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  1. I dont see it that difficult, create the magic effect, attach a script to it, being the effect channeled, you can call OnEffectStart and then registerForUpdate for aslong as the magic effects lasts. On the OnUpdate event: Spell.Cast(Player) Wait(2) Spell2.Cast(player) The cast function usually dont consume magicka, so you'll have to do that manually using the DamageActorValue function.
  2. You must set a conditional inside the Magic Effect to check if the player has dragon souls, so the effect wont trigger unless there are dragon souls.
  3. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akActor) if akActor.GetAv("DragonSouls") > 0 Player.ModAv("DragonSouls",-1) else Debug.Notification("You dont have souls to spend") endIf endEventHere is a small example on how would it work, you may want to put a conditional inside a magic effect, checking if the player has Dragons souls. Also I really like the idea, I might implement it in my mod :smile:
  4. http://s21.postimg.org/6ink6afmf/WHY.jpg As you can see something is definetly wrong with my highlighting, I have no idea why. I had to reinstall windows, so I reinstalled notepad++ aswell, created my user-defined language, as I did quite a few times already, and thats what I get, some functions dont highlight or highlight wrong. This is driving me nuts, I could really use some help :P
  5. As the topic title says, im looking for a way to detect if the player is ragdolled. I have been looking everywhere, from all the functions to all the Animation Variables and found nothing, so if anybody knows of some method I would really apreciate it.
  6. Hey there, first off check out the http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus Note that the functionallity of this shitty scripting language is very limited, if you know some c++ using SKSE you can expose some functions that are only avaible on the engine.
  7. Go to the ck, misc bar, collision layer, open L_DEADBIP and add L_CHARCONTROLLER, save it as a mod, load it and you got it :)
  8. As long as you create a subrace for that companion I guess you could add a new behavior for that race using your "unique" animations. You need to create a new folder under meshes\actors\MyCustomRace\, then go to skyrim - Animations.bsa, look for the folder meshes\actors\character and extract everything inside the folder you created previously. After that overwritte the animations you want, make your follower use the custom race, and he will be the only one to play those animations.
  9. This tutorial is one year old. Doesnt exist a better way to get this done than having to link the BSEffectShaderProperty to every NiTriShapeData there is ? Its quite a painful process if you ask me.
  10. Well the topic clearly states what I need. Basically I want to import voicepushprojectile03.nif to 3dsmax, modify it and then export it back, but for some reason the same configuration I use for normal meshes doesnt seem to work. I would really appreciate anybody that could either help me or link me a tutorial where this is explained. Also I havent seen many mods that use custom effects, so I am beginning to wonder if its even possible. I got something done using the regular niftools but its a pain in the ass, dong it with 3dsmax would definetly make my life easier. Thanks in advance ;)
  11. You maybe right, I had in mind GetAnimationVariableFloat("Direction") where 0 is forward, 0.5 is back, 0.25 is right and 0.75 is left.
  12. GetMovementDirection == 0, only works for moving forward, with GetVelocity you can also check if the player is jumping checking the Z velocity, and works for all directions :)
  13. Well, you can try a variety of flying mods that are laying around and understand why a official DLC involving flying cannot happen. I mean the distant lod is horrible and sometimes you even see mountains dissapear and visual errors. Besides the cell loading, when you are flying quite fast, takes a lot of resources from your computer and sometimes it ends up in crashing. So, unless they change the whole engine, I really doubt we'll ever see a flying method.
  14. You could try a different condition to see if its whats causing the issue, like GetGraphVariableFloat using "Speed" as parameter, or GetVelocity.
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