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  1. Bit strange request here, I'm looking for an static object who look a bit like an mound. Making an farming mod where you create the fertile soil mounds yourself. Can not use the ones in Heartfire as they are to flat and will not fit well unless the terrain is very flat. Something like an rounded flat stone 50-60 cm in diameter and 15-25 cm thick would probably work well if retextured. Does anybody know of any in game models who can be used?
  2. I have an faming mod in beta, work just like in heartfire except that you can create your own spots with fertile soil. all the basic functionality work. Just need some tweaking to get the soil to fit better with the terrain. You do not want more planting spots using heartfires method, all the spots has an unique container and npc linked to them Will probably release it here tomorrow. Yes the ability to disable build furniture had been nice. I would also want more options, like having both the bedroom, kitchen and the greenhouse Khajiit kids and wife if they add an chaise tail idle animation for the kid I will pay serious money. Additional guards might be nice perhaps an tower with an huge dwemer crossbow.
  3. I guess that mounted combat require script extender so you can trap the combat actions and do the combat actions and animations. SKSE is not at the level that this is possible yet.
  4. Think you want an ability, Nord frost resistance is an ability. Make an magic effect, rename an ability to get an new one and give it the effect. The magic ability can be anything, however it will be an constant effect, you can however use an script in it who trigger another spell, say healing you 100 health if your health fall under 20% once a day. Now you can give the player or npc the ability with any script with addspell also remove it with removespell
  5. How do I make an ground/ inventory object of armor? Understood that I should find an similar ground object and replace the NiTriShape with my own object. Tried this with an maid headdress. export as obj en imported to 3d studio again too get rid of bones and everything. rotated and put on ground. Export as nif, copy it's NiTriShapes under BSFadeNode and removed the original NiTriShapes, however the CK crashes then I tries to use the mesh. Any idea that I'm doing wrong? Or does it exist and guides for this?
  6. It's a lot of spare slots, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/556409-body-part-ids-for-unused-biped-nodes-consensus/ have an good list and recommended use, simply select 58 for left ring and 45 for secondary amulet.
  7. Pretty simple, you has to make your effect into an ability so it don't time out. then you use onequip function to add the ability to the one equipping the weapon with characterref.addspell and remove it on unequip.
  8. You are sure the references are set correctly? As the first work the next should work too.
  9. if you use smiting to upgrading weapon or armor it is an check if item is enchanted and you don't have the arcane smithing perk.
  10. Look at my http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10045 Part of it is an ingredient sorting function, I stole the object list from somebody else, then I used excel to generate long series of function calls to move the items. It stores everything in the container you activates, lets you use the inventory take all button Skyrim removeitem is more powerful than in Oblivion, it let you specify target container and is optional silent.
  11. This has be driven me mad, made an mod who made the Khajiit tails more similar in width, removing the baseball bat look. Has to try this, will probably come back with more stupid questions?
  12. Some different issues here, it's an max limit on loose arrows in the world, the old ones are removed, it's also an limit on bodies, in the civil war attacks on Whiterun it goes over it and old bodies start to disappear. Now items you drop from inventory are not removed, they will stay forever unless somebody pick them up. Random containers are reset at respawn time and is the easiest way to test this, put some stuff who don't belong in it and see then it's goes away.
  13. Was thinking more on that the different settings in BSLightingShaderProperty did, either my items ends up to dark or to light. Think I have solved the headband problem, and it become to plastic even if I used BSLightingShaderProperty from in game clothes and the texture itself is also an tileless version of ingame textures.
  14. True, but put an hat or helmet on one and the ears goes away. This is because of the BSDismemberSkinInstance mapping you can see in 3d studio, however this is a bit off topic here.
  15. I'm trying to fix the Khajiit tail by making it equal width all the way to the tip, removing the baseball bat look. Problem is that just taking it into 3d studio remove the animation on it making is stiff. Extract tail, into 3d studio, export as nif fix BSLightingShaderProperty and save, Have even tested without modifying the mesh at all. bones and skin weight look ok.
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