Hey folks. This is my first post and I was wondering if a few pc veterans could answer a question. I recently built a pc in April of this year. I bought an ASUS Cm1630, removed the internal graphics card and added a Nvidia 550ti card. I have 8 gb of ram and one gb of ddr5 vram. All drivers for my pc are kept up to date, my registry is kept clean and tidy, disks defragged and clean with no errors, and no viruses. My question is, when i use OBGE, should i be only getting 15-30 fps? I have a few texture alterations, but nothing drastic. I only use a few shaders such as godrays, HBAO, and obsharpen. I dont have in game shadows maxed out either. I can run any other game maxed out in the settings and get up to 75 fps. why is oblivion giving me such a hard time and what should i do about it?