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Posts posted by seweryn

  1. 1 hour ago, Karna5 said:

    I think that's normal. Most games are only interesting for the story the first time through. Games like Sniper Elite, Fallout, Skyrim, Bannerlord, Mafia 3, Assassin's Creed, Cyberpunk 2077, etc. are fantastic for the story the first time. But after that there are only two reasons to continue playing:

    a) Mods which add captivating player made stories (such as Nuka Ride, Commonwealth Slavers and Problems of Survivor in Fallout 4), or

    b) the gameplay itself.

    For instance, with Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord I was captivated for around 1000 hours simply riding around taking over castles and fighting armies in third person huge battles. It wasn't the story that kept me. It was the amazing immersive experience of actually being in huge medieval battles.

    With Bethesda games I mostly like exploring and sneaking and murdering (yes, murder simulator). Though Sniper Elite is probably the best murder simulator game.

    Because of what you describe, though, seweryn, it might be good for you to try something completely new for a while. After that you can go back to repeating old favorites for their playstyle.

    For instance, XCOM 2 War of the Chosen, Bannerlord, Sniper Elite 5, Black Desert Online, Red Dead Online, Dead by Daylight, Horizon Zero Dawn (or its sequel), and countless other games may be sufficiently different than stuff you normally play to be worth trying, unless you've already played all those.


    I could mod oblivion for countless and play it for hours upon hours but i was much younger back then.

    When it comes to games i just do not like turn-based combat when it comes to tactical games and RPGs.

    Black desert - too much stuff on the screen. Red dead redemption - not a fan of wild west. I played dead island, dying light not to mention walking dead series - i do not want to see another zombie in my gaming life. I cannot play shooters, i get too exited, too much adrenaline aka do not want go into details here but it is not good for my brain/health. Bannerlords not really fan of it since i play a lot of warband from time to time. Horizon zero dawn - look fun ; i really need upgrade to windows 10 but i hate tiles theme menu, constant system updates that can break many things, telemetry, etc. Not really fond of windows 10 or 11. My mother uses windows 10 so i know how it works. My dear friends has windows 11, he always complains about it, saying system back then were better. I am considering linux but i am really fond of it either.


  2. So i love to modding games, not only skyrim but all of my games.

    I spend hours, even days, to mod a game properly.

    I love to search modding sites, making sure everything works with each other, search for nice-looking images and to create portraits for my RPGs.

    Unfortunately, when I get into a game and everything works fine I get quickly bored.

    I wonder where all this is coming from.

    I get a similar thing with buying pc hardware, i spend days searching for specific gpu which wouldn't cost too much, was good enough quality, etc.

    When i get it i just put it on the shelf, i couldn't be bothered with installing it.

    It is like when everything works fine and works i get bored. When everything doesn't i get excited and try to fix it and that is what brings me joy.

    Is everything ok with me?

    In the past, i had enjoyment of playing games and modding was just something that could improve my experience with the game.

    Nowadays, playing games is simply boring.

    Has anyone had similar experiences or have any advice on how to rekindle my love for games?

    Thanks for the reply in advance,





  3. I stopped updating wotr because of new game version that kept breaking a ton of mods.

    Have they finally stopped updating the game so we can mod it?

    I am currently running pre EE version because some mods i have do not work with EE.

    I haven't check nexus for over a year so i maybe wrong.

  4. So I found more than one collection I like.

    One is changing faces, the other changing the environment, another is adding quests, and the other is totally changing the game aka total overhaul.

    I wonder, is it possible to use more than one collection?

    I personally like adding tons of armor, and weapons to my game but I found that there is ton of work getting some mods to work with one another.

    So can it be done using more than one collection?

    Thanks for the info,


    I am asking specifically for NV since I know this game can be a little tricky when it comes to modding. It feels like playing oblivion again.

  5. Hey,

    Thanks to you I checked a few collections.

    I am interested in the Immersive & Adult collection.

    On I&A collection page the only compatible collection listed is Sexy Statues.

    On the other hand on the collection page of Wow Weapons and I&A Armor Expansion, there is info that they are compatible with I&A.

    So I am at a loss here.

    Does it mean they were compatible in the past but not anymore?

    Also does the phrase "made for anniversary edition" mean that it won't work with SSE?

    Back to the topic.

    If I know collections are compatible does it matter in which one is installed first?

    And if the answer is yes, should I use sorting software?

    Thanks for the answer,







  6. My suggestion is to stop trying to be in complete control.


    Find a popular Collection. Install it. Don't mess with it.


