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  1. If somebody could skip the season unending quest alogether, that would be a simple bypass so that atleast markarth could be spared, likewise nothing will be changed and the good and bad ones dont come to pass. Does that become high king of skyrim's jarl choosing mechanic run smoothly? So if I appointed an npc that was primed to be a potential jarl in vanilla game, the proper changes in default dialouge and thanes be met? Otherwise, I think the mod's feature is not really enough to compensate for all of its issues.
  2. I get whatcha mean Jee, but if war be war, shouldn't I be all like, gatherin mah crew, getting sum homies, I'm the moffin borned-dragon boi here, who I thunk is kehwl and who aint shud matta.That gringo sent me to jail, like heeeyl I'm lettin him wear himself like a pimp and mess up dah throne I got from the whoh. Now, that my failed attempt at gangster spelling has concluded, to the point, you can also think of so many directions this war could go to if it actually worked like as strategic and immersive or at least get as close to it as realistically possible with the given abilities and previous tasks which has been building up to your expectation of becoming a renowned, respected and powerful being , especially when you're controlling such a pivotal world, culture and circumstance changing dragon pimp who has killed immortal tyrants and beaten his dragon hoes by shouting at them. This Jarl issue is one of the most painful ones to bear, I mean, come one, you don't even have a choice but to give markarth to the stormcloaks if you want to fulfill your destiny as the dragonborn, and neither sides has convinced me to join them at their petty war... dat thongvor *censored* messin' up mah vibes... --- Extra, not necessary, but supporting argument --- Leader relationship eg. Maven has friends Ey? I spent months on end constantly pursued by assassins and dragons, what can her "friends" possibly do to me where others of a wide array of characteristics have failed? I too have friends also, legendary guilds of assassins, thieves, mages and fighters who'm I can pay and continue to pay more than others with my abundant wealth which I have accumulated by numerous and immersive/vanilla means, and I have mythical beasts, monsters and great heroes for allies too. I will make sure she is never seen to rule as the jarl... or to continue existing if need be. (oh, did I mentioned I lead all these organisations?) I understand Ulfric's struggle for freedom, but his selfish and cruel ambitions and values disagrees with me, and I won him this war, so I want some specific policies changed. He will not agree? Then I challenge him with the same that he used on the previous high king of skyrim. We all know who would win *cough* slayer of alduin, miraak, harkon, directly blessed, protected and guided by several daedras and aedras, won the favour of all races of skyrim, some even the high elves themselves *cough* General Tulius has actually a more solid and better plan to resist the thalmor douches in the ultimate of things, and he doesn't really care who are jarls and kings so long as they are in imperial pockets. As I mentioned earlier, I have gold, mountains, and mountains, of wealth proportional to a small nation's that would send chills of envy to the dwarves of erebor and their mountain full of riches whom are in a completely different storyline and universe. I would have either bought them out, or other means covered by my many professions and connections. So forth, and so forth. What did we learn? being able to choose jarls is actually a fitting, and what would be an improvement on skyrim's narrative. The rest of what I said, I can merely just picture it on my head, and use it as the in-betweens to my role-play, but I cannot do the same for the jarls, who'm I actually interact with quite frequently. I don't even want completely new jarls, just the existing varieties already offered open to my choosing regardless of what the rigid, plot-holed and limited narrative they gave us for the main course. Of course, if you did either civil war quests, this wont be applicable to you due to npc dialogue limitations, as for me who's pursuing his desired destiny which the game has teased you with being perhaps possible, I could romance the one who can bring this to reality.
  3. I second this. I absolutely hate the fact that it is mandatory to hand over markarth to the Stormcloaks, and the silverblood to own it, the very ones to imprison me and I got out of jail from. The old jarl was much more reasonable and less despicable, plus his housecarl has a charmingly humorous love interest with the local wizard, I felt so damn awful after realizing this. The only plus I got out of season unending was when I booted the old jarl of winterhold, finally got some bloody optimism and tolerance up there which will surely lead back to the hold's repair, Sill need to boot out that scummy dawnstar jarl. Point is, I want to either remain neutral or the complete ruler while maintaining these pleasurable leaders, that become high king mod seems like a good suggestion, but I'm hearing it is no longer supported/abandoned and its got some worrying bugs as the starter of this thread has mentioned.
  4. If people are still wondering, the problem appears to b with any mod that changes the behaviour of females using the male walking style. For example, this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9655/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D9655%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  5. I have the same problem and I' am in the process of ratting it out, but it is taking a great amount of time due to my mod structure's... intricacy. If you find the cause earlier than I, give a holler.
  6. that's what I think as well, but I'm not sure how that's supposed to help if you can't even leave the interior you're stuck in to do that in the outside, kind of defeats the purpose, and she seems to be referring to a map menu, and I only know of one map menu and that is the world map. She's saying make a full turn, but I'm not sure how to do that in the map. :\
  7. can anyone please tell me what mileena means by make a full turn in the map???
  8. hi millena, I need to ask you, what do you mean by "turn the camera 360 degrees"? a rather vague point :/
  9. ain't missing files for me, but exactly the same. All the voice files are there as they should be, but when i speak to my spouses they have no dialouge. when they use their regular script dialouge, those work fine, strictly the spouse lines are affected. This seems to be a 1.6 problem since 1.5 spouse dialouge appears to be fine. This needs a fix, and I acknowledge this forum's legitimate claim.
  10. I agree with this more than an independent character on a horse. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm one of those guys who like to exploit the capabilities of a mount like scaling scenic mountains that you're not meant to be on that serve as quick shortcuts to places I need to go to. Having them at a seperate horse does not eliminate the followers getting trapped and lost and I doubt they'd be able to follow me in the trecherous alps let alone not falling to their deaths
  11. Good tidings mod hunter! Wow, you guys are nearly like the A-team. Any who, I was just wondering if there was a mod that gets rid of the pre-existing sandstorm's in the Mojave. currently, I'm using a brilliant mod called Nevada skies and the crummy vanilla sandstorms is quite good at ruining immersion play. If one exists, it'd be quite swell if a charitable heart is able to point me the direction
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