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About eend123

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  1. The characters are truly awesome. It is absolutely wonderfull that you managed to bring them to life! The castle has custom meshes also, which is also incredible. One thing I want to add is that if it takes you another two months longer to add more 'clutter' in the environments and interiors then take that time. Like fallen tree's, bushes, grasses and rocks near the roads etc, or buckets, workbenches, tools, mosses, food, whatever is found in indoor cells. Those things really 'add' the finishing touch. I'd love to help with the interiors but if you plan to release this in the first quarter of 2017 I doubt I can put in more than 3 hours a week but just yell if that's okay for you :sad:
  2. This idea just came to my mind and I have absolutely no clue what it takes to make this, except for the modelling. Now with Solstheim out there where there are no horses (except for the ones you've cheated/spawned in) it would be terrific to have dog sleds for mount/transport.
  3. Although you could expect this the moment you decided to 'mod by request' it's ofcourse reasonable to stop with this 'work'. It's certainly not unusual to lose interest after a while. However, it would be nicer to reply to requests and PM's and just tell people you quit, and close this thread, instead of letting them wait 'till eternity. Might be time to pick up the glove and start moddin myself then :turned:
  4. Modern camouflage armor fitted quite wel in the Fallout games, but in Skyrim? For as far as camouflage was used in the medieval era I think the tons of ranger-like outfits out there do pretty well. What's next, roleplay that you and your companions are teleported to Skyrim through a time-gap and hunt dragons with tactical gear and m16's? Like in Reign of fire? Then let them bring in a huge amount of ammunition 'cause they won't find anything in their new environment :D So no, I'm not tired of the usual medieval gear. The only thing I'm tired of are the skirts that all male outfits have, but more and more mods show up that adress this 'issue'.
  5. Oh my god you guys must be drowning in requests! There are plenty of house mods in rural scenery around but they all don't meet my needs. Call me a coward but I'm a city person rather than a farmer so I love to live behind mighty city walls. In Oblivion I lived in Cheydinhall. So I'd like to have a small/average house inside Solitude. The only houses inside the city at this moment are Proudspire manor, which is way too big an luxury to me, and some mods that provide underground houses. It doesn't have to be a shack, just a simple house for a common Skyrim civilian and his companion (just because I'm the dragonborn doesn't mean I'm the mightiest, wealtiest and most arrogant man in the world to live in Proudspire). - simple, not too large. One, maybe two rooms (second room can be a bathroom, not with a bathtub, just a 'hole' in the ground with a step to sit on) . Right now I use this house: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9095 it's a good example. (but unfortunately not inside the city) - Situated in the 'living area' of Solitude. (Maybe somewhere near the bards college, that doesn't really matter) - Has to be a house. Not a 'house in the city wall' or underground. - Has to be compatible with this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23643 (adds custom buildings) - Basic stuff: Enchanter/alchemy corner diner table/cooking area, large bed for two persons. No need for a forge/smelter or tanning rack. - Navmeshed (companion friendly) - I prefer a dark floor (like in the first housemod above) not a light one (as in Breezehome) and stone walls instead of wood. - Not too much animals and tapestries on the walls. (ah well, do as you like, others may like it, I can simply 'disable' these) - A non-respawning chest or two to store some equipment. Jees... am I demanding or what :blink: Ofcourse I'll gladly write a recommendation text for the mod, and upload a bunch of pics and video's.
  6. Good question, I'd like to see this too. However, I suppose in that case al the 'different' NPC's should be editted manually and all of them should also manually be equiped with the right custom armor to fit the tall/short/thin/fat look. I know there is a mod around with fat women which has this done. There are just a few fat women in Skyrim with that mod. Might be a beginning for you. If you are especially talking about the (breast)size of the women, maybe you can download a clothing overhaul that replaces all the vanilla clothing with custom skeleton clothes (I know most of these overhauls are skimpy overhauls, causing all Skyrim to look like some kind of p*rn heaven, but there are a few clothing overhauls that just increase size and don't change the way clothes look furthermore). After that you might dive in CK and change height and size of as much NPC's as you like.