    Enjoy being surprised by things you don't realize are in the game because you didn't go through every mod with a fine-tooth comb. Embrace your new reality.

    Is there somewhere where people rate a collection like a website? Because when i checked collections page there was so much variables.

  7. What i mean by this, let me explain.

    In my 20's, i had no problem spending hours upon hours downloading and tweaking mods, and resolving problems.

    Nowadays i just want to install a game and play it.

    I just want to enjoy a game and not spend a couple of afternoons preparing a game.

    I have over 10gb override folder for dragon age origins. I created it years back.

    If i had to create a modded dao from scratch i probably wouldn't bother with it.

    I have no problems with adding around 20-30 to a game nowadays (like adding mods to opentdd) but when oblivion was in full swing i spent hours in wrye bash to tweak it to maximum having around 250 esp with bash patch enabled.

    Sometimes it has nothing to do with lack of time; rather more it would too much time or i just want to play something now because i am tired after work.

    So i really want to come to mod skyrim but the number of mods and the research i would have to do really turns me off.

    Is it a sign that i am getting older or did my priorities changed only?

    Thanks for all the answers.


  8. It would depend on your knowledge level and motivation.


    If you are satisfied with the way you are doing things now, don't stop.


    However, if you want to take the lazy way out, by all means start downloading and installing collections.


    By not reading the individual installation instructions, you will run the risk of hours of troubleshooting trying to correct a problem.

    The whole point of collections is laziness as you delicately put it; so you do not have to do all the manual labor yourself. Click download, then install and they work out of the box.


    A single Collection is meant to work correctly without extra work.


    Multiple Collections CAN be designed to work together without extra work. Like the Modules series for Fallout 4.


    However, if you are using multiple UNRELATED Collections then nobody will have done the conflict resolution and patching necessary to make them work together. That's on you to do.


    The Collections pages are very explicit about this fact.


    So the answer to your question is: It depends on whether you are using Collections in the manner in which they are intended to be used.

    I am talking about adding multiple collections or individual mods via the mod manager or deactivating some of the collections mods since I do not like them.

    I am asking if i do this will it create more problems with mod compatibility or less? Will it be easier and faster to download every mod independently, since i will deal with any incompatibilities on the fly?

  9. So I have heard some collections may not work with each other.

    Is this a common occurrence or does it happen rather rarely?

    I ask this because when i install mods manually i read every mod installation instruction but when using collections i probably won't.

    The idea of collections is to download tons of mods as one batch and not worry about them working together.

    I usually download a lot of mods from different categories so i wonder if is it better to stick with manual installation or if using collections is really worth it.

    Thanks for the info,


  10. Hey all,

    So i wanted to ask is it possible using unity mod manager to have two instances of mods.

    I have older version of a game that is perfectly modded but is not EE.

    The other version of a game is EE but i have not installed new mods for that version.

    Is it possible to have two seperate mod profiles for these game versions?

    The reason being that some mods do not work with EE and are not updated anymore.

    Thanks for the info,


  11. Several of the older Oblivion mods will have to be re-structured, no matter which manager you're attempting to use. Every manager expects their own proprietary folder structure, some expect a shared folder structure, which was later brewed up by the community, the most common you could say. But too many Oblivion mods were created in a time where neither managers nor shared common structures were a thing, yet. There is 1 packaging structure every manager I know will be able to understand:


    No surrounding folder,

    only ESP/ESM, meshes, textures, sound, etc. folders on level 1,

    no options, no choices,

    and no post-extraction tasks such as copying and/or renaming folders or files.


    Basically every "part" of a BAIN archive consists exactly of that structure. But a BAIN archive itself can never be put into the Data folder 1:1, nor can a manager other than WryeBash/BAIN install it correctly.


    OMODs can even only be opened by OBMM. (Unless current latest managers introduced some file-format compatibility along the way.) But you shouldn't be using 2 managers at once. Best case just use OBMM to "turn into archive" the OMOD file, then unpack and restructure as necessary and usual.

    When using OBMM it's especially important to keep in mind it does not "manage" your installs. It only extracts once, overwriting everything there is without making backups, and if you want to change install order or priority later, you have to uninstall and reinstall all mods involved in the correct order again. Unlike WryeBash/BAIN it won't restore files or folders it previously overwrote.


    If I recall correctly, the last NMM was working the same way. Overwrite files without backup, and when uninstalling later, old files stay lost.


