almost impossible to reach any page from Western Europe during this last week on the Oblivion / Morrowind part of the site. But "with great power comes great responsibility". :P I'm really happy and thankful about the service that Dark0ne has been providing for years, but when one reaches a near complete monopoly, I think it's one's responsibility to make sure it's reachable by all. In my case I've only very little time to play when I can, and it's frustrating not to be able to update my mods or add new ones because the site is down/too slow most of the time - it's not a hobby/service type of thing now anymore, it's a business which makes money, so it should behave like a business too. (Luv ya still though :P). But it did make me wonder, what if the situation worsens, or one thing or another makes him stop the site. With no other alternative anymore, it'd become a total pain for a good while. That's the annoying part with monopolies. He could, for example, force everyone to use his downloader if he wanted (cnet anyone?), and due to the monopoly situation, we couldn't do anything about it. Not talking about him though, he wouldn't do that, but illustrating the annoyances of monopolies. Aside from that, if it can be of any use, I was surprised to see how Opera (the browser) helps a lot. I don't know if it's the opera turbo part or whatever, but often I can't reach anything with firefox but can reach the site (slowly) with opera - or it fetches the information fast but without graphics etc. I was amazed by the difference. Been switching to opera recently because of many little things like that, it has little functions that are awesome, and it's more secure than Firefox. Still I'd recommend using it as auxiliary browser, because it's only 5% of the market share or something, and some banks don't accept it for example (but you can still cloak it and make it appear as any other browser you want). Sadly not open source though, and less add-ons for special things.
  4. I tried the Land Magic utility you mentioned, but it didn't fix that (I have only a vanilla oblivion + patches). However, the tcl trick will be really helpful to deal with it, thanks! If anyone can think of other possible solutions, I'd definitely love to hear about it.
  5. Hello, When I play, my character's feet are often just a bit below or just a bit above the visible ground. Items will also often either partially sink down (makes it hard to find them when you can't see them). It's particularly visible on rocks. I did quite a bit of searching here, and figured it had something to do with polygons and meshes not being in tune or something of that nature? Not the slightest idea about how to fix that kind of things though. I thought it was a mod, I tried uninstalling every mod one by one, then I finally removed the whole game and reinstalling it (I also deleted my .ini file in documents for that), and it doesn't change anything - still ankle- or knee-deep in the ground on some rocks. I'm pretty sure that the last time I played I didn't have that, and I don't really see what could have changed since then. Any help and idea would be very welcome. (Three weeks of exams done, was thinking "I'll study hard and play after only" for once - must be getting responsible somehow (?) -, but that glitch/bug is annoying me too much - oh the frustration).
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