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Posts posted by jacobhibbard12345

  1. i have been working on a overhaul mod but i have ran into a wall interms if i try to load up any exterior locations centered around riften whiterun morthal falkreath and windhelm the ck instantly crashes this has made it extremely difficult to take skyrim server thousand years back to a time when their were no cities in skyrim and every buddy were hunter gatherers simaler to cave men the roads have been removed thanks to a modders resource that removes all of the roads i have removed most of the villages and farms changed up the factions and made the big ones like the empire and stormcloaks minor factions as their are no major factions in my reimagined stone age version of skyrim

  2. my mod was originaly published under the name shipwreck island on the steam workshop which was plagued by bugs which i completely rebuilt from the ground up by fixing all the game breaking bugs and other problems and decided to republish it under a different name yanderfell i do have another hightmap set up which is roughly 10 by 10 kilometers which coincidentally was the same island arma 3 uses

  3. another thing on the world space is that both arma 3 and previous elder scrolls games make worlds that are a lot bigger than 37 square kilometers which is about the size of skyrim but much of skyrim is unplayable do to vast mountains arma 3's vanilla world space altis is about 210 square kilometers and one of its latest dlc set in cold war Germany is about 400 square kilometers and its second biggest community made map Australia is about 1500 by 1500 square kilometers while its first biggest community made map south east Asia is 3000 by 3000 square kilometers


    so what was that about worlds in any game not being that big

  4. so is it possible to create a mod in unity and turn it into a esp or esm


    because i was looking at making a mmo mod using ummorpg from asset store because i was looking at potentiality porting all of my actors and stuff to unity and build it then turn it into a skyrim mod also another reason is the world space im doing is about 18x bigger than skyrim and would there for make much of the world space unusable


    to port my own actors and stuff out of ck is that legal because they were built are being built and will be built in ck and weapons wise and armor will come from modders resource that allow it




    [quolte name=DoctorKaizeld" post="69927553" timestamp="1557278034]uh... this is fantasy Nords. as it is fantasy then rule of cool beats real-world history.



    My post was not to complain about historical inaccuracies



    The game is awesome just the way it is it is even more fun with mods Thier is a endless amount of content being released some good some just horrible


    My post was made to guide people in the right direction with providing those who want to make Skyrim historically accurate with the proper information behind Skyrim historical setting not in the wrong direction like sons of Skyrim

  6. in skyrim time period and cultural setting their were in fact females. skyrim is set in the Nordic/viking culture in which

    their were females unlike mods that suggest their were no females ever like sons of skyrim mod which people think is historically accurate but is in fact not because women served in the viking tribes as shield maddens and were very skilled warriors and served a critical role on the battlefield sons of skyrim is one of many historically inaccurate mod aiming to be historically accurate but are not do to a lack of proper information


    here is some good information to go by


    if you think a horned helmet is accurate than you are horribly missed informed and that is uh unfortunate

    so read this and other sources like this(i'm a history nerd and i have a very high iq so i know the proper versus improper information) anything they says viking helmets had horns should not be read as proper information because its not



    vikings were not traders and pilgrims trying to escape persecution from the Catholics as a user suggested on the sons of skyrim topic they were in fact their own group from a completely different part of Europe the vikings(Scandinavia Iceland and for a brief time Canada) were their own culture, religion(vikings(Scandinavia) war shipped Odin,Thor,Freya,Balder,Loki ect while the Catholics(Britain Spain France ect) war shipped one god and the son of god" Jesus") and group which were larger and stronger than Europeans from mid and southern Europe(Britain Ireland Spain France Portugal Italy Greece ect)

    also the helmets used are simaler to the helmets used by the storm cloaks and guards not that horned helmet seen on cartoons like "how to train your dragon"(would like to see Toothless in skyrim or a proper astrid as in a replica from the movie made a good replica but cant seem to get the textures to show properly on the model:( ) your best bet is to base a helmet off of a helmet shown on the TV show vikings on the history channel or amazon prime(if they show one cant remember, but they had to have shown one at least twice right?) or search up a picture although it is going to come up with one or two accurate results a few semi accurate results and thousands of completely non accurate results



    just some information from early or would be modders that want to create something historically accurate and accidentally end up messing up on actual history because the lack of proper information involving the Nordic/viking setting of skyrim

  7. so i have this small problem ok so i finnish my settlement mod but when i went to upload to ps4 it said workshopscript.pex and another one which where local not external were external scripts that the mod cant be uploaded to ps4 when i first started to make mods it would give me the option to remove those files i tried this with pc it gave me the option but it did not give me the option for ps4 it just gave me an error

  8. i know this is a old topic but where do i find the size of my hightmap and where is the area where it says "-x -16 -y -16"


    30. Open Notepad and paste the following into it "tesannwyn -i Skyrim -w WorldspaceName -p 1 -b 16 -d 1024x1024 -h -8192 -x -16 -y -16 HeightmapName.raw" (without the quotes of course). In the place where it says "WorldspaceName" put in the name of the worldspace you are creating. Where it says "HeightmapName" put in the name of the RAW file you exported form L3DT. Where it says 1024x1024, change that to the size that your heightmap is. (The heightmap I created was 1024x1024 so I used that). In the area where it says "-x -16 -y -16" you need to take the size of your heightmap and divide it by negative 64 and put those values after the "-x" and the "-y". Since my heigtmap was 1024x1024, my values are 1024/-64= -16

  9. i know this is a old topic but where do i find the size of my hightmap and where is the area where it says "-x -16 -y -16"


    30. Open Notepad and paste the following into it "tesannwyn -i Skyrim -w WorldspaceName -p 1 -b 16 -d 1024x1024 -h -8192 -x -16 -y -16 HeightmapName.raw" (without the quotes of course). In the place where it says "WorldspaceName" put in the name of the worldspace you are creating. Where it says "HeightmapName" put in the name of the RAW file you exported form L3DT. Where it says 1024x1024, change that to the size that your heightmap is. (The heightmap I created was 1024x1024 so I used that). In the area where it says "-x -16 -y -16" you need to take the size of your heightmap and divide it by negative 64 and put those values after the "-x" and the "-y". Since my heigtmap was 1024x1024, my values are 1024/-64= -16

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