Hi, I've currently started writing a small murder mystery for a Skyrim SE quest mod that I'll later start implement. I'm discussing ideas with a friend and after this stage I'll start writing the actual story of the quest, and when it is done I'll continue adding dialogues, side quests and etc... What I need is a story writer, who can give some of their time to read and possibly give feedback when it is needed. I do not ask for a full story writing or a huge time requiring task. But since I can not pay for this I'll need someone volunteering. The story is based on a woman being found murdered in some place(not yet decided where), and 2 self appointed detectives are investigating the case since no authority is interested in a single case with the civil war going on. The story will also include some humour because I think Skyrim suits the best for a Monty Python style comedy. I'll need some witty and humorous dialogues between npcs, and I also appreciate a bit of dark humour as well. The story is still in its early stages but once we've got something worth reading I plan to pass it on to our beloved writer/story person who has volunteered for the task, and get some feedback on it. It'd be great if the person likes murder mysteries and some basic humour as well. Feel free to reply here or PM me. The development will take some time since I'm not well versed with CK, but I believe I'll be able to handle it in time. Additionally finding time is also a problem as I'm currently meddling with other stuff as well for the next few months. I can tell more details in PM, however. Regards