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  1. I've done that but I only have access to 3ds max 2017. :| Mmm I had acess for all versions... ? Anyways, why you would like to go to never versions at all?
  2. Hi, I have some experience on 3D modeling, and some less on texturing (but still should be enough for this kind of content) I was looking for somebody or some group that could have some experience related to GECK and Settlements, as I still have on my mind the interest on bringing some clasical fallout stuff into Fallout 4. Those, are mostly related to Vault city, and other architecture and assets related (that would be more complex than just simple static stuff) I already tried in the past, but being unable to really get the GECK working for this kind of things made me change my mind... however, Im still interested on it, and of someone had the knowledge and any interest of working around this, I would happily work on it again... Some of my goals would be. -Working turrets based on Vault City ones. ((the objective would be to make a 2-part pieces, if posible) Like 2 kinds of bases and multiple "heads" options, such "big and small bases" (one would be for ground lvl, and another one would be the pillar style seen on the games) while the head/turret itselaf would be sitting on it.... (the best would be the chance of it using snapping, but if it is not possible, I suppose left the base as static would be enough) -A new modular construction set based on "neoadobe" structures, meant to be able to recreate Vault City structures... If possible I would add some other variants such less tecnological ones (shady sands one) and more advanced (such more advanced buildings seen on Vault city like the central council one) I would be doing all the design related to being able to fit said structures into the modular F4 style. (however, I would probably ask for some original models to use the same proportions to prevent problems) -Some assets, such Terminals, and other assets. -If posible, I would also like to add some original vaults pieces that could fit with the Vault DLC, such pieces that could recreate the original Vault 13 entrance (like the doble valls that isolated the entracen and the corridor) -Lately (but the hardest one by far) Would be to add Fallout tactics robot pieces into Automatron modular syste, however my rigging experience is not that good to consider this as something plausible, but who knows... I would be able to create the pieces with the correct topology if somebody else could do the riggging and the geck work.. If somebody would be interested on help please reply on this topic.. And if by any chance you had any experience related to something similar to this some links of this would be appreciated, as more profesional work will lead me into putting more effort on my part. Some old images I did on my previous attempt, TBH Im not that happy with said models and now with a few more years of experience I guess I could do a way better work. I place them mostly so you can see that I should be able to fullfill my role.
  3. You can make a studient acccoun into the official page and be able to use it for at least 3 years for free.
  4. Working like a charm, thx again http://i.imgur.com/HUzpJM9.jpg
  5. I was afraid I had to see it through CK... I was expecting that maybe there was any structure I didnt figure, or maybe any place where can be seen "a list" about what and where is every object located Whoah man, im going to decompress that in no-time! Setdresing/Workshop? I think i could have taken all my life figuring it was there... (I found easily things like the ****king greenhouse assets, but those concrete ones... :sick: ) Thank you all 4 the tips & info!
  6. Bump. Can anybody suggest me a way to identify where can be what im looking 4? Im turning mad looking into the files... *Edit: ...about the concrete building meshes introduced with wasteland workshop.
  7. thank you both, I know CK got it, but I'm very unexperienced with it at this moment... will try that BAE from nexus :D Meanwhile, here is the beginning... http://i.imgur.com/B28jUPv.jpg
  8. Hi again! I have it almost complete, may I ask you if you still are active here on the forums/ Fallout Modding? Just If you can I will ask you to set the armor on any place of the world... (intended for Fallout 3, but If you could do it aswell for New Vegas would be cool) In the meantime you can see here some Screenshots about the State of the textures (right now it is at 85%) 40% Preview - http://s17.postimg.org/q9n0z3u8t/2015_02_21_00013.jpg 70% Preview (Chest Details) - http://steamcommunity.com/id/bioclone_ax45/screenshot/35239689658436856 80% Preview (Shoulder Pad Detail)- http://steamcommunity.com/id/bioclone_ax45/screenshot/35241247233100242 I have set the armor as an "old relic" coming from the old Town of Arrollo (fallout 1 - 2) like an "Easter Egg"/ Tribute, and should be like an old tribal power armor recovered by the Vault Dweller on the journey, used by the town of arroyo as ceremonial armor, moved later to New Arroyo Museum until it ¿Was stolen?. I kept the color palette similar to the Tribal T51 helmet so it will have a common theme. Hi again! I have it almost complete, may I ask you if you still are active here on the forums/ Fallout Modding? Just If you can I will ask you to set the armor on any place of the world... (intended for Fallout 3, but If you could do it aswell for New Vegas would be cool) In the meantime you can see here some Screenshots about the State of the textures (right now it is at 85%) 40% Preview - http://s17.postimg.org/q9n0z3u8t/2015_02_21_00013.jpg 70% Preview (Chest Details) - http://steamcommunity.com/id/bioclone_ax45/screenshot/35239689658436856 80% Preview (Shoulder Pad Detail)- http://steamcommunity.com/id/bioclone_ax45/screenshot/35241247233100242 I have set the armor as an "old relic" coming from the old Town of Arrollo (fallout 1 - 2) like an "Easter Egg"/ Tribute, and should be like an old tribal power armor recovered by the Vault Dweller on the journey, used by the town of arroyo as ceremonial armor, moved later to New Arroyo Museum until it ¿Was stolen?. I kept the color palette similar to the Tribal T51 helmet so it will have a common theme. I'm still here and that armor looks amazing. I'll be happy to place it in fallout 3. Where do you want it placed? I'll need to double check if the Ashur's power armor mesh is in the new vegas archives (we're not allowed to port it if not). Give me a day or two cos I am super busy just now. Hey y'all! I know this is an old post, and I was just surfacing the web, but I just stumbled upon this Power Armor and I can't just stop frothing from the mouth about it. Is it possible if I can have a share at the file too, (if not the assets?). Any answer you can provide will be greatly appreciated :smile: Sorry, I didnt have a reply or something so I didnt saw this post... I still got the textures but the item its not complete because my GECK knowledge its too limited... , so it dont spawn anywhere or got the required armor values or unique stats
