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  1. Perhaps "NexMO"... You know, kind of like next nexus mod organizer?... Meh, sounds weird out loud.
  2. Something new I have noticed with SSE is the new sprint. It works like Fallout 4 no surprise where the sprint key is a toggle, not a press and hold to sprint. Cool, I like that, but I noticed that while sprinting, you cannot jump. Not sure how easy or complex it would be but I would love to be able to jump while sprinting.
  3. Another thing I found while testing was adjusting the Large Object Distance and Object Fade in the launcher options --> Advanced --> View Distance tab made a fairly large FPS difference. Could be worth trying to lower those and see if it helps.
  4. Good Find. What refresh rate is your monitor? I'm wondering, if I disable vsync and enable Gsync, if the physics will get all crazy since my monitor is 144Hz and my FPS will be well above 60fps. I run an Acer Predator XB1 at 144Hz. I havnt had any issues so far with the havok engine or any other part of the game so far with over 60fps... I did in Fallout 4 but nothing so far in SSE.
  5. OK! Solution! I found the issue to be when G-Sync was enabled, while vsync was also enabled. The fix was to disable one of the two... I chose vsync. To do so go into your SkyrimPrefs.ini for SE. (C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimPrefs.ini) Open with notepad or any text editor. CTRL+F for find and search for "Snyc" Change iVSyncPresentInterval=1 to iVSyncPresentInterval=0 Save and done. Also the latest nvidia drivers did not resolve the issue for me. (375.70)
  6. I can confirm that G-Sync is the culpret! Enabled in both full screen and windowed, 9 FPS. Disabled Gysnc 70+ FPS. Going to give the new drivers a try and see if it resolves it!
  7. I do run an acer XB1 at 144hz with gsync. I didn't think of it last night but I would bet running the game over 60fps will cause some jankiness. Does anyone know for sure if the game engine is tied to the FPS like Fallout 4? When I get back from work today I will try fiddling with FPS and gsync....
  8. Odd, I think the issue might be related to water... My testing point is right outside Riverwood looking over some water since that is a spot I know the FPS is a constant 9. I tried to grab some screens but it looks like during the stutter, the water texture seems to "Smear" together. Not sure if this kind of shows it but here are some screenshots I got of it... Take a look at the water in the bottom left corner. Normal https://1drv.ms/i/s!Am7-5qNQS34pgb9nqzzjJiAGinP5Qg Smeared https://1drv.ms/i/s!Am7-5qNQS34pgb9mFbctXL9im4JcZg
  9. I'm currently working on troubleshooting this one for me.... Titan X and 3930k. Both on custom water and OC'd the snot out of. Something I have noticed so far is at some points outside, the GPU and CPU utilization drops no almost nothing and the frame rate is a constant to 9 fps. Simply turning 90 degrees to the side and boom, GPU maxes out and up to 90+ FPS. 1440p ultra settings here. Did no changes to the settings or any ini... Simply started the game, auto-detected settings and boom, stutters. Some people mentioned turning god rays to medium, but that had no effect. I did test with the lowest possible settings and it did fix it, so my hunch is one of the graphical settings is giving it issues.
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