  7. Thanks a lot for your help, really appreciate that! I tried to follow your advice but I can't even get the quoted instructions done. Turns out that I REALLY am an extreme fool with these programs unfortunately. Unless someone talks me through the process step by step (heck, more like 'click this button, now click that button') it's not gonna work. Let's edit the opening post to 'would someone (with too much time on his/her hands) be so generous to this for me, for the reward of unlimited good karma. And ofcourse your name in the credits when the mesh is releashed in public' :tongue:
  8. Hi, I searched all over the forums to see if this already exists but it doesn't. I'd like to have a small/average player house (companion friendly, so navmeshed) inside Solitude. I prefer to live in a city so the house mods in the Solitude area (there aren't much either!) don't really fit my needs. I know that I can buy Proudspire Manor but I just don't like houses so big and luxury. It doesn't have to be a crappy shack, but just a small cabin or two or three room house in the Solitude 'living area' (not in a wall/cave/underground) would be great. special note: I use this mod and would like to keep it that way, so it would be nice if it was compatible with it: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23643 So if you think about creating a house mod, why not placing it safe behind the Solitude walls? :whistling:
  9. Hi folks, After doing several attemps to convert an existing custom hairstyle from Oblivion to Skyrim with the help of some (not specific usefull) tutorials I gave up and decided to ask for some help. So far I didn't find it, so I'll try it here. As the topic description says, I have a hair model from Oblivion which I like to see in Skyrim, but I'm really a noob with The Conformulator, Nifskope/3d Max etc. I tried for days but I simply don't have enough skills or time to learn this stuff. I DO have permission from the original author but he doesn't have time to do it either. I would be very gratefull if someone with some mesh-experience could help me out. Just by giving some instructions, or I can send the meshes to you if it's doesn't take too much time to do this. Please let me know. For now, thanks in advance. -edit- Turns out I really am too clumsy for this, so 'would someone (with too much time on his/her hands) be so generous to this for me, for the reward of unlimited good karma. And ofcourse your name in the credits when the mesh is releashed in public' :P
  10. I support this one. Really has to be made.
  11. Tnx Janus that worked, I manged to get the Quest started, everything is fine now.
  12. Title says it all I guess. After Alduins wall Delphine should suggest you to invite some companions to join the blades. However, she didn't! I'm done with the main quest now and the restore-the-blades quest doesn't start, and I can't find a quest-id to start it manually. Note: This is the second time I completed the main quest. In my first play through last year I DID have the restore-the-blades quest.
  13. Hi there, I just ran into this problem. First of all I need to admit that I have no idea what I'm doing with these programs Nifskope and 3D Max. I try to re-create an Oblivion hairstyle in Skyrim, in fact, I'm just trying to replace a downloaded custom hairstyle with another, since I thought that would be easier. If I just replace the meshes in the Skyrim data folder the CK says that the mesh is too old. So I converted the .nif to .obj and saved this to a new .nif with 3dMax. However, in this process the 'entries' in the mesh that place the mesh on top of the head get lost. Now, if I just replace the hair.nif with the new hair.nif the game uses the original haircut, so I need to replace the hairline.nif too. If I replace also this one with my new mesh (without 'entries') the character ends up bald. Main problem: I have to add 'entries' to the mesh, OR replace an excisting, working, hair model with the new one without losing the 'entries'. How in the world do I have to do this. Is there some step by step tutorial around how to work with these programs? It looks to me as if it is just 10 minutes work, IF one nows how to do it. Thanks in advance!
  14. I can't imagine I'm the only one thinking about this. I'd like to see pants come back to Skyrim, as they were in Oblivion. No longer pants and shirts in one piece, or skirts or tunics for men. There are plenty of nice clothing mods for women already, but there's nothing for men. Anyone feel skilled enough to create some nice things?
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