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    Dragon Age: origins
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    Dragon Age: origins

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  1. Yeah, i know that :P just wondering if there's any MAX stat for gaining benefit from + backstab dmg gear / weapons Like there is with magic damage where you can only have 30% per element, ex 30%+ fire damage, all above that is just pointless. Are there any cap such as that for + backstab dmg? i know there is one in awakening for sure, but it's ridicullosly high. Never got a straight answer regarding origins
  2. how much + backstab/critical damage can i get from gear, not counting the base stats. Cause i've heard so many different versions.. And all i find that seems to be 100% confirmed is about awakening, so NO awakening facts please :D I've heard its 50% and that sounds about right to me but i have no idea.. then i've heard it's 200% < think that's for awakening though (200%+ and that's not included base crit / backstab dmg) Also, if there are a cap, will i do less damage with 5% over the cap than i would with 5% under? Remember I'm Not taling about Awakening Would be great to have a quick answer, i'm choosing between some gear atm! :>
  3. So, what quest(s) do you get the best "RP feeling" from? we all have our favourites :D! I have to say i really like the Brecilian forest quest, especially the ending! I always support the werewolves and everytime they turn back to humans i get goosebumps haha, can't help it.. It's just something about that story. Another favourite is the Broodmother part of the deep roads, love how the tension sort of builds up with those "verses" on your way to her "First day, they come and catch everyone. Second day, they beat us and eat some for meat. Third day, the men are gnawed on again."etc.. The first time i approached her it was one of the most epic gaming experiences i've ever had! also love how the surroundings get more and more f***ed up the closer you get to her, there's like meat just laying around everywhere, she's loathsome and i love it! Hell, the entire deep roads are quite awsome, The anvil of the void / branka story.. Just think that the rest of the deep roads are kinda boring, those gray caverns.. it's just to long, especially since there's like no changes in the enviorment. And most side quests in denerim, just hangin' around in the city gives a nice RP feeling, hoping for bigger citys in DA2! What are your favourites? and why?
  4. If Loghain would just stop blaming me for everything and other.. details.. I'd like him, he's a far more intelligent king then calien and the glorious battle at ostagar was just plain stupidity by calien. I spare loghain because i need good warriors to save ferelden, that's more important then alistairs emotionall issues, especially since all we do is kill people / things..
  5. Don't give up! Actually i didn't eaven enjoy the game at first.. I thought it was too like... Complex, not very smooth combat etc, but after a while i realised it was my gameplay that wasn't that smooth :P so i assure you, most people like it more, more the more they play.. Atleast all i know who's playing it. Give it a chance, you will like it. as i said, i didn't like it and i'm doing my 6th playthrough now.
  6. Thanks for the quick answer! too bad though :D well well, guess it's for the best!
  7. So, if i have 29 dex and want to learn evasion (req 35 dex) can i access this talent by equipping The felon's coat (+6dex)? If so, what happens when i remove this armor? I think i've done this with some gear req's but i'm not sure about talents, quick answer appriciated! thanks.
  8. Looks awsome darthmikkon! and i agree 'bout the true "warrior look" at Derenoc's, nice one Well, got my new computer! graphics, here i come! maybe now i'd actually be able to look a bit awsome. City Elf CLASS/SPEC: Rogue - Assasin / duelist Name: Deciv a street smart fella', Thief! he hates humans more then everyone else, though he doesn't really like anyone. (understands Loghain to some extent, atleast more then he understands calien.) He likes money and allways put himself first, a sneaky, cold bastard who loves blood shed! Only reason he's a dedicated warden is since he knows the darkspawn will kill him sooner or later if he doesn't provide the wardens with some serious skills! http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/719/deciv.png
  9. And a picture would be useful i guess.. excuse my low graphics *emocut* :P
  10. May be good to tell what class / specc you're using since names, looks can be very matching / unmatching aswell :) I'll start! Name: Arkhias Class / specc: Mage - Blood mage (new char so i've not decided 2nd specc yet) Though i know i'll go battlemage aswell in awakening (It's awsome) So here we go!
  11. Human Warrior 2h ZERK, cause i get more of an rp feeling playing as a human then as ex dwarf. Prolly cause i am a human. 2h cause of the heavy hits, huge maces :D - also a main reason for choosing warrior actually is the gear, the other classes look to lame :< (know i can go arcane warr aswell but i just don't like that) I also enjoy mages, cause you can do soo much more with a mage then you can with any other class, vary your playstyle etc. (and blood mages are awsome - screw the chantry)
  12. 100% blood mage :D so, BIG dislike @ the chantry. as whatzitooya says, They create addicts, they're far to controlling, they lock up mages in the tower cause of their paranoia, sure there are bad mages but that goes for all people and i belive there are others then mages who can cause trouble, you can't lock up everyone who's potentially dangerous. The only thing good about them is that they're providing the people with supplies, shelter but they insist of doing this in the "chantry" way, like they're recruting while they're at it.
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