  9. Hi all, I just started to model some things from the games Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics... My goal is to make a great bunch of weapons, outfits, and other, like Robot parts based on Tactics ones for Automatron, and Modular parts 4 structures based on the ones for New Arroyo (f2 ending) and Vault City. I still dont know how to extract .nifs from Fallout 4, Its something I will learn, but right now Im too busy modeling and learning about textures to also get inside that... I was wondering if someone could extract some .nifs for me, to use it as a reference when modeling new stuff that I will try to add to the game later... Right now what I would love to have are the concrete building parts (wasteland workshop) to be used to make Vault City Assets based on those proportions so later ingame all parts could fit nice... Later I would be interested on get the BOS uniform.nif to work on some armors, like the knight-esque look BOS had on Tactics, or some robot parts to be used to make the Tactics ones parts like: Mr Handy Parts to make the "Security Robot" Assaultron to make the "Humanoid Robot" Sentry bot to make the "Pacification robot", or the "LoadLifter Robot" Eyebot to make the "Hover-Bot" etc.. But, to begin with I would be very pleased with just the concrete building parts... It will take some time until I improvise the "New Arroyo" building parts because I will just have one Image to use 4 reference, that I will try to mix with other "classical revival" real structures style to find something that could fit the setting, what I would try to do once I do the Vault City structures.... something like: http://i.imgur.com/VC1MHp3.jpg Green = floor Blue = Interior Space Yellow = roof Red = Walls & corners (with alternates, like windows, or different decoration) Well that's everything, thx for read the full post, If you can give me a hand or give any tip would be nice.
  10. I dont have so much idea about what Im saying... but Couldn't be possible to made any kind of projectile, the same way the Railway Rile uses, that once they hit a wall and gets "anchored" they just spawn a rope that goes from the proyectile to the ground (probably across the floor... but nvm..) and then try to make any way to make that rope as a climbable object? Later add some things like a "rope deploying animation" (to prevent the rope will just spawn, so It will look like the rope "get out from the proyectile") and I suppose a new player animation designed to it with the go up/go down using the rope. Couldn't be made this way something like the suggested thing? (of course a basic one... would love to see something more complex) I say this, because I think there was any mod for skyrim that were doing this with arrows, making this sort o mechanic to get ropes to be able to clim.
  11. Wow, that reminds me a lot of the female metal armor or the BOS in fallout: tactics... http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/4/40/FOT_Metal_armor_female_render.jpg
  12. Hi, I just was wondering if there is any way to import any image into the Creation Kit to use it as reference (on exterior cells) As I want to make a large and complex urban area and this would save me a ton of time making much easier to notice where the roads/structures should be while I start editing the terrain heights and adding details from the middle to the exterior area. I find it a common tool in this kid of map editors, but I cant see anything like that... maybe any of you know something about it? *Just to make it clear, I just want to add "any kind of overlay" with a custom image that can be seen from the top view, that serves as reference map, this material don't really needs to appear in-game or something like that, just should be seen in the CK, not ingame. All help would be welcome.
  13. Hi, I was looking for anybody that can figure why I get this weird crash... I am using the "Enclave X-01 paints" (the one that comes with navarro camo) ---> http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4484/? And I am using this mod just to experiment with the texture creation without require to use nifskope to be able to see progress on it until I get the textures done or mostly completed... I just altered a bit the Helm_d (original name as "x1helmetenclave_d") With GIMP, and converted it to DX1 with mipmaps... then I replaced the F4folder/Data/Actors/Power Armor/x1helmetenclave_d by the one I modified... As I know It should work, but it always crash... No matter if I try to add the paint to the armor (it crashes when cursor gets close to the name of the item in the Power armor station, or when I try to load a save that have the current paint applied to it... Any suggestion? I dont know what could be the problem.
  14. Would require the GECK. I think that would be really really cool If somebody, or a group of modders would try to make a... lest imagine a flat map that its about 1/4 of the F4 one. Then, add in the Middle the Vault 8. And the Game should be based about fund Vault City, using the actual building system (would be nice to add some elements that are already in the web like the old shady shands house 3D models and converted to the modular building system) and set different tech lvls. The details would be based on Vault 8, the exit, and the surronding areas mainly, the game should be focused on survive against enemy attacks (would be nice a good work improving the attacks, and the variety of enemies)... later more detailed secondary areas could be added to the map (mostly converted to the age to fit the date) I know that would be a really big mod.. but its just an idea! and its lore-friendly. :D
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