Hey After long testing and dropping and shouting at things in order to place them in my house permanently without resetting their place by loading a savegame, I think I found out some facts: There are two different groups of items: 1. Items that you can shout at, and they will fly away, affected by the physics engine. 2. Items which just fall to the ground and are not affected by shouting, but can be shot across the room by kicking and throwing things at it. edit: shouting was found out not to be a reliable source of identifying the items: as of now, it seems that the only way to see which group an item is, is by using telekinesis on it: It appears that if you have the Telekinesis spell, items of group 1 are highlighted from a further distance while using the spell and can be pulled to the player, but items of group 2 are not, and also cannot be highlighted by it. (This method of looking at items saves you the shouting at everything) When you drop an item of group 1 and 2 to the ground and move both of them to another place, then quicksave and quickload, BOTH items will reset to the place where they had fallen upon. HOWEVER, if you drop an item of group 1 and 2, then leave the house, reenter, put both items somewhere else, quicksave and quickload, ONLY the item of group 2 will reset. So it seems that Group 1 items kind of get bound to the house by dropping it and then leaving and reentering. After this item is in this state, you can stack it and rearrange it all the way you like. Sadly, items of group 2 always reset and I cant find a way yet to place them properly. All of this was tested with gems, silver, gold and corundum ingots, ebony gauntlets and various staffs and weapons (all group 1) and a dwarven helm and various circlets (group 2) in vlindrel hall If you have some further information on how to place items permanently, go on :) greets jj