So, what quest(s) do you get the best "RP feeling" from? we all have our favourites :D! I have to say i really like the Brecilian forest quest, especially the ending! I always support the werewolves and everytime they turn back to humans i get goosebumps haha, can't help it.. It's just something about that story. Another favourite is the Broodmother part of the deep roads, love how the tension sort of builds up with those "verses" on your way to her "First day, they come and catch everyone. Second day, they beat us and eat some for meat. Third day, the men are gnawed on again."etc.. The first time i approached her it was one of the most epic gaming experiences i've ever had! also love how the surroundings get more and more f***ed up the closer you get to her, there's like meat just laying around everywhere, she's loathsome and i love it! Hell, the entire deep roads are quite awsome, The anvil of the void / branka story.. Just think that the rest of the deep roads are kinda boring, those gray caverns.. it's just to long, especially since there's like no changes in the enviorment. And most side quests in denerim, just hangin' around in the city gives a nice RP feeling, hoping for bigger citys in DA2! What are your favourites? and why?