    Vortex is much better in this managing department, from what I heard, enabling you to effortlessly switch order/priority around and previously overwritten files will automatically return. But it of course struggles with uncommon folder structures of older Oblivion mods like every other manager does.



    However, this 1-click-install myth should really go away. You were basically just lucky the most mods for that game are packaged in a shared common folder structure almost everybody uses, and the conflicting parts of your mod collection were so insignificant they didn't need further work.


    But here we're working with a game engine where there's not even a guarantee the exact same 1:1 copy&pasted installation of mods that worked for 10.000 of users previously will also work for the 10.001-th still. It's working so inconsistently at times, not even a simple "missing texture" situation will cause the same error on every person's install.


    For example: Users of an older Oblivion version < 1.2 will have their games not even be able to "see" plugins created with a >=1.2 version of the CS and thus they can't use them at all.

    However, 1 out of an insane number of folks I helped with having missed updating their games in the past before actually was able to run one of my mods. Just half of my scripts were breaking on them, as their engine didn't have the functions I used. As my mod was definitely running for them, just not correctly at all, it was seriously a hard time figuring out their game version simply being too old was the cause for this. They were the only 1 ever in 15 years who was even able to run a 1.2 CS versioned plugin in a 1.1 versioned outdated game. An explanation for that is still sought.

    Omod comes with it's own installantion program . Rar is just copy and paste. So i would prefer to to use omod any day of the week

    Do you you mean i need to check every mod i download if it has a proper folder structure compatible with bain ? If that is the case it kinda sucks.



    I believe that most guides still use Wrye Bash for modding Oblivion

    At least that was what I used the last time I followed a modding guide for the game


    Honestly, I would recommend looking through a few guides, even if just to see which fix mods are recommended

    And those guides should provide better answers regarding which mod manager to use

    But no matter what you do, manual installation is never the answer, and it's not worth the problems it would bring

    When using wrye bash should i check if the mod have folder structure ? I remember when i used wrye bash back in the day , some people mods weren't compatible with wrye bash installation. I had to unrar then reorder them in proper way then create archive and add to wrye bash. That is why i am not fond off mod manager.


    I honestly don't recall, but I do believe you are correct on this


    This is why I really recommend following a guide, at least for the basics

    Guides usually provide general information regarding how to use the tools they recommend, which should include such notes on Wrye Bash

    You could also read the documentation of Wrye Bash, as it should have notes regarding such possible issues


    Sorry I can't be more helpful, it's been quite a while since I modded Oblivion......


    No problem, basic skyrim has too much mods and it is 32 application which means it is ram limited not to mention i have to deal with sky ui, which i am not fond of ; i prefer the looks of DarNified UI in oblivion.

    The thing i really loved about skyrim is the "one click modding" thing ; You just click "downloaded with manager" and program was doing everything for you .

    One more thing i am wondering is, if i can use obmm for omod installs and nmm normall rar/zip installs.

  13. I believe that most guides still use Wrye Bash for modding Oblivion

    At least that was what I used the last time I followed a modding guide for the game


    Honestly, I would recommend looking through a few guides, even if just to see which fix mods are recommended

    And those guides should provide better answers regarding which mod manager to use

    But no matter what you do, manual installation is never the answer, and it's not worth the problems it would bring

    When using wrye bash should i check if the mod have folder structure ? I remember when i used wrye bash back in the day , some people mods weren't compatible with wrye bash installation. I had to unrar then reorder them in proper way then create archive and add to wrye bash. That is why i am not fond off mod manager.


    For skyrim there are tons for race mods.

    For fallout there was never any race mods.

    For NV there was this cool mars android/robot mod.

    I know there are those furries races mods , (I am not into them) also not into anime races.

    I am looking for some kind of android race mod or simillar mod.

    I do not want to play ordinary human.

    Thanks for the info,


    There was a mod I liked named something like IKAROS Androids. The only proper one I'd say if you use a female character. But it was deleted for whatever reason. You can find it on the author's website (TrophiHunter), outside the Nexus. He seems to have removed all of his mods from the Nexus (and seeing how the site's being managed, I probably would've done the same, not gonna lie).

    There was one called Project Apollo Androids or something, for male characters. But it wasn't as good as the IKAROS one.

    (I think I had it downloaded but wouldn't upload w/o permission from the author anyway. Was a port of a NV mod I think? Can't seem to find the FO4 version of it anywhere on the web now.)


    So what is happening to nexus ? I am not up to date to tell the truth.

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