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Posts posted by Noortje

  1. You probably recalled incorrectly because all that disable does is stop the game from rendering the selected object or actor. Any scripts tied to the object or actor will remain running and the values of the object and actor will remain exactly the same untill you reenable them. No the closest thing to resetting an npc would be the resetai and ressurect commands, but even those won't do the trick.

  2. The video may be compressed but I can clearly see what the textures will look like uncompressed. Just looking at that dogs fur is enough of a hint you can clearly see the lack of quality there since there are no physics applied to the dogs fur at all. Game developers usually show their games on max quality in trailers (and then they usually turn out worse in the actual game) so if this is what their max quality will look like, it's going to be dissapointing as f***.


    Anyways with all this talk of consoles: GTA V, another console focused game, was released two years ago on console and looked(looks) a lot better than this, a game said to launch two years later. Bethesda made well over a billion dollars off of Skyrim, don't tell me they can't afford to make their game look amazing. It's not just a matter of appealing to the console audience, you can easily downgrade a game for ps3. Ps4 can easily run graphics that are a lot better than what is seen in that trailer.


    As for the landscaping thing: I don't know what you are trying to say... I never said you could turn landscape off.. (you can in Skyrim but noone does that so lets put that aside) Are you trying to say something isn't graphics if you can't turn it off? That makes no sense.. Almost every game has advanced quality sliders for landscape, shading and environment. I wasn't talking about turning it off, I was talking about the fact that you can reduce the quality of it, make the game not render redundant stuff etc. The definition of graphics is simply: Everything you can see on your screen. That includes even things like hud, menus, the font etc. When someone says a game has amazing graphics they simply mean it looks great as a whole. If your pc can't handle the high settings, just reduce the quality. There is zero reason to make the PC version look shitty just because some people can't run it at max settings, no other game company does that, at least not with that motivation.

  3. Landscape is not graphics.. what? Graphics is the appearance of the game, the visuals, not just the textures, so that includes landscaping and atmosphere.. And yes, if the landscape is of high texture quality, that makes a ton of difference. You know why there are so little mods for games like witcher and farcry etc? Because they are pretty much ready to play as they come. Fallout 3, Oblivion and Skyrim were not. At least not for the time in which they were made. Far cry 4 has 13 mods, all of which aren't neccesary. The only thing witcher 3 needed was removing the yellow blur, which simply required a very basic sweetfx. Compare that to the trailer of fallout and you're looking at hundreds of mods (again) needed for improvement. Just from the trailer (trailers are usually made to show off all the best looking things about the game, so go figure).

  4. A game that focuses on atmosphere and landscaping should look good graphically.. And I don't get what you are trying to say.. why on earth would there be no point to having a really good looking game? The majority of players will be PC gamers. The PC master race wants ultra good graphics. If you want a good experience on console you just need to set the graphical settings lower.. it's not hard... I don't get how you are even arguing this... The possibility of mods is not an excuse for poor graphics... If a game engine is built around shitty graphics it's going to suck performance wise if you mod it to look good, just like Skyrim... The engine they want to use is simply not good enough they are shooting themselves in the foot, the only buyers will be people that played fallout 3, any potential new buyer will see the trailer and think.. meh... there's plenty better looking alternatives for much cheaper.

    How could you even argue this.. take witcher 3, great graphics, great story, great gameplay. Why on earth would you need to cut down on graphics to make the gameplay better? Bethesda is swimming in dough they could easily afford getting a better/larger graphics team... They're just being stingy, thinking because skyrim was a succes back in 2011, that they can get away with a shitty game engine again thus they don't spend any resources on engine development.. again..

  5. @notmyhome Not really, every single open world game that was released in the last 2 years looks better. Farcry, GTA, Witcher, just cause, the forest etc etc. It's just ridiculous that a game company that made millions off of Skyrim wouldn't be able to produce a high standard game next.. If everything looks like it does in the trailer (not likely since it's a release trailer, actual quality will be a lot worse I guarantee it) it's hardly any better than gta iv (2008) for pete's sake...

  6. Dishonored was a 2012 game and looked a lot better than Skyrim. It also wasn't an open-world game and was a lot more focused on the game play quality, whereas open-world games are more about roleplaying,character development etc, which requires good graphics to feel immersed.


    And no, just because there might be a mod tool available at some point (there isn't one announced right now), that doesn't excuse the poor quality of the graphics. If they add in loading screens to fallout 4 it's going to be ridiculous. Witcher 3 and GTA have no loading screens, open-world gaming has advanced beyond the level of tons of loading screens.

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