I don't post much around Nexus Forums, but I guess I would post here because I want to let others know that I am enjoying Kingdom of Amalur: Reckong very much over the last 2 weeks, I have not bothered with Skyrim since Reckoning released - I think I will actually uninstall it. That is saying a lot since I have other games on my PC that I haven't played for quite some time but still resisted uninstalling them (Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Fallout: New Vegas). I will not say Reckoning is a great game. It has bugs, the story isn't the greatest. Whatever, However, I'm enjoying it. One of the things I enjoy is walking my (female) PC around chitchatting to others. Some NPCs will recognise my PC based on the works she has done, and it also amuses me to bump into an NPC that does not: 1) After a storyline battle, a soldier in a tavern challenged my PC on "doing her part" in the battle before claim ing that the battle would have been lost if not for the hero ... 2) A soldier my PC met shortly out in the wilderness just outside the battlefield commented that he found her "familar" but couldn't pin her down, assuming she was one of the many fellow combatants he fought along with at some point of the fighting. Some will flame me for saying so, but I am reminded of Baldur's Gate (walking around and chatting up all those NPCs that sprout all sorts of rubbish). There was this one part that makes me think of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Emperor Uriel Septim. A major NPC was with some reluctance (for then unknown reasons) leading my PC to a place "for some answers" and we reached a point where a monster was bearing down on us. At this point, the NPC went "I'm sorry, this is as far as I can take you" and suddenly, everything clicks: He was reluctant to guide me because he had foreseen his own death at that point ... The combat is fun enough to engage me. I am generally not the type to play on max difficulty, so I just enjoy it as it comes, revelling in the freedom to mix and match as I like, in the same way I enjoy Dead Space 2. The last game I played on max difficulty was Mass Effect 2, which is generally not that challenging unless you play a class the wrong way (like all those people who complain about the Adept on Insanity diff - my Adept goes BOOM BOOM "Where's everyone?"). My first and current character is a Finess / Sorcery build that just unlocked the highest relevant Destiny "Shadowcaster" (what serves as the "class" for Reckoning) for her build; I estimate she's around the 75-80% mark to the end of the main questline. I have plans for at least 2 new playthroughs with different builds from ground up after I am done with her - if I can be done with her, because I had gotten quite attached to her and my playstyle with her. She is the charactor that I would have wanted that I never could make in Skyrim. I even had a pic album about her and the things she found/wear on my Bioware Social Account here. Kingdom of Amalur was supposed to be a fill-in while I am waiting for Mass Effect 3, but it is now a game I can comfortably play for a good part of this year (after I finish my Mass Effect 3's first run).